My Super Estate

Question 2438 ?

Chapter two hundred and thirty-four chapter public and unfair??

Golden Dragon??

All people, including Wang Yang, tried their best to stare their eyes to the maximum.

They want to make sure that what they see is true?

Watching the luck golden dragon fly back and forth, and then directly into the body of the purple yarn dragon king, it also made countless people, bursts of grief in my heart.

"No, how could this be?"

Being human beings and unanimously external, no one dared to kill each other.Now, this purple yarn dragon king, beheaded and beheaded dozens of people, not only did not die, but also can get the golden dragon of luck??

Why is it unfair?

"Injustice, God injustice!!! Injustice!!!"

Finally, someone called out loudly in anger.

His son, his most prosperous son, the most powerful son, just now, just in front of his own eyes, was slain by those damn dragons, the damn purple yarn dragon king.Nowadays, it is not only that she is punished by the sky to die, but she is also given the golden dragon of luck to help her luck.

Why is heaven unfair??

"Ah, the Dragon people, I will never let you go..."

The grief and indignation in the heart is difficult to calm down, and evil comes from the heart, carrying the Excalibur in his hand, and attacking the Dragon Race.

"court death!!"

The dragon people have at least dozens of hundreds of people, each of which is not weak. Among them, there are three universe overlords.

I saw the three cosmic overlords, standing side by side, guarding against death, staring at all people, anyone who dares to have wings spread, they will definitely give the most severe blow.

The strength of the swordsman is not weak. His son is a cosmic overlord. With the help of his son, he succeeded in promoting a cosmic kingdom.

However, such strength, even dare to attack the position of the Dragon people?

It was death.

"Dare to be presumptuous?"

The dragon family, three cosmic overlords, prestigious prestige, a cosmic kingdom master, and even a supernatural doppelganger, there is no, even dare to come and wanton?

court death!

In the heart, he scolded a cosmic overlord, took a step forward, and shot decisively towards the swordsman.

The Dragon people are really overbearing in their actions.

The former Purple Sacred Dragon King, as soon as he shot, was to open a killing ring, which was directly to punish the luck of the day, all for provoke.

Now, this guy is not a good person. His shot is neither light nor heavy, and he just beats him to death.

The huge dragon claw is like a mountain and a mountain. It carries a burst of breath. Even if it is a cosmic sovereign, it has limited talents and it is difficult to improve. Even if it is to achieve this strength, it is also to ask for your own son. withstand?


Naturally, the Dragon Claw has a strong momentum, and it is not enough. This cosmic sovereign is already difficult to advance half a step. Even under the impetus of the strength, the whole body naturally glides backwards.

However, even so, the overbearing dragon claw is also amazingly fast, as if it can break through the distance of the void, in a completely unreasonable way, before killing this king of the universe, and then, it broke through from his chest. .


Then, there is no more then.

A lord of the universe, under his command, controls a side of the universe, and hundreds of millions of souls are all in his body.Today, this cosmic sovereign is directly beheaded. The cosmic kingdom is not under the control of the cosmic sovereign, and once a cosmic storm strikes, it is bound to be difficult to resist.

I'm afraid, but I don't know how many souls are going to be in a cosmic storm and have no life.

"Here, has this dragon family always been so overbearing?"

This, this is a very young person, but his strength is not too weak.

He is under the command of the Golden Lion, and is a master of the high-level star domain. Before the change, he all looked at it, and he was punished that day and was scared back.

"It's true that his dragon family is not only occupying the entrance of the valley, but also killing.

This god, it's not fair. How can there be no punishment, just kill them??"


Wang Yang sneered and said, "Don't talk about fairness.

This world, this world, everything is fair."

"How is it possible? If, this world is really so fair, how could someone be so arrogant, but never get punished."

This is a very interesting person, at least, Wang Yang thinks so.

He is a master of the upper star field, a strong man who has truly stepped into the ranks of the universe, but he has raised such a question.

Is there fairness in this world?

For the past five hundred years, everyone has been a farmer who robbed the ground, but some people, they are content with the status quo and do not want to make progress. They are content with the status quo, they only ask for food and clothing for a while, and do not seek vigorousness.

Some people, however, are unwilling to go back to the status quo. They have the courage to rebut, the courage to resist, and the courage to use their lives to fight for the slightest possibility and the hope.They are holding their lives and fighting, just for such a glimmer of hope, to fight for a wonderful tomorrow.

Two different choices, two different lives, five hundred years later, one is on top of the dignitaries, and one is still in the field, watching the sky to eat, looking at people's faces, and even, life is getting poorer and harder. More and more difficult.

Is this the fairness you want?

Wang Yang sneered.

The Purple Sacred Dragon King, although a female prodigal, was a decisive shot, killing everyone who dared to offend.

Even if the punishment is increased, what can we do?

After the day's punishment, it was sunny after the rain, and the rainbow was still so bright.

The advent of the golden dragon of luck will inevitably make the luck more prosperous, and it will naturally be better tomorrow.

In contrast, if you can jump out some of the most top overlords, for the human race, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, why not?

"Human Terran Dao needs to be a balance, luck and punishment, and limit is a boundary.

In this world, there are too many mediocrities and too few elites. If you can make up for it, it is not necessary."

Wang Yang said coldly.

Sure enough, the dragon family has retreated, and the entrance to the valley is no longer restricted.

However, the Dragon Clan has left, and the Hundred-War God Clan has filled it up.

"Well, what do these mean?"

Someone exclaimed.

Just walked a dragon family, now, you battle gods, and blocked the road?

What do you mean by saying that you must also kill a group, commit a risk and plunder a group of luck?

If we can get to this step today, there will naturally be no fools.

It's just that such a result makes everyone uproar.

Is the current society really so desperate?

All the powerful forces jumped out one by one to kill their own people, plunder luck, and strengthen themselves?

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