My Super Estate

Question 2439

Chapter two hundred and forty-two

The Dragon Clan has retreated, and the Hundred-War God Clan blocked it again.

A crowd of scattered soldiers swam bravely, and now there was grief and indignation.


Wang Yang can't stand it anymore. There are three hell dogs in this valley, which is the only chance to get the information of the fairy sword.

These guys, don't hurry in, are you still blocking the road here?

What is even more excessive is that these guys, in order to obtain a greater chance, even came up with the idea of ​​plundering human race luck and massacre the human race strong.

How can Wang Yang's majestic man sit idly by?

"who are you??"

"Who I am, it doesn't matter, but your actions are really too much. With your own strength, you have slaughtered the strong human race. What is the difference between this behavior and the Demon Race?

For a long time, wouldn't our human race separate from Germany and fall apart?Do you want to be sinners of my human race?

In other words, do you think that you can stand alone against those demons who enjoy slaughter?"

The voice was hoarse, and in his eyes, he was not disappointed. Naturally, there was a trace of tears falling slowly.

Even, naturally, there was a trace of grief and anger around Wang Yang, which turned into a very mysterious aura.

"You know, how difficult is it for us, the human race, to get to this point?

Our human race is born with insufficiency, inferior to apes, jumping to monkeys, running to leopards, swimming to fish, flying to birds, rats to rats, and dogs to grow.

What can our human race rely on, step by step, to the present in a situation where everything is not good?

Are you such a self-righteous killer?

It is unity, we can get to the point where we are today, only because we are united enough, but only because we are united in all strengths."

"what are you talking about??"

The King of Warlords looked at Wang Yang, and his eyes were impatient.

He just wanted to plunder a lot of luck, but, who would have thought that at this time, there would be such an existence, so that he would be so blocked in front of himself, and then, just like this, he just counted himself, just It seems that he really is so unforgivable, and is so guilty of death.

"Damn bastard, you die to this seat!!"

Inexplicably, I felt that I was feeling uncomfortable, and I felt that I looked down on myself.

It was as if he was really so disgusting and so sad.

The God of Wars, of course, he knows how strong he is in his heart and mind, how can he be so steadfast in his heart because he said a few words?

The only possibility is that this guy in front of him has exerted some means and influenced his mood.

A quick glance at the left and right. Sure enough, the entire Protoss, except oneself, was all bursting with tears, one by one, all with shame on his face. The mana up and down the body had no effect at all.

"You, you wake up!!"

"Drink, wake me up!"

It's just that no matter how he yelled, all the clan of the Hundred-War God Clan, one by one, didn't have any movement at all, just as if they were in a demon.


The god of wars suddenly jumped in his heart, suddenly turned his head, looked at Wang Yang, and in his eyes, there was a cold killing intention.

"Are you even using a demon-like method?"


As a god of war, fighting has always been my favorite, but it is also an instinct.

The sword in his hand crossed a rainbow of light toward Wang Yang, and the fierce one was cut off.


Without the blessings of the numerous tribes of the God of War, do you think your strength is much stronger than mine?"

Wang Yang laughed.

Just now, he really exerted the power of the heart demon Black Lotus, and then, guided by his own will, turned into a field of sadness.

Wang Yang just wanted to enter because Sun Dasheng had already entered. Whatever he did, he could not fall behind!

However, this damn God of War is actually blocked in front of the valley, and everyone is not allowed to enter.

Isn't this something for yourself?

A dragon family is already the limit of your own patience. Your God of War, you have come to learn something. Isn't this adding to yourself?

"Huh, without the blessing of the clan, you can still beheaded."

The sword in his hand cut thousands of layers of powerful waves, and the powerful sword gas turned into a river of swords, which overlapped and overlapped toward Wang Yang, and fell down.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Wang Yang sneered.

The Clan of Wars, with the blessings of the clan, your strength is of course extremely powerful, but, you are an area of ​​the King of Wars, is your strength more powerful than mine?

How dare you fight me alone?

"The chemical field!!!"

The Dahua Avenue is the avenue pioneered by Wang Yang. The Dahua Avenue is the third avenue he condensed into.

Taking Wang Yang as the center, naturally, it is transformed into a special field. Within the field, all kinds of avenue signs are transformed into a large array.

Within the large array, all kinds of earth and stone, all kinds of water vapor, and all kinds of plants, suddenly, naturally, there were a lot of screams, even the sword in the hands of the god of war, there was a sound.

"Bad guys, bad guys want to bully us, bad guys want to bully us, we beat bad guys, we beat bad guys!"

The language is very simple, but it can be seen that the earth is constantly changing. Then, you can see that a big yellow-colored hand is directly photographed towards the King of War.

In the end, the God of War is the warlord of all wars. Even in the face of such changes, he is still unhurried and slashed towards the big yellow hand.

"Beat bad guys, beat bad guys!"

The sword in the hands of the god of war is suddenly alive. Then, he turned a corner and slashed hard toward the king of war.

Frightened, the King of Gods of War quickly released his sword.

At the same time, the God of War is secretly alert.

He felt that this particular field was very magical. If he was in it, it seemed that the gods were angry.

However, the chemical field contains a special chemical road, and where is so easy to solve?

I saw that he had just fired his war sword to the gun. Then, he could see that his robes, even with their own consciousness, tightened in bursts, and it seemed that he wanted to be the whole of him. Swallow.

"Damn it, get out!!"

Feeling that even the Tabard of Lien had already become his own enemy, the King of Hundred Wars scolded indignantly.

"Haha, King of Wars, you play slowly!"

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