My Super Estate

Question 2467

Chapter 2370 Trap

"Where to go?"

After the space is broken, it is into the chaos.

However, this rooftop world is very miraculous, breaking through the space, it turned out to be a layer of thunder world.

In fact, this is the real mezzanine of the world. The nine-layer Thunderworld always surrounds the entire world, that is, to protect the world, and also belongs to a world avenue.

This is a land of thunder. Similarly, this is a land of turbulence.

Looking around, the whole world is full of thunder.

It's just that in such a thunder world, there is no such kind of majestic array of warriors.

In the Thunder Realm Heaven, Wang Yang definitely did not come in once, but before, every time Wang Yang entered the Thunder Realm Heaven, he was surrounded by the soldiers of the day. Every time, he was targeted by the whole world.

However, now, once again entering this thunder world, it seems to have entered a sea.All around, it was all seawater formed by thunder, but this seawater lost the violent high temperature and could not let the whole seawater boil.

Although this kind of thunder world is still so dangerous, the general emperors are afraid to set foot easily, but for people at Wang Yang's level, this is like getting fish out of water, and there will be no discomfort at all. .

The two turned into two waves of escape and fled away in the thunder day.Behind them, there were many terrible breaths leaping.

"'Zhang Renyi', you can't escape."

Wang Yang shouted again and again, this time, he has made up his mind that he must capture this guy for himself.

If you want to fight for the avenues, you must belong to similar avenues, otherwise, it will inevitably cause avenue impact.

Wang Yang is taking the Dahua Avenue, then, if he wants to start a fight with others, then he must belong to the Dahua Avenue.

Unless, one day, he becomes a Taoist master, so he can suppress the impact of Dadao.

Sensing the many breaths behind him, Wang Yang sneered.

Finally, in front of it, Zhang Renyi, who had been escaping, slowed down.

"Why don't you finally escape?

Could it be that you want to surrender?"

In such a short period of time, at their speed, I am afraid that they have already escaped tens of billions of miles away.

The so-called speed of light, within the world, they may not reach, but, in this thunder world, their speed, just, has already exceeded.


Lord Sifang, in the end you follow.

Being caught up by Wang Yang, Zhang Renyi didn't have any worries, let alone fear.

Even, there is no such thing as timidity, and some are just happy, just excited.

As if he had fought a huge victory.

"Oh, what's the matter, could it be, you have to tell me, here, are there any traps you can't make?"

Without strong power, it is impossible to stay in the Thunder Realm.

The thunder world is mysterious and unpredictable. Similarly, the terrain is also complicated. Various mountains and various environments are endless.

This is an underwater world.

Quickly glanced over, the basic situation has been controlled.

Here, it is a high mountain within the thunder world. There are many such high mountains around, and it feels like a million mountains.

However, in such a world, naturally, it is covered by endless thunder, and the visibility is not high, even the perception is not so high.

Faintly, I could only see the tall mountains.

"Huh, these mountains?"

Wang Yang felt a little surprised.

Because, he felt that the whole mountain seemed to be alive.

Reaching the level of cosmic overlords, even if their physical bodies are not large, as long as the power reacts, it also distorts the surrounding void, revealing a huge body of millions of feet.

Therefore, some tall hills are simply a small toy in their eyes.

Because they need to be able to distort the void, enlarge their bodies, and also distort the space, turning the entire huge mountain into a small stone.

However, looking here, there are millions of mountains, giving Wang Yang a feeling, this turned out to be all life.

This is a bit scary.

"All these are your means??"

If it is just such a trap, then Wang Yang can be disappointed.

This'Zhang Renyi' created the puppet avenue. He is the master of the puppet avenue. Of course, he should be a huge number of puppets, all kinds of which are inexhaustible.

However, in the previous battle, only a few puppets, he chose to escape, which is too bad.

"However, it also makes sense.

Million Mountain, just don't know, what is the strength of Million Mountain, can it withstand my attack?"

"Haha, the lord of the Quartet, this time, you can't escape without wings!"

"Oh, such a big confidence?

Could it be that there are other strong men behind you that did not appear?"

Puppet, after all, it's just puppet, your way, just that way, you can't, your way, just the third step, your puppet, directly reached the level of consummation of the avenue!

Really want this, you can't support it!

"Haha, in Sword Valley, you have to bless the strength of Sword Valley, and the power has soared extremely, but when you first entered the third level, the strength of the fourth level broke out.

Now, here, has been far away from Jiangu, how much power can you exert?

What's more, do you think that your enemy is only Lao Tzu?

You are wrong, you are too small to look at the temptation of the fairy sword.

When you arrogantly send the message of the fairy sword, whether you get it or not, then you are destined to become the enemy of the whole world.

Heaven and earth, you have no place to stay."

"Yes, Lord Sifang, you can do it!"

"Heroes of the battles, here the lord of the Quartet, let me lose my life to the elites of the Protoss!"

"Haha, Lord of the Quartet, you are too arrogant, do you think that my dragon family is only my purple yarn dragon king?

Today, let's see how you can escape your life surrounded by me!"

'Zhang Renyi' appeared a few figures quickly around him.

Moreover, there are still a few, so familiar.

"Nine Dead Demon King?

How can you survive?"

When the Purple Dragon Dragon appeared, Wang Yang was not surprised at all, because at the beginning, he just felt that there was a force of terror in the thunder that the Purple Dragon Dragon had transformed, and he would stop attacking, otherwise, he would have been a long time ago. Gave it.

But, what does this Nine Dead Demon King mean?Obviously, he had already beheaded him, and even luckily robbed him.

Otherwise, how can you get such a huge benefit?

However, the luck has been plundered by himself, he is nine dead demon king, how come he has not died yet?

What a hero in battle?Even, being the strong of the dragon family, even the other demon strong, he has no accident.

He believes that there is no fool in this world because he is not a fool.

Jiangu has blessed his strength, which is obvious, and no one can see it.

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