My Super Estate

Question 2468

Chapter two thousand three hundred and seventy-one

This time there are ten strong men.

Among them, the purple yarn dragon king is the weakest series, because, even if it breaks out, she will definitely not exceed the third step, otherwise, she will not be nearly killed by herself before.

However, beside her, there is a very terrible existence, because that is an existence that has entered the fourth step.

An existence that has successfully entered the fourth step, no one knows, whether he will, what explosive means, because, the previous killing devil, nine dead devil, etc. directly broke out the fourth The power of the stairs.

There are two battle gods, one is a battle hero, but there is one beside him, more terrible than him.

Therefore, the purple yarn dragon king who was once sturdy and utterly confused has become the weakest.

However, beside her, there are also two strong men from the dragon family, one by one, with a very magnificent momentum, which will not be worse than the arrogant hero of a hundred battles.

There are two Clan of Gods of War, three of the Dragon Clan, one of Zhang Renyi, and four of the Clan of Demons.

"This time, it's a bit overwhelming."

One by one, even if it is the weakest purple yarn dragon king, it belongs to the top strong, at least, at the third step, her strength is already top.

Wang Yang will not forget that he is only a third-tier existence. If he did not open up a derivative route, he could not be his opponent.

"How could you survive?

I've obviously robbed you of luck, shouldn't you already be dead?"

This is a very big question. Wang Yang felt that it would be better to ask him clearly. In case, later, he successfully beheaded him. As a result, an oversight, he lived again, and then, the hapless one is himself Too.

"Haha, are you the name of the Nine Dead Demon King, did you call it in vain?"

The Nine-Dead Demon King laughed, as if he didn't care about his own death.

It’s just that the rich murderousness of his body is unstoppable, and the thunder around him, the whole ground, is given to

"Do it!"

Nine Dead Demon King is still laughing, over there,'Zhang Renyi' has already started.

I saw that millions of mountains, in a blink of an eye, are continuously changing, and in an instant, the entire world is blocked, all are blocked.

"This, this is a blockade!"

This'Zhang Renyi' is really not a thing. He arranged millions of mountains, but instead of forming a puppet and joining the battle, he arranged a huge blockade.

Wang Yang clenched his fist, toward the void, directly hitting him with a punch.


Even if it is Thunder World, under the power of Wang Yang, there is nothing that can bear it.

Even if this rooftop world is very special, it has a great relationship with the real world, but it is also very difficult to break the space with one punch.

However, in fact, it was Wang Yang's punch, which really did not break this space.


Lord Sifang, you give up!Even if there is an extremely long walk on the fourth step, it is impossible to break this space.

You want to break it, delusion!"

'Zhang Renyi' was very confident. He even laughed when he saw that Wang Yang wanted to break the space with a punch.

"Huh, you can't escape this time!"

The Nine Dead Demon King couldn't help it first.

He will not forget that he was killed by this guy with a sword.

Although, on the surface, he was extremely proud, because not only did he not die, he watched, even his luck had recovered, but only he knew what he had paid.

If the lord of the Quartet cannot be beheaded, how can he recover his contribution?

Nine Dead Demon King, carrying a very embarrassing magic knife in his hand.

The zigzag blade seems to be the life that can harvest the soul at any time, just the present world, it already has a side world, and naturally opens.

Then, you can see that a great force, which can be called horror, is integrated into the blade of the Nine Deaths, and when it comes to the head, it is slashing towards Wang Yang.

"Here, there is no sword valley blessing you on the road, and how do you resist it?"

The Nine Dead Demon King will never be convinced. Before, he and others, together with the seven masters, were all beheaded by the four masters.

I have waited for all the people, at least all of them can explode the fourth level of combat power. These four-party rulers are only the existence of the third level, and they do not have the background of these people. If they have the power of sword valley How could it be so powerful?

"Come well!"

Wang Yangyi was not afraid, but by the magic blade that he was chopping up against him, it was a sword.

"Humph, don't do it yourself!"

Seeing that Wang Yang was unavoidable and wanted to bump into the head, Zisha Dragon King sneered.

She knows the strength of the Sifang Kingdom Master. At first, he faced the God of Hundred Wars with all his means. Finally, he faced the three old men of Hundred Wars and fled in despair.

His strength, at most, is the third step limit, even if it is better than himself, it will never exceed too much.

At present, the Nine Dead Demon King has at least the fourth level of strength. Does he even want to resist?

Could it be a joke!

Resist, how to resist, what to resist?

The dark magic blade, and the thick sword spirit, violently launched a contest.

The strength of Wang Yang, the lord of the Quartet, is all in this contest.

No longer disdained in the hearts of Purple Saskatchewan, at this time, they were also staring at the beautiful eyes, watching this, as if there were no suspenseful contests.

"Why haven't you touched yet?"

Both, one by one, are cosmic overlords, how fast is it?However, for the purple yarn dragon king, it is still the same as the year.

She will not forget that she is also a third step person.

If the lord of the Quartet succeeds in taking over this blade, then, in the next battle, I am afraid that he will be extremely dangerous.

"hurry up……"

Obviously, both sides are cosmic overlords, and the speed of confrontation is extremely fast. The Purple Dragon King still feels so slow.So much so, she kept talking in her heart.

at last……

In the midst of everyone's thoughts, the contest between the two cosmic overlords finally began.

Both are the third-level cosmic overlords, but the Nine Death Demon King holds the treasure from the Nine Death Demon God, and his strength has greatly improved.

The lord of the Quartet is not bad. His strength has always been a mystery. He looks at it as the third step. In fact, in his hands, he has been stained with too much blood, one by one, no one is weak, no With the treasure of companionship, there are all kinds of taboo methods. Under the outbreak, the strongest on the fourth step must also drink hatred.

Between them, who is stronger or weaker?

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