My Super Estate

Question 2480

Chapter Two Three Three Eighty Three Conspiracy

This is a very ordinary valley, but this valley also has an unusual place, that is, facing the valley mouth, there is a wonderful mountain.

This is a sword mountain.

Looking from afar, Jianshan, like a sword with heavenly heavens, naturally contains a trace of sword rhyme.

"What a wonderful sword mountain, as long as the talent is fair and the perception is good, sitting in front of the sword mountain naturally can step into the sword realm."

In the realm of swords, Wang Yang has entered the level of palm seals, with Dao Yin ranking third.

However, Dao Realm is supreme, Dao Realm is unique, Dao Realm is infinite.

One is ten thousand, and ten thousand is one.

In the same avenue, the difference of one person is ten thousand steps away, and it cannot be calculated at all.

You can be approached indefinitely, but if you have no chance, you won’t get the approval of the avenue, then you will never have a moment to step on.

The avenue dispute is to obtain the avenue recognition right, and it is also the avenue dispute of the avenue.

At this time, on this sword mountain, Wang Yang actually saw the sword rhythm of the sword. As long as he sits quietly, he can help others step into the sword way.

"Is there such a holy place between heaven and earth?"

Apart from the shock, Wang Yang couldn't help but want to ask himself a question.

Before the small valley, you can hear the sound of the sword, and you will be favored by the Avenue of the Sword, because you are lucky.

But now, what is going on?

A sword mountain, anyone can sit in the realm of sword after sitting quietly?

Luck is a bridge, a bridge that connects avenues.

Without huge air transportation support, you will be completely isolated from the Tiandi Avenue, and it is impossible to communicate with the Avenue, let alone be favored by the Avenue.

Even, your bad luck is declining, even if the sky is angry and resentful, it is all natural.

"Alright, I want to see it."

What kind of conspiracy is there?

With that said, Wang Yang seemed to inadvertently glance at the master of the law-breaking universe, and took a step towards walking towards that sword mountain.

The puppet avenue merged, which greatly increased Wang Yang's strength and easily entered the fourth step of the avenue.

However, this is not the limit. On the contrary, in the universe of heaven and earth, as long as the puppet avenger exists for a day, his way will have a day to climb.

He is the master of Puppet Avenue. In the universe of heaven and earth, all puppet practitioners, all kinds of feelings, naturally, are integrated into him.

With the circumstance integration, the Dahua Avenue will naturally improve (compared to the Sifangxing District, many geniuses are generally the same).

All these have given him great confidence and inspired his greater ambitions.

It is an impossible thing to achieve the master of the sword avenue, but it is his greatest pursuit to achieve the master of the epee sword avenue.

As long as the person who cultivates the Epee Avenue exists in the universe of heaven and earth for a day, his way of doing things will never stop.

Such benefits are too great, and he can't ignore them.

As for the danger?

Where is there no danger in the universe of heaven and earth?Do you know that danger and chance are not together?

Finally, Wang Yang has stepped into the foot of Jianshan.


Sure enough, the lord of the Quartet, you really came!!"

Just sitting down, not yet meditating and understanding, suddenly, arrogant laughter naturally sounded.


With a sigh, an inexpressible regret.

Although I have long been aware that things are coming, there are still infinite regrets.

Standing up and staring straight ahead, Wang Yang said: "Which friend, since such a game is put out, why not show up?"

There, it was obviously empty, but Wang Yang's eyes were fixed on that place.

It seemed that he firmly believed that this guy who refused to show up was there.

This is an intuition, no evidence is needed, and no one needs to be affirmed. As long as you think it is, then it must be.

Sure enough, there was a shadow, from scratch, slowly manifested.Finally, a man wearing a high crown and wearing a Chinese costume.

It's just that his eyes are exuding a bloody color.


Such a magic eye, the magical Sensen, just a glance can make a cosmic sovereign directly fall.

Such demons are rare in the world.

In the previous universe, it would not appear easily.

In fact, in the universe, in the midst of the universe, there are a fixed number of 100,000 lords of the universe and 10,800 universe star zones.

There are only a few people who really stand at the top of the world. Others, with Wang Yang’s current strength, have basically climbed to the top and overlooked the world.

It's just that these days, all kinds of powerful people, seeing more, get used to it.

"I don't know, what is this Demon Clan strong name?

Such a sword mountain is hard to come by. I would like to thank myself in person."

I once listened to the sword's voice, and was favored by Kendo, so a familiar aura would never admit it.

As for the law-breaking universe master?

Since the appearance of this Demon Race, the whole person seems to have turned into a puppet, with respect and respect, and the courtier saw the emperor.

Enslaved the soul, blocked the will, and the whole has been transformed into an alternative puppet.

"You can call me the Demon King of Montenegro.

Hearing that you have been favored by the Avenue of Swords and achieved the palm of the sword.

In the end, it needs to be tasted."

With that said, a sense of thickness like Taishan suddenly broke out on him, and the thickness of the mountain contained a slight sharp breath.

Wang Yang's complexion changed greatly.

"The Epee Way?"

There is only one Taoist in the way of sword, which is unparalleled in the world.However, there are a lot of kendo masters and palm prints.

Create one independently, and the state of the Dao will be reached naturally.

Dao is divided into high and low, and it is also the epee sword. Different people have different levels of strength.

However, as long as it is merged, it will naturally be a hundred feet head and go further.

At this moment, it's not just the Black Mountain Demon King who has great desires. Similarly, Wang Yang's gaze at the other party also becomes naked.

The battle on the road is full of danger, as well as temptation.

Go ahead to dangers.

Every devout seeker is the most terrible lunatic. They have abandoned everything and everything is in line with the Tao.

In the past, Wang Yang did not agree with such crazy actions, and when he saw it, he had to swear: lunatic.But now, he has become one of those crazy.

Chao Wen said, Xi was dead.

"Look, here is where Jianshan is. Don't be too late, otherwise, you missed the chance, I'm afraid, it's too late to regret!"

"Right, that is it!!"


One sentence at a time, all beckoned that Jianshan's temptation wasn't just for Wang Yang alone.

Similarly, it also indicates that there is a great possibility that there will be a large number of sword imprints, even the sword masters.

Variables have been increased.

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