My Super Estate

Question 2481

Chapter two hundred and thirty-four than sword

"Haha, more friends are coming!"

The emergence of more powerful men did not make the Black Mountain Demon King retreat. On the contrary, there was infinite joy in his heart.

It seemed that he had calculated all this.


Wang Yang stared at his eyes.

He also has an invincible meaning in his heart, and he is not afraid of any existence.

How about a few more kendo palm prints?

In other words, how can more powerful people gather?No matter how powerful it is, it is as good as before.

However, he just couldn't get used to the guy in front of him, the feeling that everything seemed to be under his control.

There is always a feeling of'someone is acting in front of me'.

This feeling made Wang Yang very unhappy.


It turned out to be the lord of the Quartet, well, great!!"

"Yes, yes, there are rumors, the Sifang Kingdom Lord won the fairy sword, this seat is very happy, once wanted to taste the sword with it, but just heard that it has been led away by the puppet master, once regretted, now it seems , But you can taste what you want."

Uh, uh...

In a blink of an eye, seven powerful players have already appeared.

The seven strong men, one by one, have extraordinary momentum, or are as violent as fire, as deep as water, or as heavy as a mountain, or as light as the wind.

One by one, even though they have different momentums, they all have a common feature, that is, there is a sword mark on their foreheads.

This is the mark of Kendo, which means that they all have a common identity, the mark of the palm of Kendo.

"Everyone, you have come very well.

What's the matter? You guys have already discussed it and made a game together to lead me to the door?"

Jianshan is not something that ordinary people can get out of it. It must resonate with Jiandao Avenue in order to be so effective.

A Black Mountain Demon King has good strength, but when he wants to make such a sword mountain, he always feels that it seems to have a bad taste.

If these powerful people are all shot together, then it is not known.


Ruin Sword Master, create Ruin Sword Dao, one sword cut, nothing is cut, whether you are a king, or an emperor, whether you are a magic soldier, or a demon god, under a sword, nothing can resist.

Absolute defense?

That is a joke.

"Haha, this lord, destroy the sword lord.

It is heard that the Sifang Kingdom’s defense is unparalleled, and it is very unbelievable. Therefore, this Jianshan also has its own strength. It is to see if your defense is stronger or my broken swordsmanship is stronger."

Of course, he is not idle and has nothing to do, his brain is hot, he just wants to come to the sword.

Since they proclaimed themselves, their actions have been dead, and there is absolutely no possibility of promotion.

However, everything is not absolute.

If he succeeds in achieving the control of one side of the road, even if there is no side of the universe that he has opened up, as long as someone cultivates the road he has created and cultivates into a magical avatar, then, of course, their way of doing things will be promoted from this .

This is their only chance.

Therefore, they must seize every opportunity for promotion.

Moreover, absolute defense?

As long as this absolute defense is broken, your own sword will naturally improve.Hearing someone control absolute defense, how can he not be surprised?

"Oh, destroy Kendo?"

Wang Yang chuckled and said: "You want to talk about it, I'm afraid that these people will not allow it!"

"Huh, this, you don't need to bother.

He is now, all you have to do is fight me!"

Destroy the Sword Master is the most overbearing. He doesn't care about the other seven at all. He is already sullen, carrying a sword, he is slashing towards Wang Yang.

Who is not convinced?

"Okay, since you want to prove that you are destroying Kendo, Lao Tzu will accomplish you!"

Who is not confident and invincible?Since you dare to fight a war, today, let me try, can your broken kendo break my absolute defense??

The sword came, and there was a sword power.

However, such a sword of prestige is confident and invincible?

Be too confident!

'Admiralty exercise!!'

Cultivating into a fortune-made body, and admiring the body, has become an instinct.

You want to try to destroy Kendo, just right, I have to try my creation of the god body too!

One aspect of the previous body power has been tested. The five self-proclaimed people who have entered the fourth step are confident and invincible. They are called the old man of the battle, the soul of the dragon and other people. Even in the end, all people are overcast. The dead'Zhang Renyi' is not in the eyes. In the end, what can I do?

Under his own strength, all were exploded.

Nowadays, what kind of defense is there for the creation of the god body, but it is necessary to test it.


It is worthy of the destruction of the Swordsman, a sword is cut, the sword is not coming, the powerful sword strength, but it has already squashed the void, and the entire space seems to be unbearable and must be completely exploded.

The powerful explosion of air, even if it is a sovereign of the universe, must be crushed into meatloaf.


The sword hadn't fallen yet. On the golden bell, there was already a loud sound, just like the evening bell in the temple. It was struck by the monk.


Is this what you call absolute defense?

Very good, today, and see if this Jun broke you!!"

The lords of the Quartet have become famous, and there will always be serious investigations.

The original lord of the Quartet was only a lord of Shenshui Manor, relying on absolute defense, invincible in every aspect, and I didn’t know how many people were gnashing his teeth.

Obviously, these guys are fully prepared to come for themselves.

"Bump me!"

Although it is an admirable body, but it is not said that he can only passively defend!

Since you are here with preparation, then, you must also make some tricks.

The creation of the god body is definitely not just an absolute defense, but also contains powerful power.

Facing the sword that carried the power of destruction, Wang Yang punched him hard with a punch.

I saw that a big bell on Wang Yang's fist directly greeted him fiercely.


Sure enough, the destruction of the Excalibur was indeed very powerful. The big bell was directly broken.

However, on the big clock, there is invincible power, but in the first place, the sword is directly cut into two pieces.


Destroy the avenue and destroy all defenses.

The battle of the Dao, since it is the battle of the Dao, is also a confrontation between the spirit and spirit.

It is a confrontation of faith.

Ruin Sword Master, confident that his ruined sword will destroy all defenses,

Obviously, this time, he failed.

After a failure, the whole person seemed to have lost his soul, and even more blood spewed out of his mouth.

This is a trauma.

Again, this is sad.

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