My Super Estate

Chapter 2483 Clash of Swords

Chapter 2368 The Confrontation of Kendo

Destroy Jianjun, already dead.

When the shattered sword symbol exuding endless sword intentions suddenly appeared, all people understood this matter naturally.

Every avenue has a source symbol.

The whole avenue has been developed from the origin symbol of this avenue. According to legend, after the avenue is completed, the avenue symbol will be integrated into the real heaven and earth origin. From then on, the avenue encompasses the entire universe of heaven and earth.

Looking at the Talisman of Ruin Avenue, he naturally absorbs the essence of Ruan Jianjun between heaven and earth, and solidifies a little bit.

Wang Yang's eyes suddenly became extremely dazzling and dazzling.

"Broken Avenue Talisman?"

At this moment, many people's eyes become extremely sharp.

The avenue symbol contains all the information of the avenue.

According to legend, there are some genius figures who have just been born. They are just born, and there is a great voice in their ears to guide their cultivation.

In fact, it was the coincidence of the baby's chance that when the mother was born, it naturally merged into the avenue talisman. From then on, the mortal body naturally transformed toward the god body.

Even some special territories have a special environment. Naturally, they have a supreme attraction. The avenue symbol, following the nuances, special traction, naturally, is integrated into it.

Under such circumstances, some special holy places were created.

For example, Jianshan at this time is very likely. It is these guys who have paid a great price and merged into a group of avenues. Then they work together to inscribe their own understanding of Kendo.

Therefore, there will be a special boundary like Jianshan.

Even, they will have other means. Although they are different, they are indispensable to the key thing of Dao.

"Why, you want?"

Feeling the fiery surroundings, Wang Yang chuckled, and he was in the power of the demon king of Montenegro, Wanjun Jianjun and others.

There are many strong ones.

However, there are still only a few that really make Wang Yang care.

The Black Mountain Demon King counts as one, and the other six strong men who appear with the Destructive Sword Master also count as one.

Counting back and forth, that is six or seven people.

"If you want to, you can shoot, I will not have an opinion."

Wang Yang chuckled, and even expressed his sincerity, he even took a step back.

He wanted to give up on his own initiative.

"Huh, guys, the lords of the Quartet are scheming.

There is only one Sword of Destruction, wait, who is willing to give in?

He wanted to separate us, and his mind was vicious, and you should not be deceived."

"Yes, everyone, everyone should be calm. He wants us to kill each other. He is a good fisherman."

One by one, all shouted loudly.

However, the temptation of a complete sword symbol is too great. They shouted loudly, but none of them themselves was willing to retreat.

They all know very well that they are self-proclaimed and it is difficult for Daoxing to improve. Unless the Daoist behind succeeds in logging into the real world and achieves the eternal fairy, otherwise, their Daoxing, thousands of years, even billions of years, are not There may be further improvements.

Today, this is a great opportunity.

As long as one's own realm enters the ranks of those in control, then, as long as there is one person in the universe of heaven and earth, as long as one person cultivates the avenue created by oneself, then one's own way of doing things will naturally have an improvement in strength.

This is the only chance.

At the scene, the whole atmosphere was extremely dignified, as if it were the tens of thousands of mountains, and it was firmly enveloped above everyone's head.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, it seemed that the balloon had reached a limit.


With a sound, the whole scene exploded collectively.


The seven powerful men, including the Black Mountain Demon King and Wan Jun Jianjun, one by one, had magical powers out, seven avenues, all manifested in numbers, and came towards Wang Yang.


Lord Sifang, you die for me!"

Someone was proud and laughed out loud.

"Well, Lord Sifang, you are not dying, I feel uneasy!"

Someone looked cold and stared at Wang Yang, his eyes so horrible, like the eyes of a dead man.

"Want to provoke the divorce, good fishermen benefit? Sifang, you too underestimate us."

Some people are expressionless, and they are always calm.

At the same time, more people were silent, just shot, in the blink of an eye, seven supernatural powers, seven avenues, all rushed towards Wang Yang.

At this moment, none of them had pre-communication and no hints, but all of them knew what they were going to do.

In the past, no one would believe the so-called'the heart has the spirit to communicate with one another'.However, at this moment, it was actually staged.

As for the space swordsman?

No one cares about it at all. They all know that the Sifang Kingdom Master is the main body. All the problems have been solved. The space swordsman's strength is of no use. Similarly, if, The lord of the Quartet will not die, even if he kills the space swordsman thousands of times, it will not help.

"Ha ha!

Okay, great!

The three demons and the four human races are so rare to communicate with each other. It is really rare, and it is so rare!"

Suddenly, the panic in the imagination did not appear at all. On the contrary, Wang Yang chuckled even more, and faced the seven magical powers from the sudden attack, he didn't have a face to face.

It seems that all this, in his eyes, is just a cloud.

The body was not moving, but the surrounding void was rippling, and there was a silent face on the earth, and a face appeared naturally.

Only mail, face lifted his head from the ground.

"Earth Sword Master is here, who dares to be presumptuous?"

Facing the seven gigantic swords that came from the surprise, Earth Sword Master just cut the sword with his sword.

When a sword is cut out, it is a heavy sword shadow, transformed into a magnificent and magnificent mountain, or the pen is really like a sword, or a majestic and high, it is like the hand of the fairy god, or like a dragon.

In a short period of time, it seemed that between heaven and earth, everything, at this moment, turned into a terrible trend.

This is an extremely terrifying, terrifying sword that contains an unparalleled power.


When a sword is cut, it seems to be a big stick, there is no sword shape at all, but this is a sword momentum, because there is an amazing sword in it.

Under a sword, there is no existence, you can continue to survive.

I could only hear the loud noise of'Booming Rumble', with a sword cut, the world and earth seemed to be unable to bear the horrible weight, and it just collapsed.


One of the seven strong men is counted one by one, one after another, even back, even, some, body, spontaneously, spouting blood.

It turned out that their seven strong men could not bear such a sword, and the physical body could not support it at first, and it naturally splintered.

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