My Super Estate

Question 2484

Chapter 2387 The Kendo Transformation

The top seven players are already the top players around Jianshan.

On the periphery of Jianshan, there are many kinds of strong people, many thousands of people, and even further, there are more.

However, at this moment, no one dared to speak.

In the past, the name of the Sifang Kingdom Lord, they just heard it, but now, they really see it.

"A good prince of the Quartet, such magical means, it really turned out."

"That's of course, you didn't show up, that'space swordsman', is naturally condensed from the air?"

"Where did you not see it?

That earth swordsman, is even more outrageous, okay, you don’t see, is there a person walking out of the earth naturally?

You said, what is this means!

If we have such a means, what cosmic overlords, where are we afraid of them?"

"You said, this, this is the helper invited by the Quartet?

Otherwise, how could two such powerful swordsmen appear?Looking at their strength, I'm afraid, one by one, at least they are all universe overlords!"

"Of course, do you know who those eight are?

But I tell you, I heard that in the universe, 100 million years is an era.

Every epoch is a heyday. According to legend, it is the time when Xianlu opened.

And they are the strong ones who survived in the last era."


Even if it is the sovereign of the universe, it can not be more than one million years old. Even if it is the supremacy of the universe, it cannot exceed ten million.

How did they live from the last era to the present?"

In this world, only the real world can have the hope of eternal life. In the illusory universe, no matter how shocked you are, it is impossible to escape.

Otherwise, Cheng Xian will not be so tempting.

The last era?

It is now at the end of the era, the rooftop is now alive, and Xianluo is about to reopen. All kinds of news have already flown out of the sky.

Since the last era?So, has it been alive for 100 million years?

It's just to put your fucking dog stink!

"You farted!

You know a fart!Legend has it that the top cosmic overlords, with their deep lines and special secrets, can burn the origin of the universe, open up a kingdom of gods, and proclaim themselves in the kingdom of the gods.

Even his own consciousness will fall asleep."

"What? Is there such a way?"

For a time, whether it was a human race or a demon around, it was a sensation.

In the universe, certain news is always controlled by a few people.

Even if you are strong and want to know, you can't find the channel you deserve.

One by one, looking at the seven masters who were besieging Wang Yang, they were all staring.

It is human nature to long for the strong.

Whether it is a human race or a demon race, it is always difficult to escape.

"Survived from the last era? Good life!!"

Even the one-of-a-kind lords of the universe are all exposed to worship.

"Isn't the Quartet Lord even more powerful? He was alone and faced with the siege of the Seven Greatest Powers.

Well, how strong are these four-party sovereigns!"

In the field, there are cosmic overlords, as well as cosmic kingdoms, but more of them are the masters of the universe in the universe.

Most of them came with their own masters. Similarly, they yearn for the heroic spirit that dominates the universe.

In their eyes, the cosmic sovereign is already a top-notch existence, and those cosmic overlords are even more like gods.

Now, there is such an existence, facing the siege of the existence of the seven gods, but calmly unhurried.

This, this is already super god.

God, different people, have different understandings.The gods in the eyes of mortals, but flying in the sky, and the gods in the eyes of the great supernaturalists, are open to the earth. In the eyes of the Lord of the Stars, the kind of existence that can survive for 100 million years without dying is their hearts. The god.

Wang Yang didn't even know that he had been regarded as a generation of gods.

Moreover, these people are still respected by mortals as gods and demons because of their strength.

At this time, he had already stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely towards the dimples in the midair.

This is a symbol of broken Kendo, and it is also a female symbol.

It's just a little symbol, but it contains the entire broken Kendo, all the information.

"In the world, there are Taoist princes who draw symbols with spirit brushes, is it because of these Taoists?"

Wang Yang came from a mortal world, and he understood more clearly that there are some priests in the mortal world, and they preached with symbols.

However, such a Dao pattern contains all the information of the entire broken Kendo. Is it true that those Taoists can successfully draw?

"No, the symbols are of different grades.

As long as this symbol is broken, it will naturally be derived and perfected naturally.

The Tao is endless. Naturally, the Dao pattern is also endless.

Every step and pattern has to be transformed. That's it!!"

I saw, I don't know when, in Wang Yang's hands, naturally, there was a dagger pattern, and then, it was put together with the dagger pattern that destroyed it.

Sure enough, the two dimples naturally generate induction.

The fame became so famous that it burst out suddenly, emitting a bright light.

When the light converges, it can be seen that the two kendo patterns naturally begin to merge.

Based on his own sword, he will naturally integrate.

The Tao is endless, and the Tao is also unknown.

The reason why Tao is Tao is only because it is already there.

Sword is Tao, boxing is also Tao, walking is Tao, retreating or Tao.

The Epee is Tao, broken, or Tao.

Unconsciously, Wang Yang's understanding of'Tao' has been rapidly promoted.

He is still like that, but his swordsmanship is more perfect.

Such a performance is more perfect in that'Earth Sword Master'.

Originally, the sword of the'Earth Sword Master' only had the unmatched weight. When it was cut with a sword, it seemed that the endless mountains were rolling over.

Although it is difficult to resist, but under the cooperation of the seven strong men, they still have some precautions, at least, there is no defeat.

But, suddenly, they didn't know why, and there was always a feeling of powerlessness.

Earth Sword Master's Daoxing did not increase in weight, nor did he increase in weight, but his sword always had a sense of destruction, no matter how he defended, it was impossible to defend.

This kind of feeling, there is always a kind of steel armor, which becomes the feeling of foam armor, which is broken at the touch.

"Damn, he's already fusing Kendo, we are not opponents, withdraw!"

When they come to this step, they must wear their eyes, otherwise, they don’t know how to die.


One by one, they are all fine, no one will die.

If the plan has failed, it must be admitted.

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