My Super Estate

Question 2595

Chapter 2428 Incredible Things

"Hey, what's going on here?"

There is no perfect way to think about the changes in the battle ahead.

Why are there new movements in the Sifang Star District?

"Can you see your blue eyes?"

The Sifangxing District is a bit big.

Chaos tumbling, the laws of heaven and earth are constantly stretching, and various bright and colorful lights are constantly flashing.

Such a movement??

"What do you think, some seem to open up a posture of a cosmic kingdom?"

Ten-armed Shura's tone was a bit suspicious.

"No, such a movement is to open up the posture of the universe.

The energy level of the entire Quartet Star Zone is increasing, and this upward trend is very large, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

Not to mention the ten-armed Shura, even the red succubus, at this time it was a bit unsettled.

The energy level of the Quartet Star Zone is increasing, and the momentum of the increase is very large. A coercive pressure naturally emanating, even if it is one light year apart, has a great impact at this time.

At least, above the spiritual world, naturally, you can see a figure with incredible coercion, which is directly suppressed in the spiritual world.

"How to do?"

We have launched such a large-scale offensive, and it has just begun. Are we going to lose?

However, we did not account for any cheap!

"Damn, there is no way to fight this war!"

Others are still hesitating, always seemingly small transparent ghosts, decisively speaking.

Because, the battle ahead is already in total disorder.

No matter how strong the number of demons is, at this time, there is also a terrorist force in the spiritual world to suppress, one strength, at least 30% of the strength.

Moreover, the weaker the strength, the stronger the coercion.

It's just that the war has just begun, is it going to fail??

"So bold!

When this seat does not exist??"

Just when the ghost was about to give the order to retreat, he burst into anger and was already in the starry sky of the universe, directly exploding.

The cosmic sky is a vacuum world, there is no matter, therefore, the sound cannot be transmitted.

This is the class that the teacher taught everyone in the physics class.

This is also the Avenue of Sound, the most basic rule in this void.

Any strong man walking in the universe must face a problem.

However, such a problem, for a group of people at the pinnacle of the universe, such a problem, there is no obstacle at all.

For ordinary people, there is no substance in the vacuum, so the sound cannot be transmitted at all.

For top powerhouses, the vacuum itself is in a material world.

Space, time itself is a kind of material.

A mountain as big as the impenetrable mountain like the pillar of that day stands in the universe starry sky.

Towards that four-square star zone, a large hand like a millstone of the afterlife was stretched out, with the magic power of destruction, covering everything.

This is the strongest man from the ancestor of the demon, the ancestor of the black robe.

In a legend, it has opened its own avenue of self and achieved the supremacy of the universe.

At the beginning of the era, too many legends were left in the universe.

This time, the ancestor of the demon was to let him take action and turned it into the final details.

"Huh, even a half-waste man, dare to come forward?

Who gave you the courage??"

Snow Wolf's calm voice suddenly sounded.

I saw that from the Quartet Star Zone, I don't know when there was a very great shore. Once I shot, the sun, moon and stars surrounded it, and the big hand pressed down by the cover directly smashed the past. .


The first is the surrounding starry sky, which can no longer be carried, broken into small pieces.

Then, in the turbulent flow of a colorful space, the small fragments floated up and down like a small boat in the sea, while the black-robed ancestor and the snow wolf, each standing on top of a space debris, followed the turbulent space Ups and downs.

"who are you?

Above the intelligence, the Sifangxing District does not have you as a person."

The ancestor of black robe looks cold.

His body did not appear. Although it was just a doppelganger, it also had a confidence that overwhelms everything.

Otherwise, he will never come here.

However, in a piece of information, the universe overlord that did not appear appeared.

It was like appearing out of thin air, which brought great changes to the entire battle.

"I naturally have always existed.

It's just that, like the Demon Race, the vision is too high, and even if the head is lowered, naturally I can't see me."

Snow Wolf and Sirius are the original old people of Shenshui Manor. Their talents and resources are not bad. Of course, it is impossible for them to have nothing.

For example, breaking the original restrictions.

Before, the sudden change in the Quartet Star Zone was due to the fact that the snow wolf was thick and thin, even before the Sirius, it opened its own avenue.

"Very well, since you are so inconspicuous, you should never look away, die for this seat!"

As a demon, it has never been a reasonable master.

Now that you are humble, what do you do to shine?

The black robe ancestors even more scrupulous.

He is just an avatar, but it is enough to cut him.

As the strongest, there is an invincible atmosphere.

What is your relationship with being famous and being anonymous?

As long as you are beheaded, then you will never be known.

Being famous will also become anonymous under the scouring of time.

People are so realistic.Whether you admit it or not, the reality is always there.

Between the two, the battle is endless.

It's just, I don't know if the Sifang measuring area breaks the cosmic routine. The Snow Wolf always carries a special coercion.

This kind of coercion can't bring a substantial effect to the black ancestor, but it can bring some subtle changes to him.

For example, the mind is dusty.

This is an unmatched strength, the black robe ancestor always feels that his early, slower than the opponent.

This is because the mind is dusty and has lost that keen sense. It cannot catch the movement of the snow wolf in the unknown and cannot predict it well.

The whole battle is under the control of Snow Wolf, and under his guidance.


Too many changes, even ghosts, are a bit stunned.

The retreat order originally issued was also unspeakable.

But, I don't know why, there is always an inexplicable depression in his heart.

As if it were, there is another mysterious veil in the square star zone in front of me, blinding my eyes.

Always paradoxical.

"Everyone, what now?"

Finally, ghosts don't know what to do.

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