My Super Estate

The 2596th chapter four star area out of evil

Chapter two thousand four hundred and twenty-nine the four corners of the star area out of evil

The war is still starting.

However, the atmosphere on the entire battlefield has changed greatly.

At least, the confidence of the human race seems to be more and more powerful, while the demons, the shadows in their hearts, are getting bigger and bigger.

At least, in terms of offensive, the demon no longer has the unbridled sorrows before it, and there is no such great opportunity to fear that they will be taken away.

On the contrary, it seems that there is a great crisis ahead, and the demon has a sense of fear between them.

They no longer dared to be so rash again.

While attacking, I left a few more points of power, three points of attack, and seven points of defense.

The number of demons is still endless, but when attacking, there is no longer the feeling of being crowded. On the contrary, there is a little more sparseness.

The captain of the demon leader is still rushing to kill, but they did not shout before.

The powerful and invincible demon leader general, did not rush to the forefront as before, and vowed to tear off the momentum of all enemies who resisted.

They chose to face off, chose to retreat, and closely monitored the master of the star field in front of the human race from the Quartet.

Often, they will also choose ten masters of the upper star domain to join forces to monitor one of the human races.

There are too many changes.

Such a change must be said that if it is said in peacetime, no one will believe it.

For example, the blue-eyed Grim Reaper at this time is absolutely unwilling to believe.

"These goddamn bastards, what about the previous momentum?

How about the invincible momentum before?Now, what's wrong with this, are you afraid?"

Ten-armed Shura was furious: "Go, convey the order of this seat, increase the intensity, otherwise, all of their leaders are dead!"

Damn king bastard, according to their posture, once indulged, want to break the defense of the Quartet Star Zone?

Dreaming about it.

"I think we should think about this war before deciding how to proceed."

The ten-armed Shura’s order was not stopped by anyone, but the ghost gave his own opinion.

The demons underneath live or die, and he doesn't care at all.

What if it is all dead?

Every magic well, every moment, there are countless monsters born.

Even if all are dead, it will not be many years before the Demon Race is still the Devil Race.

However, the purpose of the war is to break through the Quartet Star Zone.If you don’t complete your mission or reach your goal, then the problem will be big.

"What do you mean??"

The ten-armed Shura suddenly turned his head, angry.

Most of the time, if you don’t give me an explanation, I will kill you.

"Why, can't you see the current situation?

Do you think that if you give a death order, you can change all this?

How strange is the Sifang Star District, you don’t know?Just now, relying on the numerical advantage, it took the upper hand, but in a blink of an eye, the Sifangxing District made such a huge movement, you see, is there still a slight advantage?

Don't forget, we have a mission to lead the army to kill.

If all the armies are dead and the mission is not completed, do you think that the ancestor will let you go?"

Ten-armed Shura?

Huh, this seat is not afraid of you?

This seat does not like to speak, does not mean that this seat is afraid of anyone.

Nowadays, how can such a major matter related to one's own life and death be withdrawn??

Does the ghost's words make sense?

At this moment, success attracted attention.

In any case, the ghost is one of the four commanders in this operation, and it is backed by the Huangquan demon ancestor. No matter the identity or strength, it will not be weaker than the existence behind him.

No one dared not care about ghost words.

Ten-armed Shura angered with anger.

He was very fierce, and when he looked at it, it seemed extremely scary, like a devil.

He is the Shura Demon Clan, and killing is his favorite.

As long as all the demons are attacked desperately, how much ability can the other races have?Faced with hundreds of times and thousands of times of strength, he can successfully resist?

Huh, stupid ghosts, dare to question this seat's orders.

"Ghost's words, this seat feels that it needs attention.

The resources of the Sifangxing District are richer than expected.

At this time, the battle, but for three days, we have no revenue for the time being, but the strength of the fighters in the Quartet Star Zone has been multiplied several times.

Blue-eyed Grim Reaper, your blue-eyed eyes, see clearly, can you see, what is his Sifangxing District now?"

The Red Succubus approves of the ghost.

And, he signaled that he asked the blue-eyed god of death, with strange green eyes, to take a good look at the situation in front of him.

What the ghosts say is true, this war has a mission.

If they cannot successfully complete the task, the four of them do not have good fruit to eat.

Ten-armed Shura was reckless, and he was a succubus, and he could never accompany him to death.

"you guys!"

Ten-armed Shura stared angrily, a pair of eyelids, and suddenly turned up, and the horizontal flesh, like the marks of the knife, looked so cruel.

"be quiet!"

The blue-eyed grim reaper.

For a time, the blue-eyed Grim Reaper erupted into a terrible momentum.

Although it was to open up the blue eyes no matter how big, but his momentum, very well, was to cover the ten-armed Shura.

At the same time, ghosts and red demon monarchs burst into their own momentum at the same time.

Three momentums, a faintly shaped glyph, enveloped the ten-armed Shura.

This is the Demon Race.

Who is more powerful, and the right to speak will be more powerful.

Simple and rough.

It just doesn't make any sense.

Sure enough, Ten Arms Shura was quiet even though he couldn't be reconciled.

No matter how angry he is, one to three, he is definitely not an opponent, this point, he must admit.

Finally, the blue-eyed Grim Reaper regained its magical power, and at the same time, it also regained its momentum.

"how about it??"

"The human race is extremely powerful.

There is no reason at all.Apart from the Overlord, how can it be so easy to form a battle front?

Moreover, their strength is constantly improving.

At first, a soldier of the Lord of the Thousand Faces may be able to deal with the soldiers of our three levels of Lord of the Thousand Devil Lords, but it will definitely consume a lot.

However, nowadays, it is not difficult to deal with three or five soldiers easily.

Even the stronger ones directly undergo a transformation.

The Lord of the Thousand Thousands, directly became the Lord of the Subordinate Star Domain.

The improvement of strength is completely without reason."


The Lord of the Lower Stars?How could it be the master of the lower-level star domain?

How could they have someone to become the master of the next star field?"

The master of the lower-level star domain is not surprising at all, and there is nothing worth paying attention to.

However, the Sifang Star District has unlimited resources, and no seat can be vacant.

Neither the Master of the Thousand Thousands nor the Master of the Subordinate Star Territories should have vacancies.

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