My Super Estate

3005 Ghost Acacia and Demon God Tree

Chapter 2803 Guihuai and the Demon God Tree

Before the ages, the first ancestors of the Yin spirits were transformed into a giant acacia tree.

For a time, in the endless universe, yin vigorously overshadowed the sky and darkened the sky.

The universe of heaven and earth, in a blink of an eye, lost its light.

An incomparably great existence absorbs immense yin and suppresses the Quartet.

'Yi Dao Yu Tian Di', this characteristic, reveals an endless edge in this great existence.

In the same era, whether it is a man, a demon, or a beast, or the Holy Spirit, all the most top-notch existence is to cut off the connection between itself and the outside world, in order to escape the ancestors of the ancestors of the Yin spirit.

However, in contrast, other creatures have no such means.

Overnight, in the illusory universe, all living beings were completely shrouded in ghost mist, and all living beings, naturally, turned into undead.

The first ancestor of Yin Ling opened up the nether world to set up nine ghost halls to control the four sides.

He made a great wish to change the heavens and the earth with the way of the spirit, so that there is no more sun between the heavens and the earth, only the hell.

He wants to control the universe of heaven and earth with Yin Ling. He wants to subvert the universe of heaven and earth with the supreme avenue of Yin Ling, so as to be detached and achieve the true self.

What a big wish.

It's a pity that at his most proud moment, in the universe of heaven and earth, an unparalleled force swept through.

I saw that between the universe of heaven and earth, a heavenly avenue was opened, a heavenly elephant was born, bathed in thunder, and an elephant trunk that seemed to swallow the heavenly python was rolled towards itself.

Then, a piece of hell universe that I worked hard to develop, in a blink of an eye, collapsed.

All the yin qi is absorbed.

All the spirits are refined.

The entire Yin Avenue, collapsed instantly.

Only in a very short period of time, heaven and earth yin and yang, once again converted.

There is only one ghost locust, which is blessed by the origin of Yinling Avenue, and it can still be maintained.

As he was promoted, the Demon God Tree was in the midst of the world, gaining a glimpse of heaven, and peering into a corner of the universe of heaven and earth.

At that time, it made a decision.

It wants to get this opportunity.

So, with the help of the promotion, he obtained the opportunity of fortune, and shook it vigorously, and directly sent its owner, and the great Luo Emperor of that race, all over.

The subsequent series of changes completely exceeded its original expectations.

It didn't even think that the Hundred Ghosts would have such a huge power, directly imprisoned in it, unable to move.

Even, its owner, even to help the promotion of the Guihuai.

Feeling the absorbed power passed from Guihuai, I panicked for a while.

"damn it!"

Wang Yang was furious.

For the Demon God Tree, Wang Yang is 100% trust.

However, he did not expect that all of this was caused by the idea of ​​the Demon God Tree.

Feeling that the stronger and stronger Guihuai felt that the breath fluctuated, and that the tree of demon god became more and more intense. In Wang Yang's heart, he was almost close, and he was going to swear.

What the hell is all this!

Obtaining a trace of luck from the Demon God Tree, Wang Yang is even more afraid to promote this ghost tree.

You know, when the ancestors of the Yinling family met Guihuai at that time, there was no mutation.

At that time, Guihuai was an ordinary chaotic god tree.

In contrast, the present Guihuai is much stronger than the Guihuai at that time.

At the beginning, ordinary chaotic ghost locusts could transform a ghost into a ghost immortal. Now it is considered a mutant ghost locust. Once promoted and achieved the tree of the avenue, what kind of existence can it cause?

Wang Yang simply couldn't imagine it.

What's more, the ancestor of the Yinling family has not yet died?

Once Guihuai is promoted, the ancestors of the Yinling family will not come out, but no one is sure.

One deity led the entire Yinling family, occupied the entire universe, covered the universe with the Yinling Avenue, and ruled the existence of the heavens and the Dao. Once it really appeared, the level of terror can be imagined.

At the moment, Wang Yang even made up his mind that he must never allow Guihuai to be promoted.

However, what should I do?

For a while, Wang Yang couldn't hold it.

Ziyang Dazhen, once successfully arranged, will lose control of itself.

"What if I arrange another Ziyang formation?"

Not to mention, for now, Hongmeng Ziqi in hand, after many accumulations, is enough.

If so, arrange another Ziyang formation?

What will happen?

Wang Yang was eager to try.

However, he has some concerns.

Ziyang's large array is completely out of control.

Arranged for another Ziyang formation, is it good or bad for yourself?

Wang Yang couldn't grasp this question.

However, in any case, at least, it also occupies half.

If you really don’t do anything, you will not have this half of hope.

At the moment, Wang Yang is surrounded, naturally, there are purple dragons flying freely.

However, anyone can feel that this little purple dragon is just a phantom, and does not really exist.

Behind Wang Yang, a purple sun rose naturally.

A series of purple dragons formed a large array around the rising sun.

Suddenly, the world shook, the space roared, and the invisible force ripped open the mouth.

In this mouth, a ray of light emerged.

That is a kind of power that contains the most powerful.

Under such power, Wang Yang felt that his way to the Sun was extremely obvious.

"Human, what are you doing?"

The violent movements on Wang Yang's side certainly cannot be hidden.

In particular, Wang Yang's rapid promotion of the way to the sun, which is more than ten times more powerful for the induction and absorption of the way to the sun between heaven and earth.

All the qi of the sun, all following that slight mark, walked towards the tree of demon gods.

For a time, endless explosions sounded throughout the wild continent.

Just now a very powerful ghost king array, immediately broke.


For a long time, the demon god tree trapped by the Ghost King's formation and overcome the difficulties became the towering god tree in the first time.

The branches of the sky turned into a rain of arrows without delay, and toward the ghost locust.

Guihuai even wanted to take himself as the promotion, since it is so, then, today, I will use you to pave my way to promotion.

Heaven has a good reincarnation, who has the sky spared?

Facts have proved that other people's kindness is not because they can't be hot, but because he is also a gentleman.

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