My Super Estate

3006 Ghost Acacia

Chapter 2804 Ghost Locust

Guihuai was a little angry at this time!

Just now, it truly felt that its own strength was constantly rising.

With its details, it is not difficult to promote to the Avenue God Tree.

It used to be extremely brilliant. It gave birth to a ancestor of the Yin spirit with its own power. At the end of the cosmic era, it took advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to control the entire universe with the Yin Ling Avenue.

For a time, the entire illusory universe turned into a ghostly world.

For a time, Yinling Avenue was powerful to a limit.

Such a powerful Yinling Avenue, in a very short period of time, has accumulated extremely powerful background for Guihuai.

Even in such a short time, Guihuai has seized a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to successfully mutate itself.

It must be promoted to the realm of avenues with its most powerful heritage.

It can be said that most of its wishes have been fulfilled.

Even, it can be said that it has basically succeeded.

However, at that last moment, a heavenly elephant who didn't know where he came from, bathed in thunder.

A piece of existence that seems to swallow heavenly pythons directly absorbs all the spirits.

In the entire universe, the yin qi was completely exhausted in a flash.

Yinling Avenue, just in that moment, broke everything.

The most perfect road to promotion was completely interrupted.

The first ancestor of the Yin Ling was beaten by the heavenly elephant, and the true spirit escaped into his body.

One epoch has passed, the Yinlings have always shrunk in the confusion star field, and can no longer go out.

From generation to generation, I do not know how much effort I have put in to find a way to advance.

Just now, I don't know how many long-cherished wishes have been successful.

Successfully saw the possibility of promotion.

At this moment, Guihuai was so excited that he could not help but howl.

"Damn celestial elephant, wait, the deity will go to you!"

The hatred that hasn't been mentioned for a long time was mentioned again.

Even Guihuai had already thought that it was just at the end of the epoch that he could just get promoted.

This is a good opportunity given by God.

In any case, it should not be overlooked.

It was at such a moment of complacency that he suddenly felt clearly that he was in the miraculous array of purple and yang, and that the qi of the sun was constantly weakening.

Taking Guihuai as a body and being in the air of the sun is like putting dry wood in the fire.

In all circumstances he suffers.

However, it is in this torment that he clearly feels that there is a trace of creation in his body, which is contained in it.

It is such a nature that makes the source of its severe consumption in the body quickly make up.

Its heritage is constantly accumulating.

It has already felt that its promotion is soon.

As long as the background is accumulated for some more time, he will definitely be promoted.

Most definitely!

Feeling his own changes, at this moment, Guihuai was constantly laughing.

Such a happy event, it has not happened for a long time.

It's really great!

Unfortunately, the good times are not long.

There were some surprises just now, and I feel that my accumulation is almost complete.

I just thought that my promotion is about to succeed.

Suddenly, within the entire Ziyang formation, the yang is like a deflated balloon.

Don't ask, how does it know about balloons.

At its level, many things are known as long as they exist.

These are the different levels and the unforgiving vision.

In the eyes of mortals, life is created by men and women, and in the eyes of God, life is created by the Avenue of Life.

The same life, in the eyes of mortals and gods, represents two different levels.

"Boy, what the hell are you doing?"

Guihuai soon discovered it. It turned out that there was a little thief stealing his character.

Yes, in Guihuai's eyes, Ziyang Dazhen, since it is arranged for himself, then, of course, everything in Ziyang Dazhen is his own.

It is taken as a thief without asking.

This human race, before he steals his own yang qi.

"Dead 1"

The thief, who took it without asking, was killed.

Gui Huai didn't even think about it. The Ziyang Great Formation was arranged by Wang Yang. He could have the opportunity like today, and all worshiped by Wang Yang.

In its eyes, Wang Yang is a little thief who takes without asking.

Directly killed, without any consultation.

The branches of the sky, like arrow rain, shot towards Wang Yang.

Only a branch can sweep away the true magic of the magic knife.

What are the branches of the sky?

One hundred, or one thousand?

Under such a branch of sky, does Wang Yang still have a way to live?

No matter who they are, they must be surprised when they see the scene in front of them.

However, in the face of such a big situation, Wang Yang did not have any consciousness at all.

He was just rendered in the Ziyang formation.

His own Zhiyang Avenue is just a derivative route. In theory, there is simply no possibility of improvement.

However, without knowing why, he clearly felt that his way to the sun was constantly evolving.

There are faint signs of improvement.

Such a result surprised Wang Yang.

You should know that Daoxing and Huayuanyuan Avenue can also be divided into derivative routes.

Derived roads can improve the way, but once they are born, there will be no further improvement.

It is impossible to continue to go deeper like the original source road, reaching a limit, and naturally it is possible to split.

There is no such possibility at all.

At least, never heard of it.

Otherwise, the cosmic giants who took the road of derivation will not have the moment when the road is completed.

However, at this moment, Wang Yang clearly felt that his Zhiyang Avenue was evolving on its own.

One's own Sun Dao symbol is constantly changing.

If, at the beginning, the Dao symbol was composed of 10,000 basic patterns, then now, at least, it is already 10,100.

Such a wonderful scene has already attracted all Wang Yang's minds.

Outside danger?

The danger of the outside world, has its own way to promote such a wonderful?

"court death!"

Wang Yang didn't have any feelings, but he just broke through the ghost king array and saw the demon tree of the devil, but he absolutely refused.

At the moment, there was a sky of arrow rain, and he shot towards the overwhelming shooting of Guihuai.

At this moment, there are ripples in the world.

A ghost locust tree, a demon tree.

One is a mutated chaotic god tree, and one is a avenue god tree.

Between the two, there was a fierce battle.

Between the two, the magical power is invincible, and the mana is boundless.

The result of this is that Wang Yang, in advance, only had an idea, but he was not absolutely sure.

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