My Super Estate

3007 NAME: batman

Chapter 2805 The Yin Ancestor

In the battle between Guihuai and the Demon God Tree, who wins and who loses?

No one knows this problem.

Because, between the two, it is really difficult to see who is stronger or weaker.

Even the fierce battle even makes the entire void appear ripples. Between the two, it hits the depths of the void. Even if it is powerful, it is difficult to see.

"what should we do?"

The battle here is too much.

The four true demons, one by one, are staring nervously at each other, with constant sound transmission from each other.

In particular, when their eyes saw that they had just been seriously wounded, and now they looked at it, it seemed that the Montenegrin Ghost King, who was all well, and the four true demons, one by one, hated their teeth.

"How about killing this guy?"

"Good 1"

The four real demons are also a ruthless character.

They all knew that, in the beginning, four of them had already become the pawn in the hands of this king of Montenegro.

Step by step, he was calculated by the ghost king of Montenegro.

This breath.If you can't get it out, it's really hard to swallow.

"Extinct Sword!"

The magic knife suffered the most serious injury to him. Similarly, the anger in his heart was also the most serious.

Originally the Demon Race, always under the influence of the Devil Qi, it is usually full of anger, without losing money, but also to make a three-point fire, not to mention, this time I suffered such a big loss.

"Magic knife, you're crazy!"

The injury in the body has just been suppressed by the help of Ghost King.

However, the injury has not been completely resolved, and the ghost king formation has been broken.

There is endless anger in the heart of the ghost king of Montenegro.

At this time, it will be attacked by the magic demon.

"Humph, crazy?

Today, I will show you what is crazy!"

As a true demon, I have always bullied others. When would I be bullied by others?


With a loud shout, in the void, afterglows continued for a long time.

Even a mark is formed, which remains in the void, and from then on, it naturally absorbs chaotic energy and forms a special kind of mark.

Under the erosion of time, perhaps, in a certain era in the future, naturally, a special avenue-level god gold will be formed.

Even, at a certain moment, it will be taken out and refined into an extremely powerful artifact.

Since then, the battle has been rampant between the universe.

However, at this moment, this mark is just a magic knife in the anger, a loud rant.


The extinct magic knife is really terrible.

Leave no emotion at all.

Originally, with the help of the Ghost King's power, it suppressed the injuries in the body. Where can we bear the face of such an extinct magic knife?

At present, the whole Montenegro ghost body is directly split into two halves.


The Ghost King of Montenegro simply can't believe that he is the king of the Ghost King of Montenegro, and in the future he will inherit the position of the main hall of the King of the Ghost King.

"Damn dharma magic sword, since you don't leave a little affection, then don't blame this king!"

The ghost king of Montenegro felt that his ghost body in Montenegro could not be supported.

Once the ghost of Montenegro explodes, the true spirit pinned in the void will be found directly.

At that time, it will die!

"I am the ghost king of Montenegro, offering sacrifices to the ancestors of Yin Ling.

Return to the end!"

It must be said that this is a ruthless role. Seeing that, I have no way of life.

At the moment, he sacrificed himself.

He wants to awaken the ancestor with his own strength.

If, in other places, this move is of course impossible.

Otherwise, the crazy situation of the Yinling family, I am afraid that this step has already been carried out.

But this time, it was very different.

Guihuai was at the time of promotion, and the sleeping ancestor was very likely to be alarmed.

As long as you are awakened from your absolute self-proclaim, then, if you sacrifice yourself, you will certainly be able to wake up the ancestor.


On the occasion of the demise, the ghost king of Montenegro made a very unexpected move.

He sacrificed himself.

woo woo woo woo……

I don't know where to hear the bleak sounds of ghosts.

A sound, accompanied by a gust of wind, even the entire sky and the sky, all dyed into a gloomy venue.

The most terrifying thing is that a ghost barking sounded naturally into his own mind.

Transformed into bursts of mind attacks.

The four real demons are the most ignorant. They absolutely did not expect that the ghost king of Montenegro turned out to be a silver-like wax-headed gun. The magical magic weapon is now hurt in the body.

Such a strength even split the ghost king of Montenegro into two halves with a single knife.

It's beyond everyone's expectations.

Of course, whether you die or not in Montenegro, I don’t care.

But, what the fuck are you doing?

You have sacrificed yourself to wake up the ancestors.

The ancestor of the Yinling family?

I don't know why, in everyone's mind, naturally, I think of the corner of the world that opened before.

In the corner of the opened world, a heavenly elephant born from a bath of thunder, breaks through a lot of space, and strikes at the universe ruled by the ghost of that side.

With such a blow, the entire universe collapsed, and the Yin Avenue that ruled the entire universe collapsed.

In the world ruled by the ghost on that side, there is a very great shore.

The existence of this magnificent shore launched a fateful attack on the heavenly elephant.

In the end, no one knows the result.

"The first ancestor who cast off the spirits will not be that horrible being!"

The magic knife was really shocked.

"Everyone, you must not let him wake up the ancestors of the Yinling family, otherwise, we will all be finished!"

Damn the ghost king of Montenegro, you die, you still have to make such a crazy move?

"kill him!

Can't let him succeed!"

Four true demons.No, even the centipede centipede, which is already half-dead, cannot pretend to die at this moment.

This damn king bastard is really hateful.

When he was about to die, he even made such a crazy move.

For a time, four or five avenues of supernatural powers launched a deadly attack on the ghost king of Montenegro.

They absolutely can't, this ghost king of Montenegro succeeded.


Want to shoot now?


You are all late!"

The ghost king of Montenegro laughed wildly.


Laughter continued.

The great magical power of four or five avenues can't hurt him at all.

It was as if he had an incomparably great power, and naturally awakened in him.

"not good!"

Seeing such a scene, where can one not know, it is most likely that the ancestor had already awakened.

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