Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 166: The World Of Faces, Can I Interrupt? (The Third Update Asks For A Subscription! Ask For

If it is the shock of power brought by Guraton and Kyoka, then Palkia and Diaruga are a duel of laws!

The power of time and space collided, and a terrifying impact erupted, and Dialga's ability to travel through time and space also made the group members shine!

Arceus, who appears next to Qilin's body, can shatter the land with just one random blow, bringing about a world-ending disaster!

In the final scene, Xiaozhi persuaded Arceus to let go of his anger, and everything returned to peace before the end was drawn.

Xiaozhi: "I will see so many mythical beasts in the future, even Arceus, the creation mythical beast. This is too exciting!"

Ganwumei: "Xiaozhi, your future is really hopeless!"

Time Elf: "Young man, the important task of saving the world is entrusted to you!"

Wuming: "Punch the champion of the league, kick the beasts of the four seas, and be the wildest person!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Come on, if you can't hold on anymore, you must leave the legacy to me!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Young man, your future is promising. If you sacrifice enough delicious food here, I will confer you a knight and let you be blessed by the king."

→_→You are purely for cheating!

Fire Fist: "Believe in yourself, you are the fattest!"


Where am I fat? I'm obviously weak, okay!

And why all of you talk like pyramid schemes, it's a bit scary!

Marquis of Vauban: "The power of that creation beast is too powerful, coupled with the protection of the sixteen stone slabs, it is basically immune to most attacks!"

I'm a slime: "Isn't this just that the magic resistance and physical resistance in the game are all full, and there are also a lot of AOE damage at the full level, and a bunch of skills such as teleportation, it's just like a bug! "

Flying Squirrel: "Meng Wang, you still missed a full-attribute immunity!"

I hate violence: "It seems that the creation myths of each world are not the same, but why is the world created by Pokémon ruled by humans!"

Pokémon master: "I don't know too well, but it hasn't been long since the Pokémon ball appeared. Before that, powerful beasts were enshrined as gods." "

Marquis Vauban: "That's right, the beasts are actually equivalent to the ancient gods in my world, and there is not much difference in meaning between the two."

Zhou Yang: "However, there are still many divine beasts active in the world, and their lifespan is long, even without end."

Lin Fengjiao: "After seeing the world of so many group members, I finally feel that the world I live in is relatively safe. There are only some zombies and ghosts. Although it is troublesome, it can be solved."

Ganwumei: "I want to explain this point, the world of ordinary people I live in is the safest! (`?)"

Electric Shocker: "After watching so many pictures, I only have one thought in my mind, that is, I want to raise a Pikachu. Pikachu is so cute, I can't lose to Guatai!"

Xun'er: "Xun'er also wants a Pikachu, it's so cute!"

Ganwumei: "I agree, I also want to hug a furry Pikachu to sleep!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Hey, Xiaobu, are you going to give up your hamster? Shouldn't you find a hamster-type Pokémon?"

Ganwumei: "<(?」∠)_Actually, they are almost the same, and Pikachu is also an electric mouse, not much different from a hamster!"

I want to surpass my sister: "I want a Pokémon that can blow up the wind, so that it can match my super power!"

The Marquis of Vauban: "Then I want a wind speed dog!"

Papa: "Papa wants a Pokémon that can clean up!"

I hate violence: "I don't feel anything....."

Big fat sheep in the gambling world: "It seems that there are Pokémon with healing power in that world, I really want this!"

Science and Snakes: "I Still Love Snake Pokémon!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "I just want to know if there are any Pokmon that deter the army!"

Acedes: "I also lack a ferocious mount, I want one that can take a beating!"

After all the group members watched it, they were very interested in these smart and powerful Pokémon, and they even asked Xiaozhi about the purchase.

Faced with such a lively scene, Xiaozhi was quite helpless, and said frankly:

"I don't have that many Poké Balls, and it takes a lot of time and energy to capture Pokémon, and excessive capture will violate the law, I'm really sorry.

Although Xiaozhi is passionate, he also understands that his goal is to become a Pokémon master, so it is impossible to waste time catching Pokémon just because the group members like it!

And it can be seen from the fact that the Rockets will be hunted down by Miss Isa when they wantonly capture Pokémon. In the law of the alliance, it is forbidden to capture a large number of Pokémon.

Zhou Yang also discovered this, so he said for Xiaozhi:

"Actually, if you have the opportunity, you can go to Xiaozhi's world to catch the Pokémon that suits you, so that you can also increase your strength!"

Time elf: "This is a good idea, but I don't seem to have many time elves that I want to capture. This Dialga is a bit difficult to fight!"

As expected of a time elf, he immediately set his target on the god of time!

Zhou Yang: ~ Kuangsan, I don’t recommend you to capture Dialga. After all, in that world, it can travel through time at will and receive bonuses from the world. You may not be able to deal with it. It’s better to catch it. Celebi is also an elf with time ability!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yang directly uploaded Celebi and some potential and good-looking Pokémon illustrations.

Time Elf: "This one looks much better, I'd better choose this one, and then the pervert manager will accompany me for a walk!"

→_→Changed my mind so quickly, it really is a world of faces!

Acedes: "I want to catch a Bloodwing Wyvern, it should be very useful to deter alien races!"

Dad: "Dad wants a sucker puppet, which can help Dad watch the store and clean the room!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "I want to catch a fast dragon, but I'm afraid of being killed by it, so I'd better get a fire-breathing dragon, at least I can pretend to be a gimmick of destiny!"

Flying Squirrel: "@我是一个Slime, tell me honestly, are you a changeable monster, with a soft body like yours, and can change into various appearances, Chang Wei, you said you are not changeable( Li Dezhao) strange!"

I'm a slime: "I'll give you a lung, King of Bones, if you're so skinny, I'll swallow you in one gulp!"

Flying Squirrel: "My bones are hard, you can't digest them!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Am I the only one drooling looking at the scallion duck? This duck with its own ingredients looks very suitable for soup!"

Ganwumei: "Stupid Hairy King, you are a devil!"

Nameless: "No, she is an angel among devils!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "What's wrong with the angel, the angel didn't eat your rice!"

God's Tongue: "May I Cut In?"

Time Elf: "I didn't expect you to be Erina like this, I misread you!"

My favorite sister: "It's so dirty, I can't even see it!"

Ganwumei: "I always thought Erina's sister was very pure, alas, how could she be like this!"

Nakiri Erina: "??? What the hell??"

PS: For the third update, please collect it! Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!

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