Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 167: The Cruel Truth Of The World, Orochimaru's Long-Term Concept

Nakiri Erina was dumbfounded, completely unaware why she was suddenly given the name of a dirty woman!

But she is not a fool, she directly logged into the browser and searched for "Can I interrupt", and soon found another meaning of it in the comments of netizens!

"How can it be repaired!"

Nakiri Erina blushed immediately, and said angrily, "I didn't think of that, obviously you are the dirtiest!"

Time Elf: "Where is that over there, why can't I understand it!"

Nakiri Erina was speechless for a moment, her face was so red that she could squeeze out water, and she was completely unable to express what she saw!

That's too shameful!

I'm a slime: "It's obviously Erina who thinks too much, and the dirty little train starts like this!"

Acedus: "You are still too young to fall into their trap!"

Electric Shocker: "Every time I see Acedes speaking in such an old-fashioned tone, I think she is already middle-aged!"

Acedus: .…………”

Xun'er: "(A)b Xiao Zan!"

Ganwumei: "Okay, okay, let's not talk, if this continues, Erina will be ruined by us!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Erina doesn't cry, stand up and masturbate!"

No, 617 will play with you guys!

Nakiri Erina showed her dissatisfaction with an angry facial expression of flipping the table.

But it is the arrogant performance that makes the atmosphere of the whole group more and more joyful!

Sakura who likes taiyaki: "What did sister Erina want to say just now?"

Time Elf: "Yes, yes, why don't you say anything, do you still want to interrupt?"

God's Tongue: `('o)' is not open, what I want to say is that Xiaozhi's world is full of Pokémon, so what do you eat?"

Ganwumei: "Damn it, I ignored such a big problem. I didn't see many ordinary creatures in the file. Where do you get your meat from?"

Nameless: "Thinking carefully, Pokémon seem to have the IQ of a five or six-year-old human child, and they can be regarded as intelligent creatures!"

Dad: "To be honest, Dad can't eat the meat of creatures with too high intelligence!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, it's really the best choice to be a vegetarian like the poor monk!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Old monk, yours is a complete paradox, don't plants have life?"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Meat is so delicious, add more cumin to infuse your soul!"

Xun'er: "But Pokémon are so cute, eating their meat is (aeba) cruel T_T!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi explained: "Although my world is dominated by Pokémon, there are also ordinary creatures such as cattle and sheep here, and most of the meat comes from these animals.

But there are also a small number of Pokémon that have become hunting targets. For example, duck with green onions can cook delicious soup with green onions, and the tail of the slow-witted beast and the warrior perch are delicious!

Although the alliance is also prohibiting the consumption of Pokémon, there are people who are always trading in the black market, and even many Pokémon will be stolen and slaughtered!"

Although Pokémon is a child-oriented animation, it is indeed a real world.

Since it is real, it is impossible to have only light, so it must have a dark side.

Scallion E is an endangered animal because some people want to satisfy their appetite!

And some Pokémon that are not suitable for food but have a cute appearance will also be caught and sold as commodities, and even have a complete industrial chain!

And all of this is nothing more than natural selection, the weak will prey!

The Marquis of Vauban: "Natural selection, the jungle of the jungle!"

Acedes: "Weakness is the greatest original sin. If they are strong enough, they will be feared by people like divine beasts!"

I hate violence: "The big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats dried shrimps. This principle applies no matter which world you live in!"

Momonga: "The strong dominate the weak, so keep getting stronger!"

They were all killed from the battlefield of flesh and blood, and they have a deep understanding of these principles.

Even the Bone King indulges Dee in raising Twoleg sheep to be skinned for magic scrolls!

When they talk about evil, they can be called great villains, so naturally they won't lament about how pitiful Pokmon are.

Only the girls Xiaobu and Wuming felt a little uncomfortable, but they were not too sad.

After all, they are not the Virgin Mary, and they cannot change the world, so they might as well live their own lives.

Time Elf: "I'm used to this kind of thing. Human beings stand at the top of the food chain and eat the corpses of other creatures. They still live well. Pokémon are just a little smarter than ordinary creatures, and they are still animals in essence. "

Pokémon master: "But in my eyes, Pikachu is my companion and my family!"

Science and Snakes: "The stuff you're discussing suddenly made me wonder if the powerful Pokémon blood would have a boost to zombies.

After all, zombies only drink powerful blood to obtain evolution, and there are many powerful existences such as dragons and phoenixes in Pokémon, and their blood should be rich in powerful energy

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, I think you can change your name to Zombie Pill, a zombie is almost out of your hands!"

Lin Fengjiao: "I feel that the chances of this being realized are very high. If we really feed a lot of Pokémon blood, maybe we can make the servants evolve into wolves!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Then combined with Orochimaru's Zombie Blood Inheriting Boundary, wouldn't it be possible to manufacture powerful zombies in large quantities!"

Ganwumei: "Myriad Realms Zombie Supplier!"

Electric Shocker: "Zombie Wholesaler of Myriad Worlds!"

Momonga: "On zombies from production to processing to sales!"

I am a slime: "Give you a female zombie, and give me back a zombie army!"

Dad: "Oh, this is too dangerous, if you lose control, you will be in trouble!!"

Big fat sheep in the gambling world: "Orochimaru, you bastard, you don't really want to turn the ninja world into a zombie world!"

Science and Snake: "Tsunade, don't worry too much, I'm not that crazy, if there are no people left, where will the materials for making zombies be supplied?"

The big fat sheep in the gambling world: "Damn it, I really want to beat you into snake meat sauce!"

Science and Snakes: "Just think about it, you can't possibly know where I'm hiding!"


With a dull sound, the iron desk in Tsunade's office was scrapped again, but this time its lifespan was much shorter than the previous one.

Science and Snake: "After a while, I will personally go to Xiaozhi's world to confirm my thoughts."

If possible, Orochimaru also wants to purchase dangerous blood from Acedes, collect all kinds of powerful blood, and explore a route for the fastest evolution of zombies.

If it is really possible to make zombies into its own products, then Orochimaru will have the capital to gain a foothold in the chat group and can continuously sell servants as thugs and cannon fodder to gain points.

After getting enough points, Orochimaru can use the points to strengthen himself!

No matter how many strong people come into the group in the future, he can guarantee his status!

You must know that among the profits of this zombie, there is a part of the administrator, as long as it is not forced to buy and sell, then it will not be banned by Zhou Yang!

And Orochimaru has already seen clearly that Zhou Yang holds the greatest power in the chat group, as long as there is enough relationship with him, there will be unlimited possibilities.

Among them, only interests are the most stable connection!

PS: Please subscribe for the fourth update! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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