Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 168: The Essence Of The Evil God, Xu Family Dinner Begins

Zhou Yang saw what Orochimaru was thinking and knew that he wanted to win him over!

But this is not a bad thing, after all the chat group is his private property, as long as it doesn't threaten him and there are benefits to take, Zhou Yang will naturally not refuse.

After being in the group for a while, Zhou Yang quit the chat group, and when he woke up, he saw Skaha standing by the bed and looking at him.

Looking at the other party's burgundy eyes as deep as crystal, it seems that all the beauty and brilliance of the world have gathered, and one can't help being intoxicated after taking a look.

Scathach saw Zhou Yang opened his eyes, and didn't ask him what he was doing, but asked gently:

"Wake up!"

The tone is flat and simple, like a wife who has been married for several years, and the two get along familiarly.

Even Zhou Yang had the feeling that he was facing his wife, but it disappeared soon, and asked with a smile:

"Is it over so soon?"

Skaha slowly sat on the edge of the bed, brushed her purple hair behind her head, and said leisurely~:

"What do you mean so fast? It has already been two hours. I have already visited the city and even went to the wild, so I have a general understanding of the world!"

Zhou Yang sat up straight, looking at the dim light outside the window, it seemed that it was almost time for dinner.

So he asked, "Skathach, how do you feel about the world?"

Skaha said with a smile: "This world is actually like the ancient times of my world, countless strange beasts and demons ravaged the earth, and at that time I also protected my country like the king of this world.

It's just that this world seems to be more dangerous, I know the existence of those evil gods from people's mouths, although they can't open the barriers of the world, they can influence the world through their will, which is also a potential threat!"

Zhou Yang nodded, and said: "The evil gods cannot come to this world, and their threat is not great."

Evil gods have existed in this world since ancient times, and have been influencing people's will since the beginning of human birth, thus making human beings crazy.

But they don't need human beliefs, so the so-called sacrifice is not so much for strengthening their strength, but for fun!

They are more like the pronouns of madness, destruction, death, and chaos. They have only one purpose, and that is to destroy the whole world!

But although the world has a complete consciousness, it also has the instinct of self-preservation, so it uses the world barrier to block them out.

So they can only make sacrifices to those whose hearts are in chaos, and then release the power through the channel!

So they are not very threatening, at least they cannot come to this world as their bodies.

As for the monsters polluted by their power, they are only at the highest level of kings, and in front of Zhou Yang today, they can be easily crushed to death.

Scathach stretched out his hand to wipe Zhou Yang's cheek, and his cold palm was lightly pressed against the skin, making Zhou Yang feel like he was leaning his face against the white jade surface.

It feels so smooth after all!

Before Zhou Yang could speak, Scathach continued: "Little master, how are you going to deal with the real world?"

The implication is how Zhou Yang plans to lay out the real world, or that he has already set his sights on the Myriad Realms.

"How to deal with it?"

Zhou Yang smiled slightly, held Skaha's catkin with his hand, squeezed it lightly and said:

"Go to a dinner party with me first!"


Skaha said with great interest that he didn't know why Zhou Yang suddenly wanted to attend a dinner party.

Zhou Yang didn't explain, but continued to pinch Skaha's soft little hand, and said leisurely:

"It's just a pawn laid out before..."

At night, in the core area of ​​Hangzhou, in a high-end villa area, there is a brightly lit scene!

This is the wealthy area closest to the government, and it is also a heavily armed area. Not only are there a large number of soldiers guarding it, each family has also domesticated a large number of thugs to guard the safety of the surrounding area.

But this time, the Xu family, one of the largest families in Xingshi, held a banquet, and invited several small families that depended on him to start the banquet together.

A large number of gorgeously dressed maids brought precious drinks and placed them on the long table, and at the same time, the servants brought and placed the exquisite food prepared by the back kitchen.

Zhou Yang's deskmate, Lin Yuzhu, was wearing a wine-red dress, coupled with her delicate face and elegant temperament, which also attracted the attention of many men.

Standing beside her is a middle-aged man in a suit wearing glasses, with straight and shiny hair, and a refined demeanor. He is Lin Yuzhu's father, Lin An!

He glanced at Lin Yuzhu, smiled and asked, "Yuzhu, why do you seem so depressed!"

"Dad, I'm fine."

Lin Yuzhu shook his head, but there was still a lingering sadness on his face, and he said softly:

"It's just that Zhou Yang hasn't come to school for a long time, so I'm a little worried!"

Lin An thought for a while before realizing who this person was, and said with a smile:

"It turned out to be this bastard, I don't know when he took my Yuzhu's heart away, and now you are out of your mind!"

0...asking for flowers...

Lin Yuzhu blushed immediately when she heard the words, and said in embarrassment: "Dad, I haven't been seduced, he is broken, but I don't like him at all!"

As someone who has experienced it, Lin An can tell at a glance that her daughter is just shy, so she said with a smile:

"I don't need to hide it from my father. I have also investigated that kid Zhou Yang. Although his family background is average, his personality, character and appearance are very good. We can let him join our family at that time!"

Lin An is a university doctor, so he is relatively open-minded. For him, the so-called good family is better than making his own daughter happy.

But Lin Yuzhu shook his head and said:

"Zhou Yang is impossible for him to marry. Although he is usually joking, he is extremely arrogant in his bones. Although I don't know where his confidence is, it is impossible for him to accept marriage with his character!"

Lin An frowned when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "His family background is to be honest, it's flattering for him to get into trouble, but the young man is proud and arrogant, so he still has to go to the society to hit a wall

The group will recognize the reality.

If it really doesn't work, just change to someone from the right family. After all, his status is too low, and he will never be able to touch the upper class in his life. You may like him now, but after you get to know more outstanding people..."

Lin Yuzhu sighed, and did not agree with her father's point of view. Although she looked weak, she was actually a very stubborn person!

Maybe it's the so-called don't hit the south wall and don't look back!

But in order not to make her father's impression of Zhou Yang worse, she quickly changed the topic:

"Father, let's not talk about this, what are we here for today?"

Lin An froze for a moment and said:

"I heard that the Xu family is going to entertain a high-ranking person today, and they have gathered all the dependent families. As a dependent of the Xu family, I, the Lin family, will naturally come too!"

In this world, as long as there is enough power, there will be countless people attached to them, living under the shade of trees to obtain blessings by dedicating resources.

The small family is attached to the big family, the big family is attached to the country or the king, etc., and so on!

Although it is a civilized society, it still follows the rule of the jungle.

Lin Yuzhu nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly heard a sound coming from the door, and turned her head, but what she saw made her open her mouth:

"Why is it him!"

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