Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 169: Master's Dress, Xu's Father And Daughter's Fear

The ones at the door are Zhou Yang and Skaha.

Lin Yuzhu looked at Zhou Yang and the purple-haired beauty beside him, feeling a little doubtful in his heart:

"Why did Zhou Yang appear here? Isn't this the Xu family's private dinner? Isn't he an ordinary person? Did someone bring him here?"

Lin An at the side heard her daughter's voice and asked curiously:

"Yu Zhu, what happened?"

Lin Yuzhu fell into deep thought, and didn't realize it until her father patted her on the shoulder, and replied:

"I see Zhou Yang!"

Lin An retorted subconsciously after hearing this: "How is it possible, isn't he a child of an ordinary family? How could it be possible to come to such a high-end dinner party? Is it because you missed it so much and misread it!"

Lin Yuzhu shook his head and said in a positive tone:

"I've known him for so many years, it's impossible to admit that he's wrong!"

Just as Lin An was about to speak, he suddenly saw Xu's father and daughter walking over in a hurry.

"Mr. Xu, Miss Changge's "683" night..."

Lin An excitedly wanted to respond to the enthusiasm of Xu's father and daughter, but the two of them ignored his palms raised in mid-air, walked past him, and hurried towards the door!

And his behavior just now looks like a fool!

Lin An put his hand down in embarrassment, then turned his head to look at the door, a familiar figure made him widen his eyes, and exclaimed:

"how is this possible!"

At the door, Scathach didn't wear his own purple women's light armor at night, but put on a navy blue dress.

The front of the navy blue skirt is decorated with star-shaped patterns, long gloves, a navy blue flower on the head, and a white crown on the top of the head, which looks very temperamental

Scathach's appearance was like a light suddenly turned on in the dark night, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

In contrast, Zhou Yang was dressed much more low-key, still all in black, and walked in calmly, not caring about the scorching and questioning gazes of other people.

Because he had enough strength in his hand, he didn't have any timidity in his heart, and what he had was just calm.

If he wanted, he could turn this dinner party into a bloody hell at any time!

Everyone's lives are in his hands, so he doesn't need to care about their opinions!

Just like humans don't look at pigs who can care about slaughtering at will!

Xu Changge in a white dress trotted all the way to Zhou Yang, and said respectfully:

"Master...Mr. Zhou, you are here!"

Because of Zhou Yang's previous reminder, Xu Changge did not forget to call Zhou Yang "Mr. Zhou"!

Xu Changge didn't ignore Skaha, who was shining like a pearl beside her. Looking at the combination of handsome men and beautiful women, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

But Xu Changge didn't show it, but asked cautiously: "Mr. Zhou, this is..."

Zhou Yang glanced at her and said lightly:

"Skathach, my companion!"


Xu Changge suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, and his mood improved a lot.

Zhou Yang didn't know the small thoughts in Xu Changge's heart, so he just said calmly:

"Well, your dinner party was very lively!"

Xu Changge could hear a little dissatisfaction in Zhou Yang's tone, showing a look of fear, and explained softly:

"My father wanted you to see our sincerity, so he summoned the people who are attached to our family, I hope you will not be offended!"

At this time, Xu Changge's father, Xu Bowen, also came over, and after hearing this, he said apologetically:

"This is all my idea, Mr. Zhou, please don't blame the little girl!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Bowen took a look at Zhou Yang, and cautiously probed the other party with his mental power, trying to test the other party's strength and confirm whether it was as strong as his daughter said.

But just reaching Zhou Yang's side was like falling into an abyss.

His consciousness seemed to appear in Freezing Hell, and countless cold winds seemed to freeze his soul to pieces!

The next moment, Freezing Hell turned into Blazing Hell again, and the high temperature of Ultimate burned his consciousness, making him slowly start to melt!

The scorching heat only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing, but before Xu Bowen heaved a sigh of relief, he fell into a pitch-black abyss, with tentacles like black mud protruding from it, as if they were going to drag him into hell !

"don't want!"

Xu Bowen exclaimed under such horror, opened his eyes and found that he was still standing there, but the clothes on his body were already soaked in cold sweat!

Xu Changge at the side noticed something strange, so he asked nervously, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Yang glanced at Xu Bowen who was still in panic, and said lightly:

"I don't like people spying on me. This is the first and last time. If you still want to die, then your Xu family should prepare the coffin!"

Xu Bowen heard Zhou Yang's voice, although the other party was much younger than him, but after experiencing the feeling just now, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva!

But in addition to being frightened, he also had a kind of excitement in his heart!

This is not because he is a shivering m, but because the young man in front of him is not more than twenty years old, but his strength is at least above that of the quasi-king!

Then he must be king, and according to what his daughter said, the new king has no family to serve him!

In other words, their Xu family was the first family to take refuge in!

Everything comes first, first come first, even if there are more defectors later on, as long as the Xu family does not die, he will not be abandoned by the new owner!

So Xu Bowen showed an earnest expression on his face, and said respectfully: "Your Highness, please go inside, I have summoned all the important members of the Xu family and all the families that are attached to the Xu family, and I will announce your existence... ..."

"No, I don't want to deal with a lot of people, I'll leave after talking about things!"

Zhou Yang said calmly, this flat tone made Xu Changge on the side feel frustrated.

Originally, they wanted to show the value of the Xu family by recruiting vassal families, and let Zhou Yang know that the Xu family was quite powerful.

But seeing Zhou Yang's expression now, perhaps his actions may be a joke in the eyes of the other party.

After all, the young man in front of him has already stepped into the rank of quasi-king. Once he is promoted to king, with just one word, the whole world will mobilize to crown him!

It's just that Xu Changge doesn't know that the quasi-king he thinks has actually become the existence that crushes the king long ago!

Although Xu Bowen was rejected, he didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction in his heart, he just said respectfully:

"Okay, then please invite Mr. Zhou to go in and want to eat delicious food. These are the top chefs I hired at a high price. They are good at a variety of cuisines, and they will definitely satisfy His Highness!"

"Yes!" 3.3 Zhou Yang nodded in agreement, and walked in with Scathach!

Because of the performance of the Xu family's father and daughter, everyone in the venue has long focused on him, and even started discussing:

"Who is he? Why do I feel that Xu Bowen is afraid of him!"

"Looking at his young age, is he the heir of a certain king?"

"This is the big man that the Xu family wants to entertain, and there is such a beautiful woman by his side. Could it be that he is a dude from a big family?"

And Lin Yuzhu also walked nearby, and listening to the discussions of the people nearby, she bit her lower lip with her white teeth and said in a low voice:

"What the hell is going on here? Why did Zhou Yang become a big shot all of a sudden?"

And her father just shook his head and said with a sigh:

"Yuzhu, this Zhou Yang seems to have a lot of background......"

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