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Chapter 170: The Tears Of A Literary Girl, Taoist Zhou Yang Of Many Treasures

"It's not a small story? But I've been to his house and it's just an ordinary house, and his sister is just an ordinary person?"

Lin Yuzhu said in disbelief.

But Lin An just asked back:

"How do you explain what happened today? You know that even the Patriarch of the Xu family we have taken refuge in is so respectful to him, do you think he is just an ordinary person?"

"how to explain………"

Lin Yuzhu fell into silence, looking at Zhou Yang who was walking in with a calm face, suddenly felt a sense of loss in his heart!

Although he has known each other for three years, he doesn't seem to know Zhou Yang at all, and he doesn't know what secrets he hides. The two of them seem to be separated by a moat that cannot be crossed!

If Zhou Yang is really a big shot, then she, a girl from an ordinary family, is completely unworthy of her, so she can only look at Zhou Yang from a distance.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuzhu clenched his fists involuntarily, and his nails were deeply embedded in the flesh!

Seeing her daughter's uncomfortable appearance, Lin An comforted her with concern:

"At first, I always thought that the other party was an ordinary person, and I wanted to wait until he suffered setbacks in society before letting you recruit him into the marriage, but now it seems that 04 is impossible, so let's be more careful, close!"

Lin Yuzhu didn't speak, but bit her lower lip, feeling empty in her heart, as if she had reached the edge of an abyss and slowly fell down.

All her beautiful fantasies and expectations were shattered, and she even thought about marrying Zhou Yang, having a son and a daughter, and living a life of husband and wife!

With the Lin family's property, Zhou Yang Zhou Yang only needs to take care of the property. Although he will not become rich, he can still ensure that he has no worries about food and clothing!

But this ordinary man in her eyes turned into a big man her father would look up to!

Lin Yuzhu sighed: "Should I praise myself for being so good at seeing people..."

"You have always had a good eye for people!"

A familiar voice rang in her ears, causing Lin Yuzhu to raise her head, and what caught her eyes was that wicked smile again, like a bohemian son who doesn't pay attention to everything in the world!

He has not changed!

Although it is not the first time to see this smile, the tears in Lin Yuzhu's eyes still welled up, and he smiled and said:

"You bastard!"

Lin An at the side heard this, his legs became weak with fright, and he explained with a smile on his face:

"My daughter, she..."

"Uncle, don't be nervous, Yuzhu and I have known each other for a long time!"

Zhou Yang smiled gently, then took out a tissue and gently wiped away the tears on Lin Yuzhu's face, and said with a smile:

"Are you trying to show me how your eyes are red from crying today, but you don't look as good when you smile!"

Zhou Yang has always had a special affection for Lin Yuzhu.

Since meeting her, this literary girl has been helping him, caring about him, and even showing affection!

But even Zhou Yang in the past, with his pride, it is impossible to agree to enter the boil!

So every time Lin Yuzhu hinted, he would deliberately change the topic, and then dragged it from the first year of high school to the third year of high school!

I didn't expect to be able to see Lin Yuzhu when I came out to the dinner party today, and it seemed that I was crying because of myself!

"Then I'll show you without smiling, a little bit!"

Lin Yuzhu snorted, and turned her head away, not wanting Zhou Yang to stare at her ugly appearance.

Yes, Zhou Yang wouldn't give up the chance to come back and reached out to scrunch her hair into a mess.

Lin Yuzhu opened his mouth, showing his canine teeth, and warned viciously:

"Mess my hair again and I'll bite you!"

"Sorry, my skin is thick, you can't bite it!"

Zhou Yang said like a rascal, then took Lin Yuzhu's hand, saw the bloodstain left by the direct insertion before, stretched out his finger and touched it gently!

The moment he touched the wound, Lin Yuzhu took a deep breath and exclaimed in pain:


But Zhou Yang just tapped Lin Yuzhu's head lightly, and said softly:

"I know it hurts, why did I use so much force just now, I really thought I didn't feel the pain anymore!"

Seeing Zhou Yang's serious tone, Lin Yuzhu faltered immediately, and whispered:

"I didn't feel this much pain just now!"

Zhou Yang rolled his eyes at him, and then put the tree demon's grandmother's Mu Xin in Lin Yuzhu's palm, and the soft life energy was released from Mu Xin, slowly blending into Lin Yuzhu's body.


Lin Yuzhu muttered in a low voice, her eyes widened suddenly, and the nail marks on her palm began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Xu Bowen and Xu Changge on the side widened their eyes when they saw this scene, the treasures with such effects are already considered rare treasures, and can already be used as inheritance treasures of a big family!

But such a treasure was just taken out of Zhou Yang's trouser pocket, and it didn't mean that it was precious at all.

What is the origin of this Highness?

If Xu Changge hadn't seen Doraemon, she would have thought that Zhou Yang was a Doraemon in human form, with a four-dimensional pocket that could take out countless treasures

However, compared to the shock of Xu's father and daughter, Lin's father was ecstatic. Although he also hoped that his daughter could choose her own happiness, he also hoped that the family could flourish in his hands!

Today's Zhou Yang is her daughter's favorite object, and also has a mysterious identity. Isn't it beautiful to have both!

On the contrary, Lin Yuzhu didn't think too much. After the injury was repaired, he handed Mu Xin over and said:

"Okay, I've used it, you have so many treasures!"

Without any hesitation or greed, Zhou Yang just gave it to her and she returned it when she was done using it.

Even though Lin Yuzhu knew it was a precious treasure, she only felt that such a good thing should be kept on Zhou Yang's body, so as to avoid injury!

Zhou Yang looked at the innocent girl and said with a smile:

"This thing belongs to you!"

After Zhou Yang has the power of the ram, all his injuries will recover after leaving the battle. Mu Xin has no effect on him, so he might as well give it to his little deskmate.

Lin Yuzhu wanted to refuse, but Zhou Yang turned around and walked inside, and said without looking back:

"Fool Lin, come in with me!"

"You are the fool!"

Lin Yuzhu retorted angrily, but followed behind Zhou 180yang obediently.

After Zhou Yang left, Lin An let out a long breath. Although the other party was only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, he felt more majestic than facing his own father!

Now that the other party is gone, Lin An only feels that the air around him is much lighter.

Driven by curiosity, Lin An asked Xu Bowen respectfully: "Patriarch, what is this person's identity?"

The Lin family is attached to the Xu family, so Lin An also calls Xu Bowen the head of the family.

Lin An was just attached to an inconspicuous small family among the many families in their Xu family, and he was not even qualified to talk to him.

But after seeing the relationship between Lin An's daughter and this Highness, Xu Bowen will no longer underestimate Lin An!

After all, once Lin Anzhu becomes Zhou Yang's woman, then even an ordinary woman will become a high-ranking concubine, and then one word can decide the life and death of his Xu family!

So Xu Bowen showed a kind smile and said cordially:

"That Highness ordered me not to disclose it, but I can tell Brother Lin that if you get that favor, your future glory and wealth will be indispensable."

Lin An opened his mouth wide, although the other party was vague.

But he can feel from Xu Bowen's changing attitude and words that this boy named Zhou Yang has an extraordinary identity!

It even made the Xu family, who looked like a colossus in his eyes, become humble!

Is he the illegitimate son of the king?

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