Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 171: Cruel Survival Rules, Arrogant Intruders (Please Subscribe For The Third Update! Please

Faced with Lin An's doubts, Xu Bowen just laughed, without explaining too much, but said with a smile:

"I remember that the Lin family has been in the business of animal fur recently?"

Lin An nodded, and said distressedly: "I'm doing it, but I haven't been able to find a good supplier, so the factory has been unable to start work!"

After hearing this, Xu Bowen laughed, patted Lin An on the shoulder and said:

"So it's such a trivial matter, then you can go to the Li family, they are in the fur business, just report my name directly!"

"What a shame..."

Lin An wanted to say a few words of courtesy, but was interrupted by Xu Bowen:

"Don't be polite to me, I really like to get along with cultural people like you. After the animal skin is processed, give me some to wear!"

Lin An nodded repeatedly and said happily:


"Then I'll go ahead!"

Xu Bowen said goodbye to Lin An with a smile, and the moment he turned around, his originally friendly face calmed down, without any enthusiasm at all.

He glanced at Xu Changge who was silent beside him, and sighed:

"Do you think father changed his face too quickly!"

Xu Changge shook his head, and said softly: "I know that my father is going to please Lin An because of the relationship between that girl named Lin Yuzhu and His Highness!"

Xu Bowen said helplessly:

"The strong in this world control everything, they can decide the life and death of countless people at will, and all we can do is to climb up as much as possible, and then we don't want to be a part of the life and death that is decided.

The girl named Lin Yuzhu is really lucky. It seems that she met His Highness in advance and formed a good relationship. If there is no accident, she is very likely to become the princess and the master of our Xu family, so she must communicate with her in advance. They have a good relationship, unless..."

"Unless I also get His Highness's favor!"

Xu Changge said something calmly, and quickened his pace to follow, leaving only Xu Bowen with a wry smile on his face.

In the banquet hall, Zhou Yang brought Skaha and Lin Yuzhu to the long table, looking at the dazzling array of food. Zhou Yang picked up a seafood pie and took a bite!

But the moment Zhou Yang ate it, he frowned, spit it out, and said lightly:

"After eating the food from Xiaodangjia, I really can't eat this kind of food!"

Skaha ate with relish, and asked suspiciously: "Isn't the taste okay, and it's not as exaggerated as you said!"

"It tastes alright!"

Lin Yuzhu was also happy to taste these exquisite snacks. Although the quantity is small, the ingredients are well matched.

Zhou Yang picked up a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and said with a smile:

"When you have eaten the delicacies made by Xiaodangjia, you will feel how I feel now!"

"Who is the little master, if the owner is not satisfied with these dishes, then I will invite this little master to cook!"

Xu Changge's voice cut in, and she walked over slowly in high heels, with a sweet and alluring smile.

Zhou Yang took a sip of orange juice and said with a slight smile: "He can't be hired casually. Didn't you eat a plate of mandrill meat at my place last time? That's what he did!"

"The mandrill meat is made by that little boss!"

Xu Changge said in surprise that the superb cooking skills that perfectly processed the meat of different animals made Xu Changge have no appetite for other meals for several days.

But to be able to handle the meat of such a high-level alien beast, and to make such a good taste, it should be at the level of a master chef, and maybe even as strong as Zhou Yang!

Birds of a feather flock together!

The giant dragon will not get along with the ants on an equal footing, the little leader who even wants to give face to Zhou Yang must be a big shot!

Zhou Yang naturally didn't know how many plots Xu Changge had filled his head, so he just asked lightly:

"How powerful is your family?"

When Xu Changge heard this, he knew that it was Zhou Yang who started the postgraduate entrance examination, so he said seriously:

"Our Xu family has been in business for more than 30 years, involving five or six industries. There are more than 80 shops in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other regions!"

"The industry is quite big, and it has spread across three provinces and cities!"

Zhou Yang took another look at her, and was a little surprised by the strength of the Xu family. Scatha, who was on the side, smiled while eating dessert.

Xu Changge said with a wry smile:

"This is because my father is an eighth-level powerhouse, and basically the state will give him a lot of discounts. In addition, he has a strong business mind, so he has expanded the family business.

But after becoming bigger, my Xu family still can't compete with the king's family, so most of the profits are often cut off. Among them, the shops in the magic city are basically in a state of loss due to various reasons.

And even so, he was still targeted by some heirs of the king's family, and wanted to swallow my Xu family's fat!"


Zhou Yang nodded thoughtfully, and then continued to ask: "So do you have power in the coastal areas? Have you ever explored the sea?"

The ocean and the land are completely two levels. Whether it is the earth in the previous life or the current planet, the ocean occupies more than 70% of the planet!

Therefore, the resources in the sea are generally more abundant than those on the land, but there are a large number of exotic animals in the deep sea, which are extremely dangerous, but the shallow sea also has more abundant resources than the land.

At this time, Xu Bowen also came over, and said in a low voice:

"Basically, 70% of the resources in the coastal areas are controlled by the state, and the remaining 30% are eaten by several big families, the leader of which is the Han family headed by King Tianshui.

They simply don't allow those of us who don't have a background to touch this big cake. I wanted to touch seafood when I just opened a shop, but the shop was burned that night, and I received a warning letter the next day !"

Speaking of this, Xu Bowen clenched his fists, he was still very excited about what happened back then!

`~The big resources have been seized, these families are very interesting!"

Zhou Yang spoke meaningfully, and then said to the Xu family:

"Then I will protect you from now on, but you also have to collect rare treasures for me!"

Zhou Yang has always only liked the exchange of benefits, the so-called loyalty is useless to him!

He gave the Xu family protection, and the Xu family will also collect a lot of resources for him, so that he can make deals with other group members!

After all, his goal has never been just a small main world, but the vast world!

"Thank you, Your Highness, my Xu family will definitely make a fool of Your Highness!"

Xu Bowen bent down excitedly, but was helped up by Zhou Yang, and (well) asked:

"You are the local snake in Hangzhou, are there any villas in the wealthy area for sale, I want to buy one!"

"Buying a villa?"

Xu Bowen was stunned for a moment, but thought that the place where Zhou Yang lived was completely unworthy of his status, so he said proactively:

"You don't need to trouble your highness with this. I already have a villa that is vacant. It was originally a dowry for my daughter, but since your highness needs a house, why don't you condescend to live in it for ten periods of time!"

"You really have a heart, then I will accept it!"

Zhou Yang glanced at him approvingly, this Xu Bowen was also quite sensible and saved himself a lot of trouble.

Xu Bowen responded with a smile: "This is what my subordinates should do, and it is also a gift for His Highness!"

Zhou Yang nodded, and discussed with him about the distribution of forces in this world. While they were chatting, an arrogant and domineering voice came in:

"Where is Xu Bowen? Get out!"

PS: Please subscribe for the third update! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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