Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 172: Son Of Tianshui King, Birth Of The Zombie King

Following the insolent voice, a luxuriously dressed young man walked in, followed by two bodyguards in black, who unabashedly showed his blood!

Two warriors of the eighth rank!

Zhou Yang narrowed his eyes and said lightly:

"Who is this guy?"

Xu Bowen shook his head with an ugly expression, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know where he came from, he's so arrogant!"

But Xu Bowen is an old fritter who has lived for decades after all, he didn't directly get angry, but asked with a smile:

"Excuse me, who are you, and why did you force your way into my Xu family's private banquet!"

"Heh, a private banquet!"

The luxuriously dressed boy sneered and said:

"I didn't expect that you, an old bone, have a bad memory. I just found someone to recruit you some time ago. How dare you reject me without giving me face, and even seek refuge with other people!"

"Some time ago..."

Xu Bowen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed:

"You are the second son of Tianshui Prince, Han Yun!"

The Xu family had been recruited many times before, and the one with the most frequency and the craziest attitude was the son of Tianshuiwang.

The other party asked him to donate 90% of the family property and let his daughter be a concubine, but he was just a second son without inheritance rights.

Moreover, Han Yun's reputation has always been very bad, he often used his father's name to grab famous women, and he himself is a lazy master [relying on this crooked way to forcibly seize the wealth of the small family!

He's just a dandy waiting to die!

So Xu Bowen directly rejected the other party's acceptance, and said that he would think about it later, but he didn't expect the other party to come to him!

After hearing that it was the second son of King Tianshui, everyone present became terrified, and 627 began to discuss in a low voice!

After all, in this world, the kings are all high above, standing at the top of the pyramid

Among them, after becoming king, King Tianshui flooded several cities occupied by alien beasts by himself, killing hundreds of thousands of alien beasts!

The Taotao flood is like a disaster from the sky, so the title of Tianshui King is really a prestige from killing it!

Han Yun frowned after hearing the word "second son", and said coldly:

"It turns out that you are not blind, you can still recognize me!"

"Speak more cleanly..."

Seeing his father being insulted in this way, Xu Changge on the side wanted to go back angrily, but Xu Bowen signaled him not to speak with his eyes.

Xu Bowen, who has lived for decades and has seen countless worlds, deeply understands how terrifying the king's family is!

And his new master still has to become the king, so he must endure!

So Xu Bowen squeezed out a smile and asked:

"I don't know that Mr. Han Yun is coming, I'm sorry to welcome you, so why not have a good meal!"

But this Han Yun just glanced at him, mockingly said:

"Fuck you, I came to recruit you to join me before, you can talk about it later, if someone hadn't come to inform me, I didn't even know you had a new master!"


Xu Bowen's face turned ugly, he only told a few of his confidants about his entertaining of Zhou Yang, and told everyone else that it was just entertaining a big man!

Now that Han Yun knows everything, it means that someone in his confidant has betrayed!

So he turned his head and glanced at a few of his confidants, and one of the men in a suit came out calmly and said without shame:

"Big brother, a good bird chooses a tree to live in. You just bet everything on a brat. It's just nonsense. It's better to dedicate the Xu family to the son of Tianshui King. We can also be protected by the king, and we don't have to give in everywhere! "

Xu Bowen looked at his younger brother, gritted his teeth and said:

"Xu Shi'an, you actually betrayed me!"

Zhou Yang and Scathach looked at each other, both of them looked a little playful, and they were not in a hurry to make a move.

"Betrayal, heh, there has never been loyalty, so why talk about betrayal!"

Xu Shi'an spoke slowly, then came to Han Yun's side, and said respectfully:

"My lord, everything in the Xu family should belong to you!"

Han Yun nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "When I take over the Xu family, you will be the new head of the family!"

"Thank you son!"

A look of surprise appeared on Xu Shi'an's face, and then he said to Xu Bowen:

"Big brother, surrender early, as long as you surrender obediently, His Highness will let you live!"

"You're dreaming!"

Xu Bowen refused without hesitation, not because of his tough bones, once he surrendered and fell into Xu Shi'an's hands, he would definitely be worse than death!

Xu Shi'an himself knew his big brother quite well, and he knew that he would refuse, so he said to Han Yun:

"Young master, Xu Bowen stole your treasure, and now he refuses to return it, please kill him, and then clear the Xu family!"

Steal treasure!

Xu Bowen first wondered what treasure he had stolen, and then realized that this was just an excuse made by the other party, just an excuse to deal with the authorities!

If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse!

Han Yun was quite satisfied with this new dog, he glanced around, and suddenly saw Scatha, a hint of greed flashed in his eyes!

Such a beautiful woman should belong to me!

Han Yun had (aeah) a lot of evil thoughts in his mind, so he pointed at Scatha and said loudly:

"Xu Bowen not only stole my treasures, but also hid heretics. I, Han Yun, is the son of Tianshui King, and I am dedicated to protecting mankind, so I will get rid of this scum!"

How shameless!

Seeing Han Yun confuse black and white, this idea came to everyone's mind, but no one dared to support Xu Bowen because of the deterrence of the family behind him!

Because in their eyes, Xu Bowen, who offended the king's family, is already a dead end, so why bother to speak for the dead.

Han Yun looked at the group of silent guys and nodded in satisfaction, saying:

"Shoot Xu Bowen to death, and then take his daughter and the purple-haired woman back together. I will torture him severely, and we must put an end to the cult!

As soon as the words fell, the two bodyguards behind Xu Bowen took a step forward, and a powerful explosion of energy and blood put tremendous pressure on Xu Bowen!

Although he is also at the eighth level, he is actually old, and he is completely unable to compete with two physically powerful warriors.

"Are you really going to die here?"

Xu Bowen couldn't help but feel despair in his heart, Zhou Yang, the quasi-king, would definitely not want to go head-to-head with a royal family for them!

He only needs to be promoted to the king, and a large number of families will stick to him, so the Xu family is not very important to him!

"Why is this......"

Xu Changge also thought of this, and his body couldn't help shaking, as if he had already seen his miserable future.

Enjoying the awe of these people, Han Yun laughed wildly and said:

"Feel despair, I want to let you know what will happen if you offend me!"

"I think you should be the one who is desperate!"

A faint voice sounded, and a bodyguard was pierced through the heart by a blood-red spear, and his life was taken away in an instant, and he was nailed to the floor!


The other person's eyes widened, and a figure rushed towards him

But before he could react, a hand shaped like a dead branch grabbed his neck and slowly lifted it up into the air, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of it!

And the one who did all this was an old man dressed in the Qing Dynasty government, his body was extremely stiff, his eyes had no eyeballs, only the whites of his eyes, he slowly opened his mouth, revealing his terrifying fangs and biting down on the black-clothed bodyguard!


With the sound of drinking water, the eighth-level bodyguard wailed in pain, and his body slowly shriveled.

"No, I don't want to die......

In just one minute, it turned into a mummy, and the terrified expression was still on the corpse!

The two eighth-rank fighters were all dead in an instant, causing everyone on the field to start commotion!

"Monster, could it be that a monster has invaded?"

"Why are there such terrible zombies? Could it be that evil warlocks practiced monsters?"

"Will it eat us, I don't want to die......

And the one who was most afraid was Han Yun, his legs were trembling uncontrollably, and even his pants were wet.

He backed away, but stumbled and sat on the block, watching the zombie yell in horror:

"Zombie... Zombies! Why are there such powerful zombies here? Shouldn't they be in Kangxi? Don't touch me. I'm the son of Tianshui Wang. If you dare to touch me, you will be submerged in the flood." "

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I feel that writing this kind of writing is not easy, but it is just to draw out the world view, and the next chapter will continue to the chat group!.

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