Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 173: Destroying The King With A Flick Of A Finger, The Transcendence Management Bureau Shake

It seems that his words did not deter the Zombie King, but aroused his desire to kill#, and his skinny palm directly picked him up from the ground and lifted him into the air.


The Zombie King let out a roar, and the terrifying sound wave spread out, like an explosion, causing everyone to cover their ears!

clap clap!

Countless glasses shattered under the sound waves, and Han Yun's eardrum was shattered because he couldn't cover his ears, and blood flowed out of it.

"Ah, ah, my ears hurt so much, father, save me!"

But his cry of pain could not arouse the mercy of the zombie king, instead he used his pitch-black nails to sink into the flesh and blood, seeping in with terrifying bacteria, causing the wound to fester quickly!

Scathach picked up a grape and put it into his mouth, and said disdainfully:

"What a weak son of Tianshui Wang, with such a good family background, he still looks like a waste, not as strong as the two dogs beside him!"

#733 …

The corners of Xu Bowen's mouth twitched slightly. These two fighters were all powerful, and even he was no match for him, but in the eyes of this woman, he was just a weak dog!

But thinking about the power of Scathach's throwing gun just now, it can penetrate an eighth-level warrior with a single shot, and the power carried in it may not be able to block it even if it is ninth-level!

"Where did this monster come from..."

Xu Bowen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and became more and more determined to hug Zhou Yang's thigh tightly.

Zhou Yang said with a smile: "Brother, a good-for-nothing, do you still want him to become Long Aotian, swearing at the air!"

"What is Long Aotian?"

Lin Yuzhu, who was behind him, asked suspiciously that he had never experienced the baptism of Internet literature in his previous life, so he could not understand the meaning of the word Long Aotian at all!

Zhou Yang thought for a while and explained: "It's just that the family background is very strong, and when you go out to pick up magic, the tiger's body is shocked and the woman is stuck!"

"Isn't this the guy from Gilgamesh?"

Scathach suddenly interjected, which made Zhou Yang stunned. Thinking about Gilgamesh's life trajectory, this guy is the deluxe version of Long Aotian!

It's just that Zhou Yang didn't classify her as Long Aotian because of his charismatic personality!

Now it seems that this guy's full name should be Jin Aotian, the oldest village chief!

But that guy is a woman, it's nonsense to post a beautiful woman upside down, play with Lily at most!

Thinking of Gilgamesh, Zhou Yang felt a faint sense of danger, thinking of the arrogant remarks that Gilgamesh put down before!

Can you still find me?

Can this guy join the chat group too?

Join in and give her a daily ban, and give her a lifelong black house package!

Zhou Yang paid attention in his heart, and then set his sights on the son of Tianshui Wang.

Because the son of the aristocratic family was strangled by the zombie king, his face also turned red due to lack of oxygen!

But the strong desire to survive# made him make a plea:

"Let go... let me go... I am the most beloved son of King Tianshui, you will definitely offend him if you kill me!"

"Tian Shui Wang, I haven't heard of it!"

Zhou Yang said flatly, and then zombie Wang Ye increased the strength of his palm and began to sink into his flesh and blood!

"Who dares to touch my heir?"

With a majestic voice, a sky-blue light curtain bloomed from Han Yun's body, giving him a chance to breathe!

The tall figure of one to several feet slowly manifested, turning into a majestic middle-aged man, overlooking Zhou Yang and others!

Han Yun became excited when he saw this figure, and shouted bitterly:

"Father, it is a trace of father's spiritual thought. I am saved. You will never know how powerful the king is. All of you will die..."

Zhou Yang rubbed his chin, a difference flashed in his eyes, it wasn't that Water King was very strong this day, but...

too weak!

Weak enough that he can be shocked to death with a flick of a finger!

Are all the current kings this weak?

Or is it because this is a spiritual idea that is equivalent to a clone, so it doesn't bring much strength?

The so-called Tianshui Wang Lingnian slowly opened his eyes, saw the Zombie King pinching his son and roared angrily:

"Nie Zhan, you still haven't let go of your hand!"

After finishing speaking, the blue light curtain opened, the blue water rippled between the sky and the earth, and a terrifying water column fell from the sky, hitting the Jian householder with the power to crush everything!


Accompanied by a dull sound, the Zombie King took a few steps back, and the Qing Dynasty government palace on his body was damaged, revealing the unscathed purple stiff body!

The Zombie King lowered his head slowly for a glance, then raised his head to look at the avatar of Tianshui King's spirit in the sky, and seemed to say:

"What are you playing?"

The onlookers on the side were also stunned. Why is there such a big battle and not much damage?

Is this guy really king?

Even Han Yun, who was being held up, was dumbfounded, crying and shouting: "Father, save me quickly, stop playing, kill it quickly!"


Tianshui Wang's face was so gloomy that he could drip water, and at the same time, the water elements in the air began to gather, forming surging waves in the sky, almost covering the sky!

If this wave is photographed, the entire wealthy area will be destroyed and turned into ruins, and countless lives will drown in the water!

"Go to hell, ants!"

Tianshui Wang let out a cold snort, and directly released the terrifying monstrous waves, and slammed them down amidst the turbulence!

0…ask for flowers…………

"Although I want to see your performance, I will live here in the future, and I can't let you destroy it!"

Zhou Yang took a look at the so-called Tianshui King, completely lost interest, and snapped his fingers lightly!


The extremely cold field spread out around him, directly freezing the terrifying huge waves, turning into a huge ice sculpture!

There was a crackling sound from the ice sculpture, and then it exploded with a bang, turning into ice dust falling from the sky.

As if heavy snow had fallen from the sky, the earth was covered with an ice-blue silver dress.

"How is it possible, my tidal wave is frozen, who are you!"

Tianshui Wang yelled in disbelief, but before he could continue speaking, Zhou Yang flicked his fingers, and the powerful spell power condensed, directly shattering Tianshui Wang's spiritual thoughts.

Tianshui Wang Lingnian, defeated!

"Tian Shui Wang lost just like that..."


Xu Changge said blankly, she seemed to have underestimated her new master, he seemed to be no longer the quasi-king, but a real master!

Walking on the earth, if there is a demon king!

"Great! Great!"

But Xu Bowen was trembling with excitement, he didn't expect to win the bet this time, the opponent is a real king!

"How could my father lose? This must be an illusion. It must be you, a group of untouchables, who are lying to me..."

Han Yun, the son of Tianshui King, fell into deep self-doubt, started yelling crazily, and then was sucked into a mummy by the Zombie King and thrown aside.

Zhou Yang used the ghost clock to take back the Zombie King, and after giving some orders to Xu Bowen, he left with Scathach!

And all the other family members came forward to congratulate Xu Bowen after seeing this scene!

"Congratulations to the Xu family for becoming the king's servant family!"

"With the king's support in the future, the future must be boundless!"

"Patriarch, I don't know if I will accept him or not!"

Although Xu Bowen looked down on this group of idiots, but thinking that they were still useful, he had no choice but to deal with them with a smile on his face!

And the remaining traitor, Xu Shi'an, had his limbs broken, and was taken off like a dead dog!

The banquet continued, and everything was going on in an orderly manner. Among the bright lights, only the traces of chaos on the ground and the two mummified corpses indicated that a great war had just happened here!

And in the Transcendent Administration in Hangzhou, everyone received a shocking news:

The spirit of Tianshui King was shattered, and the person who did it was a king, suspected to be the king of the abyss!

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