Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 178: Capturing The Diving Newcomer, The Poisonous Maid Rem Appears (Please Subscribe For The

Zhou Yang thought about it, the original elf is indeed the original core of the world of Date A Live, and other elves were born based on her.

Takamiya Mio's essence is like the Orochi of the King of Fighters world, a manifestation of the world's will, so it is not an exaggeration to say that she is the embodiment of the world's origin!

If Takamiya Mio is really regarded as a commodity, it may be really valuable!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yang said with emotion: "Kang San, you are really a business genius!"

Kuangsan sneered and said: "Of course, she ruined my life, so I have to take revenge and let her be the food for me to become stronger."

Ganwumei: "Today's crazy third sister is so scary...

Zhou Yang could feel the resentment from the words, but he didn't try to persuade Kuangsan to let go of his hatred, because only people who have never suffered can say words that make others let go of their hatred

Because in the original book, he has seen the torture of Kurumi in order to find the mastermind behind the scenes, and he has even gone mad.

This kind of hatred has penetrated deep into the marrow, if it wasn't for the fact that Kurumi was not yet sure about capturing Takamiya Mio, she would have done it a long time ago~.

Moreover, Zhou Yang is a person with a clear stand, he treats his companions like a spring breeze in March, and treats his enemies like a bitter cold wind!

Since Takamiya Mio is the enemy of Kurumi, Zhou Yang will also unconditionally protect Kurumi!

So Zhou Yang continued: "However, your current strength is not enough. If you participate in a few more missions to break through your time-eating city, then it should be almost enough!"

Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile: "So I'm just waiting for Mr. Administrator to take me to pretend to fly!"

Zhou Yang smiled and said, "Of course, but what are you going to pay me?"

Time Elf: "Promise with your body!"

Electric Shocker: "Huh~"

Xun'er: "X('o?ㄨ) people, no, big brother is mine!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Is this another round of Shura field!"

God's Tongue: "The plot of the people here is much more exciting than that of girl comics!"

It's just that it's not the first time that Zhou Yang met Kuang San's teasing, he just smiled at Kaidō: "You are trying to take advantage of me!"

Tokisaki Kurumi rolled his eyes when he saw this, a charming girl came to the door on her own initiative, and even offered to take advantage of you!

But Kuang San is also a typical black-bellied party, and continued:

"Then Mr. Zhou will come back with me and be my king of the stronghold!"

"Then wait for you to grab it!"

Zhou Yang said with a smile, naturally he received Kuangsan's special white-eyed emoticon package in a private chat.

Kuangsan in the emoji is bright and charming, wearing a school uniform shirt and short skirt, with his eyes slightly turned up, expressing his dissatisfaction with Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang unceremoniously accepted the emoticon package, and Aite invited two people:

"@Hell Girl@ I like my sister the most, you two have been diving for so long, as for bubbling, I don't even know you yet!"

I like my sister the most: "Why does 1(?-`)r want to know me, does the administrator want to insult me ​​in his head?"

Ghosts want to humiliate you!

Zhou Yang rolled his eyes and said, "I don't know whether you are a man or a woman, how can I insult you, compared to Hell Girl, I know it's makeup!"

I like my sister the most: "Look at———, Mr. Administrator really exposed your thoughts, Rem is so scared!"


My favorite sister!

Ram Rem!

Zhou Yang recalled it for a while, and soon turned off a Quan drama in his previous life [Otherworld life from scratch]

Among them, the male protagonist is a guy who thinks he is Long Aotian, but has not recognized the reality after dying several times in succession.

It is different from the previous Otherworld Dragon Aotian anime, this male protagonist is more like the epitome of everyone in real life, he will be proud, complacent, and stupid!

The hero's ability comes from the death return of the Envious Witch, who can return to a save point after death!

It sounds powerful, but in fact, you will constantly experience the fear of being killed and dying!

The male main dish, Yue Subaru, was also on the verge of collapse because of returning from death many times. If he hadn't received the comfort from the heroine and the first female supporting role, he might have gone crazy long ago!

Although Zhou Yang doesn't like this male lead, he still completed the whole series because of the characters in it, the most famous of which is Rem!

"If true love has a color, it must be blue!"

Such a sentence represents Rem's status. She is gentle, considerate, omnipotent in housework, and single-minded when she likes people. She is a perfect character.

I thought it was a pervert sister, but I didn't expect it to be a blue-haired maid named Rem!

Zhou Yang took a breath and greeted with a smile: "Rem, how is your sister?"

Seeing this, Rem immediately became vigilant. She has been diving in the group for so many days, so she naturally knows that Zhou Yang has the ability to predict the future!

0...asking for flowers...

Why did the other party suddenly mention his sister?

There was more worry in Rem's heart, but she still asked with a poisonous tongue:

"Could it be that Mr. Pervert Administrator is not satisfied with being alone, and wants to take my sister to pose in various poses in his head?"

"Pfft! What's going on in your mind!"

Zhou Yang complained weakly, and then said: "Is your sister's ghost horn okay, and is she still in good health?"

Because according to Zhou Yang's original work, Ram and Rem are twins of the ghost clan, and they were born at the same time.

But at the same time, Ram's talent far surpassed that of Leim's. He showed the strength of heaven-defying when he was a child, and he has become the first person of the ghost clan!

Even as long as he continues to grow, his future achievements will not be inferior to that of Juggernaut Rhine Harut, and he will become the top powerhouse on the continent!

It is precisely because of this that because the ghost twins will share a ghost horn, the tribe has always believed that Rem has dragged Ram down, causing Rem to be excluded all the time!

However, under the protection of Ram, nothing happened. It was just that after being invaded by the Witch Cult, Ram was cut off with ghost horns in order to protect Rem, which required constant replenishment of magic power to survive.

Rem's heart trembled suddenly when she saw this sentence, and asked excitedly:

"Mr. Administrator, do you have a way to cure my sister, please tell me, as long as I can restore my sister's ghost horn, I can do anything!"

Zhou Yang was not in a hurry, but comforted him:

"Don't worry, I will fix your sister's ghost horn for you, and even if I can't, there are still many Grandmaster medical skills in the group, for example, Tsunade is one of the strongest medical ninjas!"

Big fat sheep in the gambling world: "Why do I seem to hear someone complimenting my beauty behind my back!"

Science and Snakes: "No, that's because your ears have auditory hallucinations, it's time to find a place to retire!"

The big fat sheep in the gambling world: "Fuck off old lady!"

→→You are using old lady words yourself!

Zhou Yang complained in his heart, but he still said seriously:

"Tsunade, I want to ask you, if someone's horn is broken, and now the body is leaking like a sieve, can it be repaired?"

Tsunade thought for a while and replied casually: "This is too simple..."

PS: Please subscribe for the fifth update! Ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for flowers! Ask for collection! Ask for reviewers!.

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