Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 179: Tsunade Who Repairs The Prison After A Dead Sheep

Tsunade continued: "Since it's leaking, why don't we find a way to plug it up for her?"


You treat it as a dead sheep, and after the dead sheep is finished, the sheep has already run away.

Zhou Yang complained in his heart, and then said:

"This is a human body, it's not a hole, you can make up whatever you want!"

Tsunade also realized that what he said was too casual, so he said seriously:

"This is just a principle. Although the human body is different from the device, since the power is leaked after the horn is broken, isn't it all right to just block the leaking hole?"

Seeing this, Rem asked excitedly: "Then sister Tsunade, can you mend it?"

"It's still you, a girl who is sensible and knows how to call me sister!"

Tsunade nodded in satisfaction, then said with a smile:

"I can not do it!"

It's not that Tsunade deliberately tricked them, but "one four three" is because she knew that different worlds have different rules after spending a long time in the Wanjie chat group.

According to their description, Rem's sister seems to be a ghost, and the horns of the ghost are as important as a human heart.

Although she was able to repair the injury, she couldn't make another ghost horn.

And because of some reasons, the current Tsunade is afraid of blood, and his medical skills have dropped significantly, and he can no longer perform at his peak level!

Zhou Yang:

No, you can still talk for so long and act like an expert, but in the end you can't do it.

No wonder Orochimaru often hates you, if it were mine, I couldn't help but want to cheat you!

Rem was also discouraged, and said in frustration:

"Is my sister so hopeless?"

Tsunade kindly reminded: "It's not necessarily true, don't forget Mr. Administrator, after all, he has an unusual background [maybe he has secret skills to repair ghost horns!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Zhou Yang, who was on the sidelines, almost choked. At first, he thought that Tsunade was going to say that Orochimaru, a biological scientist, recreated ghost horns, or that Bone King got a magical prop to repair the body.

In the end, this guy didn't play cards according to common sense, and directly dumped the blame on him, playing cards completely against common sense!

Report, someone tore up the script!

"Mr. Administrator!"

Like a drowning man grasping at the last straw, Rem said eagerly:

"Mr. Administrator, please help me. My sister became like this because of me. I don't want her to die like this. Please..."

Ganwumei: "Sister Leimu is so uncomfortable, I can't bear it too!"

Electric Shocker: "It's a pity that I can't get advanced medical equipment here, otherwise I can send it to you for a try!"

I am a slime: "I can regenerate limbs myself, but I can't help others, sorry!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "I haven't learned this kind of high-level healing spells, and since I started playing games, I've even regressed in basic spells!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "(scratching head expression) My scabbard can only guarantee that it won't get hurt, it seems that there is no way to get back what has been lost!"

Seeing this scene, he didn't speak. After all, his kind of evil value is negative, and it is impossible to waste a cherished world-class item for a stranger!

And it is very likely to be wasted because of the different world rules. Unless there is really no other way, he will consider making a move!

The Marquis of Vauban also thinks the same way. He has lived for four hundred years and has seen too many joys and sorrows, so in his eyes, only interests are everything!

And the other group members are either ordinary people or lack of ability, so they can't help at all, so after all, only one administrator can take action!

Zhou Yang also saw this, and he really has the ability to do this.

Although it is troublesome to say that the ghost's horn is broken, his Heroic Spirit Skaha stepped into the realm of the gods with a human body, a powerful existence with the title of Godslayer.

With her strength, she can be qualified for 7 classes, and she has the wisdom of the devil realm, and is proficient in a lot of magic and secret techniques. It is not difficult for her to repair a broken horn.

And even if Scathach can't do it, he can still find Momonga to buy a restoration item, and the price won't be too expensive!

So Zhou Yang said with a smile: "I can do it, but how will you pay for your medical expenses?"

Zhou Yang is a pure mercenary, although he is very kind to his own people, it does not mean that he will sacrifice his own interests to help others unconditionally.

Time Elf: "Come, come! The plot of bullies bullying little girls that I like to hear!"

→_→Kuan San, you are enough, I am obviously a normal doctor's billing process, and it is not some special plot in Japan!

Gan Wumei: "Although it's a little bit unreasonable, no one should help others unconditionally, so it's normal to charge for medicine!"

Electric Shocker: "I also agree, after all, we are still friends, even brothers have to settle accounts!"

Momonga nodded and said: "Sometimes we can get along longer only when we have a clear understanding of the differences!"

I'm a slime: "I agree with (7), but the administrator won't charge too much price, so it's normal to charge appropriately!"

Dad: "Dad thinks the fee is normal!"

Acedes: "I have nothing against it. After all, it is Mr. Administrator's own business. It is a matter of love if you do it, and it is your duty not to do it. After all, the strong have the right to decide all their actions..."

I'm not a fallen angel: "Girl, krypton gold, krypton gold can become stronger!"

I hate violence: "Yes!"

Zhou Yang looked at the group and nodded in satisfaction. After all, everyone is an adult and knows normal interpersonal communication.

Helping others unconditionally is just a fool. If you give unconditionally like licking a dog, you will be despised and kicked away in the end.

On the contrary, although a normal transaction will not generate a lot of favorability, the mentality of both of them is normal, and with Rem's character, he will definitely be grateful to him!

And Rem said seriously as he thought:

"Thank you, Mr. Administrator, for being able to make a move. Rem doesn't have too many treasures. If you want, I can give you everything!"

In Rem's eyes, her elder sister has surpassed everything. She has been living in guilt for so many years, and her only wish is to heal her elder sister's body.

Girl, what you say is dangerous!

Zhou Yang rubbed his chin. He was not surprised by Rem's answer. After all, Rem is only 2.7 and a maid now, and it is not easy to support herself

However, he had already had an idea, and said, "Then I will hire you as my maid, with full board and lodging, but the salary will be deducted from this matter until you pay it off!"

After all, he was about to move to a villa in a rich area. It would be troublesome to clean such a big house, and it would be easy to get outsiders to mix in spies.

And Rem has a responsible personality, and she was originally cleaning Roswaal's mansion, so she has a wealth of experience!

But the above is just an excuse!

Everyone has a love of beauty, and Rem is one of Zhou Yang's favorite characters after all, so naturally I don't want Subaru Natsuki to attack her!

It's better to hire her as your own maid, at least it's eye-catching!

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