Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 184: The Traverser Of The Second Grade, All The Members Of The Surrounded Night Raider (Plea

And in the woods in the west of the city, all members of Night Raider gathered in the conference room.

It's just that compared to the characters in the original book, there is one less Ma Yin, and one more boy in black with a long sword on his back.

He is the target of Zhou Yang's mission this time, the traveler from Blue Star, Zhang Xuan!

He was just an ordinary nerd at first, but he suddenly came to this world while watching [Slashing the Scarlet Eyes], and he also got a sword fairy system!

Then relying on the novice gift pack, he quickly gained a lot of strength, and met the senior generals of the revolutionary army, and entered the interior of the revolutionary army after showing his strength.

Some time ago, he took the initiative to transfer to Night Raid, planning to use his plot prophetic ability to open up the harem.

But when he came, he found that Tazmi hadn't grown up at all, and Ma Yin was also taken away, and the whole night attack was lifeless.

Moreover, after Acedus returned to the imperial capital that he was most looking forward to, the part of choosing a boyfriend "830" did not start, and his acting skills for several months were all in vain!

The plot of this world is no longer going according to what he thinks, all he can do is to let the night raiders change their base, and flee like wild dogs in embarrassment.

The silver-haired Najie Hitan was the first to break the dead silence,

"What do you think should be done? Acedes has obtained something, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds. Even Bud Admiral's army has been beaten by him with one hand!"

Speaking of the improvement of Acedes' strength, everyone's face became a bit heavy. After all, Acedes' strength grew inexplicably and rapidly.

Although the previous Bud Admiral army couldn't beat Ace, at least they wouldn't be defeated by him with one move. Today's Acedes not only has improved by leaps and bounds, but also has become a low-key person.

Such a sudden change made everyone startled, wondering what kind of treasure Acedus was researching!

But because her strength has improved so fast, even the ministers dare not tease the tiger's whiskers!

After all, it is a crime for the weak to get the treasure, and it is a crime for the strong to get the treasure.

In fact, Acedus did not study any treasures as rumored by the outside world, but because he felt that the water group was much more interesting than going out for a walk, so he stopped going out.

Tatsumi said with a heavy face, "Main is already dead!"

Basically, for all members of the night raiders, once captured by the empire, death is the easiest way

It's just that her strength plays a decisive role in the entire empire, and her every move will arouse everyone's vigilance.

Tatsumi said with an ugly face: "Main...Main is she still alive?"

Lubbock was also uncomfortable, but he still squeezed out a smile and comforted:

"Tazmi, don't be impatient. I saw Main was sent to Acedes' villa during my investigation before, and she may not be dead!"

Brand also nodded and said: "Tazmi, don't think too badly about things, I feel that since Acedes didn't directly kill Maine, there must be a reason, maybe he wanted to torture her, so he stayed her life."

Leone took a full sip of wine, and then said viciously:

"How about we go straight in and rescue Ma Yin!"

Under the faint light, the golden-haired Leonai looked like an angry lion, but he was old and had lost his strength.

But her plan didn't get a response, everyone was silent, even Zhang Xuan didn't speak.

Because of their current strength, if they break into Acedes' villa, they will definitely die!

As a leader, Najie Xitan couldn't ruin the entire night raid for one person. She wanted to ensure that the revolutionary army's plan would not fail.

So Najie Xitan sighed, and said helplessly: "Leonai, calm down, we can't save people right now!"

"Could it be that you just watched Maine being tortured by Acedes..."

Leonai slammed down his fist hard and hit the wooden table, making a fist-sized hole.

When everyone was silent, Zhang Xuan stood up suddenly and said seriously: "Why don't I save Ma Yin!"

Najie Xitan did not agree immediately, but said in a deep voice:

"Zhang Xuan, do you know that this is very dangerous? Although you have the magical power to control flying swords, and your swordsmanship is top-notch, it's still not enough for Acedes!"

Of course I will go because of the danger!

Zhang Xuan secretly smiled in his heart. The reward he received from the system before was an experience card to experience the power of the sword fairy for one hour.

As long as this experience card is used, she can become a sword fairy for a short time, possessing the strength enough to compete with Acedes. Although she cannot defeat the opponent, she should not be able to find Ma Yin.

Originally, he wanted to keep this kind of experience card as a hole card, but he thought that if he defeated Acedes, wouldn't it be wonderful to bring the opponent into the harem!

And even if it fails, as long as they bring Ma Yin back, they can quickly increase the favorability of Leonai, Chitong, and Najie Hitan, and quickly integrate into this group.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to bring these three beauties into the harem at that time!

So Zhang Xuan showed a look of no hesitation on his face, and said seriously:

"Main is my companion, although this is against the rules, but Najahitan, please allow me to save my companion and defeat the evil woman Acedes!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xuan closed his eyes, and began to look forward to the praise of these guys in his heart, preparing to create a glorious image of himself!

But before anyone else could speak, a cold voice came in:

"Oh, then I'm here, how are you going to defeat me!"

"This is... the voice of Acedus!"

Najie Xitan stood up abruptly, and quickly recognized the owner of the voice, and her voice trembled because she was too shocked...


The door was pushed open, and Acedes, who was wearing a white military uniform, walked in directly.

Zhang Xuan was also taken aback, this was the first time he faced Acedes directly, even if he just took a look at it, he felt like he was facing a strange beast from the wild!

"What a horrible woman..."

Zhang Xuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, couldn't help but took a step back, put his hand behind his back and squeezed the Sword Immortal experience card, ready to crush it anytime!

But Acedes ignored her, but looked at Najie Xitan and said:

"Najie Xitan, after so many years, you are weaker than before!"

Acedes and Najiexitan were both generals of the empire, but Najiexitan couldn't understand Acedes's idea that the strong should come first.

And she couldn't accept her massacre of alien races, so Najie Hitan betrayed the empire, and her arm was cut off by Acedes at that time.

2.4 So the two of them can be regarded as colleagues of Zeng Jin, but now they have different positions, they are already enemies!

Najie Xitan was not angry because of Acedes' ridicule, but said coldly:

"How did you find our tracks?"

You must know that their new plot is very secretive, and they have not told outsiders, it is basically impossible to be known!

Unless there are ghosts!

Just like when Ma Yin was captured back then, it was as if she knew their whereabouts, so she captured them in advance!

Thinking of that possibility, Najie Xitan's face became a bit heavy, and she was unwilling to believe that there was a ghost!

"It's my Super Finder!"

Lala ran in with Super Finder in her arms, looked at the serious people in the room and said with a smile:

"Good evening everyone!"

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