Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 185: The Traveler Who Doesn't Know Lala, The So-Called Sword Fairy (Please Subscribe Fo

Although Lala greeted happily, no one could laugh because their lives were all on the verge of death.

Even Zhang Xuan was dumbfounded by this girl who came suddenly, and had no idea when this guy appeared in the original book.

But when he saw the computer in Lala's hand, he widened his eyes and exclaimed:

"Computers, how could there be computers in this world."

"You also know about computers!"

Lala said with a smile, and then patiently explained:

"It's not a computer, but a Super Finder, which is used to find people. You were found by the children of the Finder!"

After finishing speaking, Lala pressed a button, and there was a buzzing sound in the room, and a large number of mechanical bugs flew into Mr. Xunren.

It is precisely because of these thousands of bugs that Zhou Yang can locate these guys so quickly.

Although Lala's black technology is unreliable most of the time, this super finder is still very useful!

Seeing this scene, Lubbock exclaimed: "What kind of Teigu is this, why have I never heard of it!"

"What the hell is this? Isn't this world the world where 04 cuts the red pupil?"

Seeing this scene, the desire to complain in Zhang Xuan's heart spewed out like a volcanic eruption.

But he also knows that the technology tree in the world of Crimson Eye Slash is a bit crooked, but it's all about technology like body modification!

But this "Super Finder" in front of him is completely modern, oh no, an ultra-modern machine!

Under the premise of no base station, signal tower, or network, how does this prop work? Even if it is a black technology, you have to talk about the basics!

And he even wondered if he came to the world of Crimson Crimson Pupils, otherwise why would he have even heard of such a high-tech product!

Najie Xitan heard Zhang Xuan talking to himself, and said doubtfully:

"Zhang Xuan, what are you talking about?"

Although Najie Xitan has a lot of experience, she has never heard of computers or anything like that. Electric brains, can they still be used?

"He wasn't saying anything, he was just having a convulsion because his death was approaching...  

Zhou Yang walked in from the door while talking, looked at Zhang Xuan and said jokingly:

"You say yes, Your Excellency the Traveler!"

"What...what, how do you know!"

Zhang Xuan's heart skipped a beat, this time he was completely frightened, why would his identity as a time traveler be exposed!

Obviously he has never talked about this matter with anyone, and he has no habit of talking in his sleep!

At this time, Zhang Xuan saw Zhou Yang's modern clothing, he reacted immediately, and said in surprise:

"Are you a member of the Space-Time Administration, wanting to attack my heaven-defying road?!"

Zhou Yang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Time and Space Management Bureau? Heaven-defying road, you really think of yourself as the protagonist. But you can't even recognize Lala, you are too embarrassing as a time traveler!

From the time the other party saw that Lala was not shocked by herself, but by the computer, Zhou Yang knew that this guy didn't know Lala.

He seems to only know the plot of the world of Crimson Eyes, and doesn't know much about other anime.

In other words, the traverser in front of him is not only average in strength, but also a scumbag in terms of familiarity with the plot!

Zhang Xuan sneered and said:

"Lala, I don't know who it is, but don't try to catch me easily, I want to let you know what the strength of a sword fairy is!"

"Urgently, like a law, the swordsmanship!"

Zhang Xuan pinched Fa Jue with his fingers, shouted angrily, the long sword on his back flew up, and charged towards Zhou Yang with sharp sword energy!

"Sword Control, it's interesting. It reminds me of a certain bearded man, but you don't have enough sword energy!"

Zhou Yang commented a few words slowly, then stretched out his finger and flicked it lightly!


The finger didn't dodge, and directly bumped into the edge of the sword head-on. At this time, the bodies of the godslayer and Vajra Indestructible showed great strength, directly knocked the flying sword into the air, and flew into the wall!

And Zhang Xuan, who was closely connected with the long sword, was knocked down to the ground by this terrifying power, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with blood donation, and said in a shy voice:

"What a strong force!"

"how is this possible!"

Leonai yelled in disbelief when she saw this scene, but she had understood Zhang Xuan's swordsmanship.

If it wasn't for the other party's mercy, even if he has a strong recovery ability, he would be killed on the spot!

But it is such a powerful imperial swordsmanship that was flicked away by this man with one finger, such strength is too terrifying!

Brand took a deep breath, and directly used his Teigu "Haunted by Demons"!

The silver armor covered the whole body, and the powerful force exploded in the body, making him like an incarnate evil spirit, and rushed towards Acedes!

"Stupid guys, with your current strength, you are no longer my opponent!"

Acedes sneered, countless ice crystals appeared in the air, blooming like snowflakes, creating a terrifying low temperature!

Brand's body was covered with a thin layer of frost, directly slowing down his movement speed.

"What a horrible frost, I can't get rid of it at all!"

Brand roared loudly, trying to burn his blood to create heat with all his strength, trying to get rid of the frost cover!

But in the face of the enhanced extreme cold, not only could it not be melted, it was even penetrated into the internal organs by the extreme cold air, and even felt exhausted, and the consciousness began to become heavy!

Brand knew that sleepiness represented death, so he bit the tip of his tongue forcefully, and the strong smell of blood bloomed in his mouth, which made him sober for a short time, and he yelled indistinctly:

"They are not going to let us go, they will kill us, they must run..."

But before he could finish speaking, he was kicked out by Acedes and was caught by Leonai who was transformed into a lion.

Seeing this, Chitong also pulled out the demon sword in his hand, rushed to Acedes with a flickering figure, and slashed down with the sword!


Acedes held the ice sword to block the poisonous demon knife, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more frenzied, his eyes shone with scarlet light, he laughed and said 483:

"Hahaha, let's play a game!"

The ice skates rushed away like a violent storm, and Chitong could barely resist this terrifying force, and was beaten back and forth. Fortunately, Najie Xitan joined in to barely support it!

Zhou Yang didn't care about Acedes' battle, but walked slowly towards the traverser.

Da da da!

The footsteps were gentle, but just on the ground, it sounded like a war drum beating, hitting Zhang Xuan's heart again and again, bringing a terrifying sense of oppression.

"Damn it! These hot chicken teammates are useless at all, it really depends on me!"

Zhang Xuan gritted his teeth and said without hesitation, crushing the Sword Immortal experience card, a powerful force poured into his body.


With Zhang Xuan as the center, a terrifying gust of wind was set off, and his aura began to increase exponentially, and his strength began to rise. Even the tree demon grandma who surpassed the world of A Chinese Ghost Story was weaker than the centipede without Hualong!

But with such strength, it's not bad to be called a sword fairy!

But in Zhou Yang's eyes, it's just not bad, he is much stronger now than he was when he was Tu Long!

Feeling the surging power in his body, Zhang Xuan said arrogantly to Zhou Yang:

"Damn guy, I want to let you know the fate of annoying the Sword Immortal, and let you try my trick, Sword Come!"

whoosh whoosh!

Following his shout, sword lights soared into the sky...

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