Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 189: Clingy Lala, The Three Great Scientists Gathering Across Borders

"Why is Orochimaru suddenly coming to this world?"

Zhou Yang murmured to himself in doubt, then logged into the chat interface, chatted privately with Orochimaru and asked:

"Do you want to cut the world of red pupils?"

Orochimaru said with a smile: "Because you were doing missions, it was not convenient to come here. Now that the traverser has been killed, then I can also come here through the talisman."

Orochimaru is smart!

Zhou Yang said with emotion, no wonder Orochimaru was not disappointed when he didn’t get the quota before, and he was ready to use the ghost charm to come here!

"It seems that he is bound to win the hand of God and the biotechnology of this world!"

Zhou Yang said with emotion, after all, Orochimaru is still Orochimaru in the original work, with a calm and decisive mind.

Like a Lion Majesty, it can wait a long time just to catch its prey.

Although joining the chat group seems to make him look a lot like "September 47", but his essence is still the legendary Sannin, a scientist in the world of Hokage, a greedy snake who explores immortality!

Now that Orochimaru has made a request, Zhou Yang will naturally not refuse, so he agreed to his cross-border request.


A dark impulse appeared in front of Zhou Yang, Orochimaru in a white coat slowly came out, his complexion was as pale as a dead person!

He saw Zhou Yang smiled, "Long time no see, Mr. Administrator!"

Zhou Yang patted Orochimaru's shoulder and said with a smile:

"What is long time no see? Don't we meet every day in the chat group!"

Even Jiraiya and Tsunade are not qualified to pat Orochimaru on the shoulder like this, but he did it with ease.

Orochimaru nodded, licked his lips with his slender tongue, and asked:

"That's not the same. After all, this is called offline dating, right? I heard from Xiaobu that this kind of gay meeting can enhance the relationship, so it's completely different. This is our second face-to-face meeting!"


Hearing such a modern vocabulary popped out of Orochimaru's mouth, the corners of Zhou Yang's mouth twitched, only feeling a strong sense of disobedience rushing to his face!

But seeing Orochimaru's usual look, Zhou Yang didn't say anything, but felt that Uncle Snake had become like this too.

Orochimaru didn't know what Zhou Yang was thinking, and said directly:

"Mr. Administrator, what about Miss Lala?"

The purpose of Orochimaru's visit is not only Dr. Fashion, but also to discuss technology issues with super scientist Lala!

This time it happened that Lala also participated in the mission and has not returned to this world yet!

Then spending one hundred points to discuss with a super scientist and get biotechnology from Dr. Fashion is worth it to Orochimaru!

And what you pay is only the points for signing in for ten days, and the time spent researching these technologies will not be more than ten days!

"She, she should be eating below!"

Zhou Yang replied, and then brought Orochimaru directly to the palace, where there happened to be a few girls sitting on the sofa eating snacks!

Lala leaned on the chair and swayed her legs boredly, and the Pei robot beside her flew by her side to chat with her.

The two sisters Chitong and Heitong sat face to face with serious expressions, as if they were thinking about something.

Heitong stretched out his tender little hand to pick up his own snack bag, looked at the snack in his hand, and then at the elder sister beside him, she reluctantly passed the snack bag over, and whispered:

"you eat!"

Hei Tong's favorite thing is sweets, so handing the sweets to his sister is to show that he wants to be close.

Chi Tong was a little dazed, or she didn't know how to continue getting along with her sister.

So Zhou Yang reached into the half-empty snack bag, touched a candy and put it in his mouth. After chewing, he praised:


Hei Tong narrowed his eyes and said unhappily:

"I gave it to my sister!"

Zhou Yang stretched out his hand and pinched Heitong's cheek, and said with a smile in her dissatisfied eyes:

"Then thank you Kuroto for the snacks!"

"Hmph, I don't want to talk to you!"

Heitong snorted softly, then continued to hand the snack bag to Chitong, and said in a low voice:

"You eat, don't let that scoundrel eat again!"


Chi Tong smiled softly, then took out a candy from inside and put it into his mouth, then touched Hei Tong's head, the latter also narrowed his eyes like a kitten, enjoying his sister's touch.

Zhou Yang also laughed when he saw this scene. After all, in the original book, Heitong also died under the sword of Chitong. Such a young girl passed away with regret.

Now that Zhou Yang has rewritten the plot, it is a good thing that the two sisters are reunited.

Before Zhou Yang could continue speaking, Lala swooped onto her body and said coquettishly:

"Mr. Administrator, I'm so bored, so bored...

The faint fragrance lingers on the tip of Zhou Yang's nose because of close contact, just like being in a flower bush, it is fascinating...

Zhou Yang was quite helpless about Lala's enthusiasm, and said with a wry smile:

"You girl really have no sense of distance!"

Lala stuck out her tongue playfully, and said with a slight smile: "What kind of distance do you need from Mr. Administrator!"

At this time, a small white robot named Pei Guy flew to Lala's side and shouted eagerly:

"Miss Lala, you can't hang on to a man like this, men and women can't kiss each other!"

Not only did Lala not go down, but she hugged Zhou Yang tightly

"Why, I like Mr. Administrator very much. He is a very, very good person. It's okay for me to hang up like this. Pei Guy, you are becoming more and more like an old lady recently!"

Pei Guy showed a helpless expression, just like a parent who is worried about the child, but with Lala's personality, she really wants to be a child.

Finally, Lala climbed down slowly under Pei Guy's education, and the soft feeling also danced behind Zhou Yang's back.

At this time, Lala also saw Orochimaru standing aside, and asked curiously:

"Uncle, who are you?"


The corner of Orochimaru's mouth twitched, but thinking that he was indeed an uncle at his own age, he showed a gentle smile and said:

"I'm Orochimaru, the 2.3 ID in the group is Science and Snake, we should have known each other for a long time, Miss Lala!"

Lala recalled it for a while, and said excitedly:

"It turned out to be you, Uncle Snake. I talked to you a lot about science before, and I also read your memory files, but you look much more sunny than in the memory files!"

"Thank you Lala for your compliment!"

Orochimaru nodded, then said:

"This time, I also have a few things I want to ask Miss Lala."

Lala waved her hand and said, "No problem, but is that Dr. trend coming?"

"Ahem, cough, my name is Dr. Fashion..."

With a light cough, Dr. Fashion in a white coat and glasses slowly walked in!

Three well-known scientists in the second dimension got together across borders!

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