Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 190: Black Hearted Orochimaru, Hyperdimension Empire! (The Second Update Asks For A Subscrip

Lala stuck out her tongue and said with a smile:

"Sorry, I misremembered the name!"

Dr. Fashion shook his head and said calmly:

"Forget it, anyway, my name is not an important matter, but Master Zhou Yang, why are you looking for me?"

While talking, Dr. Fashion glanced at Zhou Yang from the corner of his eye, when he entered the palace with Acedes this afternoon!

But he saw that Zhou Yang just snapped his fingers lightly, and a pitch-black tentacle protruded from the void, directly devouring General Bud Admiral's army.

This kind of strength has far surpassed the Admiral army level, reaching a better level, no different from those terrifying super dangerous species!

But it is only a young boy with such strength, which naturally aroused Dr. Fashion's curiosity.

Sensing Dr. Fashion's puzzled eyes, Zhou Yang explained:

"This time because two of my friends are also scientists, and they are very interested in your scientific research ability!"

Orochimaru took a step forward and said with a smile: "I am very interested in your body modification technology, and I want 04 all your research materials!"

Dr. Fashion frowned, but didn't rush to get angry, because his instinct told her that the man in front of him was not a fool, so he asked:

"All the information... what can you give?"

Orochimaru smiled, and suddenly stretched out his left hand, the pale-skinned arm was suddenly stretched like rubber, and turned into a Lion Majesty in the air, spitting out a scarlet snake letter, making a terrifying sound.

Dr. Fashion saw this scene, his eyes widened, and he said in a trembling voice:

"This... What kind of body modification is this? Why are you still able to transplant living things into your body? How did you do it?"

Dr. Fashion was completely shocked, he was able to fuse the body of the dead dangerous species into his own body, or inject the dangerous species to change urgently.

But I have never seen a technology that can transplant living things into myself. This is not something that humans can master at all, but the skillful hands of the Creator.

Orochimaru saw the excited Dr. Fashion, and knew that the prey had been hooked, so he said with a smile:

"I have mastered a lot of skills, and the maturity is only a small part of them, as long as you can give me your skills and all the dangerous genes.

I can even make you live forever and achieve what the First Emperor of this world failed to achieve!"

"This is impossible!"

Dr. Fashion retorted subconsciously after hearing this sentence, even if the emperor was so powerful back then, he could not achieve immortality, but this strange man in front of him said he could do it.

"What he said is true, immortality is not difficult for him!"

Acedes walked away from the door while talking, and then glanced at Orochimaru with a little dissatisfaction in his eyes!

This snake actually cheated his subordinates when he was not around, because what Orochimaru said about immortality is to turn Dr. Fashion into a zombie, so he naturally gained the experience of immortality.

But Acedes didn't expose him, after all, Dr. Fashion would know about this matter, if he didn't resist the temptation, then she wouldn't care about it either!

Orochimaru also noticed Acedes' warning, but he just smiled calmly!

For the sake of Acedes, he won't use tough methods, but if the other party can't stand the temptation, then he can't be blamed.

Dr. Fashion believed in Acedes' words, and said to himself in shock:

"The technology of immortality, this is enough to shock the whole world!"

Orochimaru smiled and said calmly:

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, and there are some flaws in it, but compared to the results, it's not a big problem!"

The flaw in his mouth is naturally that after becoming a zombie, the body will gradually become stiff, the consciousness will be dull, and the personality will become bloodthirsty.

And this state will continue until it becomes a flying stiffness, if there is not enough blood supply, it is likely to last for hundreds of years.

But compared to immortality, such a little side effect is naturally nothing.

Dr. Fashion also nodded, and said in agreement:

"It is true that as long as you can live forever, then a little flaw is acceptable!"

After finishing speaking, Dr. Fashion looked at Lala, looking at this beautiful girl, he asked suspiciously:

"Excuse me, lady, what is the purpose of your visit? Do you also want my research materials?"

Lala shook her head and said, "Most of your research materials are about human body modification and genetics, but what I like to study is mechanical technology!"

Dr. Fashion was even more confused, "So what do you want?"

Lala looked down slowly, put her eyes on the metal glove of his left hand, and said seriously:

"I want to study your Teigu, God's Hand Perfector!"

"This is impossible!"

Dr. Fashion refused Lala's request without hesitation.

You must know that the reason why his scientific research ability has improved so fast is largely due to the precision bonus of the fingers of the god's hand, which allows him to easily complete various operations and make various precision instruments.

It can be said that if he leaves God's Hand, his scientific research ability will be reduced by at least half, or even more!

So no matter what request Lala puts forward, he will not agree to hand over Teigu.

Lala was not disappointed when she was rejected, but continued to say:

"I'm not trying to steal your Teigu, but to research it to create a prop with the same function!"

"Imitating Teigu, it's impossible, Teigu's methods have all been lost, how could it be artificially imitated!"

Dr. Fashion no longer knows that this is the first time he has doubts today, and the two in front of him have completely subverted the world view.

One said that he could achieve immortality, and the other said that he could imitate his own god's hand, which was completely like a joke.

But his feeling told him that these two people were not lying, but were explaining an ordinary thing.

"Miss Lala won't lie to you, it's just a glove tool 540, for Miss Lala, it's just a matter of studying for a day or two, and only a human like you will always doubt it!

Pei Guy flew directly over Lala's head, and ruthlessly mocked this guy who didn't believe in his master.

"A robot with its own thinking is no less than that biological humanoid Tegu Susanoo. If that's the case, then I'm willing to trust you once!"

Dr. Fashion said with emotion, and then directly handed his God's Hand to Lala.

"Hahaha, I will finish my research soon!"

Lala nodded, and then the three scientists began to discuss some academic issues.

And Zhou Yang nodded on the side, seeming to be listening with gusto, Acedes walked over upon seeing this, and asked curiously:

"Can you understand what they're saying?"

Zhou Yang said confidently:

"Can't understand!"

This kind of performance naturally provoked Acedes to pinch his weakness, and said angrily:

"Then you still look very understanding, boring and not boring!"

Anyway, take it as an increase in experience, and by the way, for the sake of the future..."

Zhou Yang leisurely said that helping Acedes to take over the empire is not just about helping, but also the first step in building a huge power and backup!

That is the so-called...

Hyperdimension Empire!

PS: Please subscribe for the second update! Please ask for a monthly pass! Please collect it! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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