Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 191: The Embryonic Form Of Cross-Border Evil Forces, A Large-Scale Show Off Scene For Group

A super-dimensional empire, or a huge force that spans countless dimensional worlds under the control of chat groups!

Because of the ability of chat groups, people from countless worlds will gather in one chat group, and they can communicate and trade with each other!

But most of those who joined were lone strong men, or even ordinary people like Xiao Bu.

Among them, although Acedes and others have strong individual strengths, she is more inclined to pursue her own strength.

Although she has a high prestige in the army, once she does not lead the army, the army will be returned to the empire, all soldiers will be disrupted and reorganized, and the previous training will become invalid.

But it is different when Acedes masters the empire, she is the only female emperor in this country, the belief of all the people and soldiers!

Zhou Yang will borrow Christianity and other religious brainwashing methods to allow Acedes to combine theocracy with Wang Quan, so as to achieve extreme rule.

Coupled with the existence of chat groups, it is easy for Acedes to want to live forever, and he can easily become an immortal empress!

However, it is useless for ordinary countries to be unified, but the world of Crimson Eyes is different!

This is a fantasy world, with wonderful forging skills, dangerous species with various wonderful abilities, and even weird secret techniques and cultivation methods!

Although it is not comparable to worlds such as Shading the Sky and Journey to the West, it is still an infinite treasure for Zhou Yang today.

At least the meat in it can let the little boss make dishes that can strengthen his physique, and the scales in it can be sold to other group members to make armor.

And the level of technology in this world is not low, like Dr. Fashion can create a dangerous species that can make people the size of a mountain!

Although there are great risks, as long as these side effects are minimized, mass production can be achieved.

You can continue to transform the biochemical transformation into an army of biochemical transformations. After he has some storage items that can greatly store the army, he can directly clean and conquer some low-level worlds.

Even in the main world, Zhou Yang wanted to lead a group of troops to clean up the 100,000 mountains where the alien beasts lived, and plunder the rare treasures within!

It's just that these are things in the future, Zhou Yang asked Acedes: "How is the empire now~~?"

Acedes sneered and said: "Some hard-headed people didn't want to submit to me, and then I killed them, and some remnants of the ministers also wanted to contact the army to escape, but they were all beheaded by Skaha

Several nearby cities have also been suppressed by my cronies, as long as the tax reduction policy spreads throughout the country, it will completely win the hearts of the people!"

Although Acedes said it simply, there are indeed countless guys behind this, with their heads falling and blood flowing like rivers!

However, these have nothing to do with Zhou Yang. A regime change in a country is naturally accompanied by bloodshed.

Moreover, he is a mercenary, and he is extremely defensive. As long as the people around him have nothing to do, the flood in this world has nothing to do with him.

If divided according to dnd's suppression, he should be more inclined to the chaotic neutral camp.

Zhou Yang nodded, and then said, "How is Najie Xitan doing at work?"

The corner of Acedes's mouth was slightly on the bridge, and he raised Zhou Yang's chin with his fingers, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Why are you asking other people's affairs, why don't you come to ask me?"

Looking at Acedus' domineering president, Zhou Yang looked into her eyes and said seriously:

"Aren't all good things saved for last?"

For a woman, if you want to reason with her, instead of wasting time arguing with her, you might as well coax her directly and praise her.

And praise is also skillful, if you can't directly praise her for being beautiful, she will feel vulgar, on the contrary, complimenting her from the side will make her feel very interesting.

However, if you are handsome, you don’t need to worry about the above, just wipe it directly.

As he expected, Acedes also had a brighter look in his eyes, and said seriously:

"Your mouth is really smeared with honey, you really want to cut it off and keep it by my side to talk forever!"

Listening to Acedes' sickly declaration, Zhou Yang held Acedes' hand tightly, squeezed it vigorously, and said with a smile:

"The mouth is because the heart wants to speak, so it can speak. Instead of leaving the mouth, it is better to steal my heart. Then the person who takes me is also yours?"

Since he came to play Bingjiao, Yang will fight back with pure love!


Acedus finally laughed uncontrollably, then glanced at Zhou Yang and said:

"But you have provoked so many women, and your heart has been broken into so many pieces, how do I know which one belongs to me?"

Zhou Yang smiled awkwardly: "Ahem, let's not talk about this topic anymore!"


Acedes just snorted and left, and didn't bother with Zhou Yang.

After all, because she just seized the power of the empire, there are still many things waiting for her to deal with. Being an emperor has never been so easy.

Zhou Yang was also idle and bored, so he directly started the group live broadcast, recorded the three scientists, and logged into the chat group!

All the group members received the reminder of the group live broadcast, and subconsciously opened it, and the three people on the screen suddenly caused a shock!

Tiedan Shenhou: "`~Why is Orochimaru also in that world!"

Anonymous old monk: "Isn't the person upstairs talking nonsense? He must have used the boundary-penetrating talisman, one hundred points, and signed in for ten days. How inhumane!"

Ganwumei: "Wow, is that pink haired sister Lala? She is so beautiful and has a noble temperament, just like a real princess!"

Electric Shocker: "What does it mean to be like a princess? In Lala's own world, she is the daughter of the master of the galaxy, ruling countless intelligent planets!"

Ganwumei: "Master of the Milky Way! Rule countless planets! Chuan(??)"

Xun'er: "⊙∀⊙ can pop, pop!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "I am trembling without ruling a country!"

Anonymous old monk: "I seem to have nothing, trembling!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "(Zhao Nuo's) you just don't have anything, but I'm almost broke, and I'm about to go into debt!"

Fire Fist: "I have Papa Whitebeard and friends from the whole pirate group. Although I am not as powerful as Miss Lala, I am satisfied!"

Dad: Dad only has one antique shop of his own, and that's all of Dad's property!"

I'm a slime: "I also have a lot of great companions, I think it's already a good donkey!"

Flying Squirrel: "Although my group of subordinates fight wits with the air all day long and often help me make up the plot, but they are extremely loyal to me, and there is the entire Great Tomb of Nazarick behind me."

Marquis of Vauban: "Oh, the old man can only rule the territories of a few countries!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "→_→It's obviously a miserable topic, why did you turn it into showing off your wealth, it's too much!"

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