Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 195: Opposite The Drifting Bottle Is The Ruthless Empress! Shana, Who Is Full Of European Sp

And in another world, the woman's white dress is fluttering with the wind, just standing there is like snatching the only brilliance in the world!

She saw Zhou Yang's reply, and whispered softly:

"The Ten Thousand Realms chat group, there are countless strong people living in it, living in harmony, if you can ask for the help of the most powerful people, maybe you can reverse time!"

Even the woman couldn't help being shocked, she had never heard of such a miraculous place that could gather powerful people from thousands of worlds together.

But looking at the mysterious golden text, it contains power that even she can't understand, even surpassing the legendary fairy!

It is precisely because of this power that the woman chooses to believe, and even has to believe.

"If it's the Myriad Realms chat group, then the experts from other worlds might be able to save the big brother!"

The woman sighed softly, swiped her finger again, and entered a line of text:

"So how do you join the Ten Thousand Realms chat group?"

Zhou Yang shook his head when he saw this sentence, but it's the third reply, and after the other party replies, the drifting bottle will be invalid!

So Zhou Yang wrote: "It's all about luck. The only thing we can know is that only one person can enter each world. The stronger the strength, the higher the chance of entering. 04

But you can tell me your name, I will wait for you in the chat group!"

These were just comforting words, Zhou Yang didn't know why he said such words, he just felt that he was infected by the emotions contained in the words!

Standing on the top of the giant peak, the woman suddenly laughed when she saw the last response:

"The stronger the better? Then let me be the only one in this world!"

Although the tone is flat, it seems to contain infinite magic power, trying to cover the brilliant sky!

The woman also had a premonition that this was the last reply, so she flicked her finger lightly, and after engraving two words, the golden text in front of her collapsed into the void!

Even with her Taoism, she couldn't see clearly what happened in it.

But the woman didn't care, she just said leisurely with the strong wind blowing:

"Chat group, I will definitely join..."

The voice became softer and softer, and was finally covered by the whistling wind, and even the figure of the woman disappeared without a trace.

And Zhou Yang didn't take it seriously after replying, after all, it was just a comfort to this stranger!

The golden radiance lights up, and the final reply comes.

At the same time, the top of the gold foil paper started to ignite golden flames, slowly burning the whole paper, and Zhou Yang could clearly see the last two characters!

"The werewolf..."

Zhou Yang read a sentence slowly, suddenly choked and coughed a few times, and said in disbelief:

"It can't be that ruthless person..."

A world without reincarnation! Looking for a close relative!

Isn't this template the ruthless empress?

That magnificent and magnificent werewolf empress who acted heaven-defying with a mortal body for her big brother and suppressed countless peerless arrogances!

Zhou Yang preconceived that it was a low-level world without reincarnation, but he didn't expect it to be this big man!

Overwhelm the ages, arbitrarily rule the years!

Dressed in white clothes, she went against the long river of time, and countless powerful enemies were wiped out by her with one hand, her strength is heaven-defying to the extreme!

Zhou Yang began to regret why he didn't find out earlier, so he can also ask for a copy of the Heaven Swallowing Magic Art or the Nine Character Secret, which is enough to make his strength improve by leaps and bounds!

If it weren't for the perfect factors of the previous generation in the Shading World, no one could live forever, perhaps the werewolf empress would have achieved the status of Immortal King long ago!

"It's such a pity, the ghost knows that you can get the empress just by picking up the bottle, this luck is simply heaven-defying!"

Zhou Yang complained, but he didn't feel too disappointed, because it was impossible for the other party to send the magic skill to the door just because of his few words!

And even if the other party joins the chat group, with all the members of the current chat group in front of her, just a look can be wiped out!

Naturally, such a chat group cannot satisfy her desire to find a big brother, and after joining, she will only be despised by the other party.

So Zhou Yang can only hope that after the chat group is fully started, the empress can also enter the chat group and become a member of the suppression of luck.

But since he mentioned the other party, Zhou Yang didn't care about this matter, and continued to start his own bottle hunting business!

But it seems to be the reason why the bottle of the ruthless empress was picked up just now, and the series behind it are all Death Stars!

"Sure enough, all the luck was used up by the werewolf empress..."

Zhou Yang said a few words with emotion, and then directly returned to the chat group interface, asking:

"Everyone, have you fished out anything from the drifting bottle?"

The originally lively chat group suddenly fell into a short silence, which made Zhou Yang think that he had turned on the mute mode.

Suddenly, Tokisaki Kurumi said quietly: "Isn't this a game of fishing for the Death Star?"

I'm a slime: "That's right! I've fished out the Death Star for so many days in a row, I've already forgotten that this is the function of producing things!"

Flying Squirrel: "I don't believe in my luck anymore, I don't want to see those Death Stars at all, it's annoying!"

Electric Shocker: "I've named so many planets, and I've been calling them for a day or two now..."

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, even though the Death Star is a Death Star, it is also valuable. For example, it is good to watch it over there 303?"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Old monk, you really know how to comfort yourself. If it wasn't for me not being able to destroy those planets, I might have already done it!"

Tongue of God: "Hey, so that place is not for watching the Milky Way. I thought it was a scenic spot, so I never paid attention to it!"

Nakiri Erina said with some embarrassment that the scenic spot she thought was actually a lottery place!

The crusader with burning hair and burning eyes: "I tried it yesterday, and I came out with a hairpin. Wearing it on your head can increase your mental power!"

Shana couldn't understand, isn't this drifting bottle easy to pick up, why everyone is full of resentment!

Anonymous old monk: "Is this the world of Emperor Ou?"

I hate violence :""

Huoquan: "Kneel to the European-style boss!"

Dad: "Dad thinks this is very bad!"

Xun'er: "Crying, I feel so useless to be ridiculed by Shana this time, I'm so unlucky!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "I kneel to the European-style boss!"

Ganwumei: "Boss, please let me hug my thighs and breathe in the European air!"

Electric Shocker: "Give me some too, I don't want to be an African anymore, I want to be a European, good luck!"

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