Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 196: The Third Version Of The Sick And Roundworm Crazy, The Sweeping Monk Is Afraid Of Being

Basically all the group members are full of resentment towards the function of this group of drifting bottles. After all, every time they are fished out, they are Death Stars, so no matter how passionate they are, they will be exhausted.

It's like Misaka Mikoto has been ranked from No. 1 to No. 10 because she keeps getting Death Stars!

She even felt that if she kept chattering like this, even Gua Taijun No. 999 would be fished out, so she was already hit by this horrible delivery rate!

Zhou Yang listened to the narration of the other group members, although it was miserable, but he was somewhat comforted, it turned out that I was not the only one who suffered so badly!

But at this moment, Kuang San suddenly spoke:

"Mr. Administrator, why did you suddenly mention the group drifting bottle function? Could it be that you got something good in it? Do you want to show it off to us?"

Zhou Yang complained: "Kang San, you are really a roundworm in my stomach!"

Kurumi just responded with a slight smile:

"If I were the roundworm in the administrator's stomach, then I would eat your flesh and blood bit by bit!"

Sick Ascaris (Crazy 3 Limited Edition)!

If every roundworm ate flesh and blood like you, all those parasitized by roundworms would have died long ago!

Zhou Yang gave up the idea of ​​fighting with Kuang San, but said:

"I did pick up a good thing from a drift bottle, but it's not a prop, but a real drift bottle."

Tiedan Shenhou: "The administrator's luck is really amazing!"

I am a slime: "Ah, why are you all European emperors, I only have those few death stars!"

Flying Squirrel: "Stop talking, I'm going to extract the Death Star and hit people!"

I hate violence: "Okay! Go smash it!"

Bone King was stunned, this script is wrong, shouldn't he comfort himself not to be impulsive at this time?

What's more, to hit people with a death star, you have to fly it to a high altitude and throw it down, which is troublesome and difficult to handle on the battlefield. It's better to just use a skyfire meteor to get it done easily!

Hell Fubuki: "I just tried it out, this game is really for picking up stones, it's so fun! (Smiling expression~~)"

Huoquan: "I've given up playing this game, this is simply the source of wealth for the Emperor of Europe, and the source of sadness for the bandits!"

Lin Fengjiao: "I tried to extract a relatively small dead star. I was thinking about the possibility of extracting extraterrestrial iron from it, but I found that I couldn't even crack the surface of the stone, and after a week of research Only then did I realize that it was really a rock!"

Marquis Vauban: "Anyway, I'm bored and I often use it as a sandbag. This Death Star is of high quality, high hardness, and resistance!"

Xiao Bu: "It turns out that this drifting bottle function can really catch drifting bottles, but is it true that someone else wrote the words on the drifting bottles picked up here?"

Zhou Yang nodded, and replied: "Someone did write it, and you can reply three times. After three times, this piece of paper will be burned along with the bottle!"

The clever Xun'er realized it in an instant, and asked: "Then, is it because the other party's identity is very unusual that the big brother came to the group to talk about it?"

Time Elf: "This is for sure, either the opponent is very strong, or the opponent is very weird, otherwise I wouldn't come to the group to talk about it!"

Electric Shocker: "Who issued that drifting bottle?"

Lin Fengjiao: "Although I may not be able to get it in my next life, I am very curious.

Zhou Yang didn't hold back either, and said directly:

"This is a mighty statue that can open up the world. It's a pity that I discovered her identity at the end, otherwise I could ask her for some advice!"

Open up the world!

Those four words caused the whole group to fall into a brief silence, and everyone was shocked by the power it represented!

Momonga: "Open up a world, this kind of mighty power, even ordinary gods can't do it!"

Xun'er: "I've heard of opening space channels, but this is the first time I've heard of opening up the world. Even Emperor Dou is like an ant in front of such an existence!"

Time Elf: "Mr. Administrator is always lucky!"

Ganwumei: "Why haven't I met such a big guy, I feel uncomfortable with mushrooms!"

Marquis Vauban: "It's a pity that I can only get the useless Death Star. If I can also get the drift bottle, maybe I can learn from these big men!"

Lin Fengjiao: "Actually, I want to get the bottle of the patriarch and ask him how I still practice Taoism in this age!"

Big fat sheep in the gambling world (Tsunade): "Either come with me to learn ninjutsu, and you can also gain great power!"

Lin Fengjiao refused without hesitation when she heard the words:

"Forget it, I am a descendant of China, it is impossible to learn Japanese ninjutsu, and my Huaxia Maoshan Taoism pays attention to both life and life, and finally I can ascend to Taoism and enjoy longevity and freedom!"

Big fat sheep in the gambling world (Tsunade): "Why are you so brainless? I am Konoha Village and belong to the Fire Country, and I have never heard of the small country of Japan you speak of!"

Although there are ninjas in the world where Tsunade lives, there are only big nations, and she belongs to Konoha Village under the Land of Fire!

So she couldn't understand why Lin Fengjiao insisted on his Maoshan Taoism!

Although Lin Fengjiao understood this, she still said stubbornly:

* `~ Ancestral Taoism cannot be lost, and with the help of points, I have already touched the threshold of a higher realm!"

Ganwumei: "Then, Mr. Administrator, did you talk about anything interesting?"

Zhou Yang said: "What interesting things to talk about, I thought the other party was a weak chicken, I gave her a lot of advice, but the last sentence the other party said was a big boss!"

Time Elf: "Hahahahahahahahaha, I laughed so hard, I got slapped in the face for pretending!"

Ganwumei: "Hahahahaha, Mr. Administrator, doesn't your face hurt?"

Electric Shocker: "Hahahahahaha, no, my stomach hurts from laughing!"

The Marquis of Vauban: "I wonder if Monsieur the Administrator has been hammered!"

Tie (Qian Hao) is brave: "When we are still building a good relationship with the bosses in the group, Mr. Administrator has already established a good relationship with a higher-level boss, it's scary!

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, the poor monk also wants to ask Mr. Administrator, if you find the Buddha's bottle, please ask them for me!"

Zhou Yang rolled his eyes and complained, "If I find it, I must tell them, you evil Buddhas, wait for me, and a sweeping monk will come and clean you up!"

Time Elf: "Hahahaha, be more ruthless, take off all their heads and make them into Buddha heads!"

I am a slime: "If I find it, I will definitely tell you, you Buddhas wait to die!"

Sweeping monk: "Forget it, I feel that I will be beaten and cried after I go to the Buddhist country!"

PS: For the third update, please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for collection! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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