Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 200: Stealing Mokobotama And Returning To The Main World (Please Subscribe For The Second Up

"Forget it, the prince, if you are my woman, it's almost the same!"

Zhou Yang responded directly, recondensed an ice glass, and poured fine wine again. He was already a little addicted to the taste of iced fruit wine.

After receiving Zhou Yang's reply, the corner of Acedus' mouth turned up even deeper, and said:

"You are becoming more and more domineering!"

Zhou Yang crushed the ice cup in his hand and said with a smile:

"There's nothing wrong with a man being overbearing, and a cowardly man can't conquer you!"

Acedes chuckled lightly and said lightly:

"How do you want to conquer me?"

"It's really a difficult question to answer..."

Zhou Yang shook his head, then asked:

"Dongxuanzi's one hundred and eight moves..."

Just as Zhou Yang continued to speak, the water vapor in the air was blown by a gust of cold air, turning into countless ice cones and flying towards Zhou Yang!

Zhou Yang slowly raised his hand, and with a flick of his fingers, a huge spell power was released, even rippling the space, creating a circle of white ripples!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Wherever the ripples went, all the ice cones turned into ice dust and scattered in the air!

Acedes looked at this scene, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more frenzied, and the fighting spirit surged in his eyes, he provocatively said to Zhou 04yang:

"Come on, as long as you beat me, everything about me is yours!"

"Then don't blame me for being rude!"

The corners of Zhou Yang's mouth turned up slightly, and a blue light flashed in his eyes. The extremely cold field spread outward from him, turning the roof into a field of ice and snow!

And the moon in the sky seems to have been summoned, and the bright moonlight sprinkled in this extremely cold field, it seems to be a bit colder!

Even Acedes's body was covered with a thin layer of frost. With a shock, she shook off all the frost and praised:

"This is the quintessence of my demons. In your hands, it has turned into a field of extreme cold, and it has become the power of the most yin!"

Zhou Yang didn't feel complacent about it, he just said:

"After you have enough points to upgrade, then you can also obtain the power of extreme cold, and you have a unique skill!"

What makes Acedes powerful is not only his physical skills and the freezing ability of the essence of demons.

Her genius-like mind has developed the stunt Mok Potmo, which can freeze time and space with extreme cold power, thus hitting the opponent!

Although Zhou Yang has acquired a more powerful power of extreme cold, but he can't grasp how to release the power of Mok Potmo!

"Then you come and try this Mok Potmo!"

Acedes chuckled, and the world suddenly turned into ice blue, and all people, things, and even light were frozen in it!

And Zhou Yang in her eyes is also in this frozen time and space, his expression is like before being frozen, he doesn't even know what happened!

A trace of disappointment flashed in Acedes' eyes, but it quickly disappeared, and he came to Zhou Yang in a blink of an eye, aimed at the waist and kicked out loudly:

"you lose!"

"I have never lost!"

Zhou Yang's voice rang in Acedes' ear, and he who was motionless suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Acedes' right foot, blocking this attack!


Acedes twisted his body to distance himself, and then asked Zhou Yang:

"How did you break free from the influence of Moko Patmo?"

Zhou Yang spread his hands and said with a smile:

"Using my father's words, that is, we must use time to beat time!"

Following his words, black mud tentacles manifested behind him, and the time-eating city's enchantment has been opened.

After absorbing Xihe's power of time, Zhou Yang has a deeper grasp of time!

And the reason why Acedus was allowed to take action this time was actually to feel the principle of Mokobotama.

Then use his power of extreme cold and power of time to copy this secret technique, and Zhou Yang really succeeded!

Looking at the shocked Acedes, Zhou Yang said with a smile:

"Come and taste the power of your own secret skills!"

In Zhou Yang's eyes, the ice-blue power of extreme cold and the colorless power of time fused together, and finally turned into a strange energy, which dispersed in an instant!

The ice blue field spread out, time in a small area was completely banned, and Acedes was also banned, with a surprised expression on his face!

But this freeze lasted only for a moment, the blue light on Acedes' body shattered, and her expression returned to normal!

Seeing this, Zhou Yang frowned, and could only say this:

"Sure enough, I'm not skilled enough to get rid of it so easily!"

Acedes also came back to his senses, raised his head and looked at Zhou Yang:

"I didn't expect you to steal my Mokobotama so quickly, and even sealed me for a moment. If you just attacked me, you should have won!"

Zhou Yang rubbed his chin and said with a helpless smile:

"It's not that I don't want to do it, but that I'm not used to acting in this frozen space-time environment, so I'm a moment behind!"

Acedes gave him a blank look, and actually dropped the chain at a critical moment, this guy is really too much.

But Acedes didn't care, a black-bellied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth [playfully said:

"But you still won. Now everything I have is yours. May I ask how you want to enjoy it, Your Majesty?"

"Cough cough cough!"

Zhou Yang couldn't help but choked when he heard Acedes suddenly say "Your Majesty", and couldn't help coughing.

This Shaking Queen actually called herself Your Majesty, although it is strange, but it is also very cool!

"His Majesty!"

It was another cry, but it was not as rigid as Acedes, but like a continuous spring breeze, gentle and delicate, making people intoxicated!

But Zhou Yang felt a little embarrassed, and greeted the owner of the voice:

#993 Scathach, you are back!"

Still wearing purple light armor, Scathach walked over with his waist twisted, and said with a charming smile:

"Yes, Your Majesty, the servant is back!"

Scatha, the real queen, called her Majesty. Zhou Yang always felt a chill coming from behind, so he quickly stopped:

"Stop doing this, I've got goosebumps!"

"I thought you liked it..."

Scathach showed a disappointed expression on his face, and then said:

"By the way, master, we should return to the main world, after all, your sister and little Sakura can't wait!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yang also nodded, and then signaled Acedes with his eyes: I will come to spoil you after a while!

Acedes also responded with his eyes without showing any weakness: come if you have the ability!

The two of them exchanged eye contact, and when they returned, Zhou Yang opened the passage through the world and walked in, and Scathach followed closely behind him!

But Scathach turned his head the moment he boasted in, his eyes clashed with Acedes, sparks faintly sparked in the air!

It seemed to be a warning, and it seemed to be an oath of sovereignty, but then Scathach and Zhou Yang disappeared in this world!

Only Acedes was left standing on the roof alone. After a while, he laughed and said to himself:


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