Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 201: The Sister Who Resisted The Big Brother's Power, The Master Is Broken? (The Third

The dazzling sun rose from the east, sprinkled the warm light on the earth, and dispelled all the darkness.

The whole city of Hangzhou seemed to be awakened, and everyone started to work and started to run the city's machinery!

Even though there are threats of alien beasts in the wild, most human gathering places still maintain the greatest calm!

And the last time, it was because the cultists worshiped and summoned monsters inside the city, which caused terrible damage!

Otherwise, if the alien beast wants to attack a human city, it must first break through the defense circle of the army. During this period, it will buy a lot of time for the human beings in the city to evacuate!

However, there have been incidents in history where alien beast kings besieged the city, and as a result, the entire city became the habitat of alien beasts, and all human beings, regardless of gender, age, and child, became the rations of alien beasts!

Humans eat alien beasts, alien beasts eat humans, the hatred has long been ingrained, and it has become racial hatred!

But these things have nothing to do with most ordinary people, or they have already got used to this cruel world!

And now the residents of Hangzhou are not afraid anymore, because there is a king living in this city!

Abyss King!

There is even a title banned by officials and Abyss King fans, Tentacles!

But the highly respected Abyss King frowned, looked at the three people in the room, and said helplessly:

"It's you again!"

Zhou Yang was talking about his younger sister Zhou Yun, little Sakura and Scarha.

And every time Zhou Yang wanted to put on a serious face, Zhou Yun would push little Sakura to the front!

And little Sakura is a weak girl, when she sees Zhou Yang's serious expression, her eyes will turn red, tears will roll in her eyes, and she will stare at him pitifully!

Zhou Yun, who was wearing bear pajamas, opened her sleepy eyes and said in a daze, "Well, is it morning?"


Zhou Yang nodded, and then decisively opened the curtains, dazzling golden light came in through the window!

And the result of suddenly accepting light in a dark bedroom is naturally...

"Ah ah ah ah, it's so dazzling Zhou Yang, you bastard!"

Stimulated by the strong light, Zhou Yun covered her eyes with her hands, fell down with her head up, and leaned against little Sakura, waking her up from her sleep!

Seeing his sister's appearance, Zhou Yang said angrily:

"Aren't you a superpower of the light system? Why are you still afraid of light? What a disgrace to Jill!"

Zhou Yun slowly got used to the strong light, and retorted: "Whoever said that people with light-type abilities are not afraid of light? Could it be that people with water-type abilities can stay in the water forever.

Could it be that people with fire-type abilities can grill themselves every day, can people with lightning-type abilities give themselves electrotherapy every day...


Before she could continue to defend herself, Zhou Yang flicked Zhou Yun's forehead with his fingers, interrupting her desire to continue talking!

"As far as you have a lot of reasons, why don't you go to the debate competition?"

Zhou Yang knew his younger sister like the back of his hand, although in the eyes of others she is a cold goddess, but to him she is just a clingy younger sister!

Zhou Yun rubbed her forehead and whispered:

"It hurts! Big Brother, you know how to use violence to make me submit. You are powerful, and I want fairness!"

Zhou Yang laughed suddenly, and asked gently:

"Do you want to resist my power?"


Zhou Yun nodded like a chick pecking rice, her eyes shone with the light of hope, as long as the big brother is no longer so domineering, then her chance has come!

Zhou Yang nodded, and said leisurely under Zhou Yun's excited eyes:

"Then don't eat today's egg dish siu mai, go out and find a place where there is no power to eat!"


Zhou Yun let out a scream, and finally discovered the trap of her big brother, who was threatening her sister with cooking!

Zhou Yun hugged Zhou Yang and said:

"It's against the law for you to do this. Where can I find such a delicious meal? After eating this kind of food, I won't be able to eat out for the rest of my life!"

"Foul is foul, it is power!"

Zhou Yang said without mercy, and knocked Zhou Yun on the head!

Scathach was awakened by the sound, straightened up and stretched himself.

The little Sakura on the side also woke up completely, leaning her little head on the body of the master, and said mischievously:

"Big brother, is sister Zhou Yun making you angry again?"

"What is another ah..."

Zhou Yun retorted dissatisfiedly, but soon suffered a blow to his brain, so he could only say bitterly:

"It's just occasionally, I haven't made him angry for a day, it's been a day!"

`~ You girl is really getting skinny!"

Zhou Yang complained, and then brought out the egg dish siu mai from the red envelope and placed it on the table.

After trying Xiaodangjia's delicacies, Zhou Yang couldn't stand the food he cooked, it was torture.

So after Zhou Yang made some py transactions with Xiaodangjia, he successfully made Xiaodangjia willing to provide three meals on time every day!

The egg dish siu mai is the favorite food of little Sakura and her sister, even Skaha is very interested in this kind of food!

(⊙o⊙) Wow, my favorite egg dish is burnt!"

Zhou Yun shouted, went directly to the table and took a bite with the chopsticks, showing an expression of enjoyment, and muttered while eating:

"It's so delicious, this is the taste, it's so delicious!"

Little Sakura also got up slowly, and shouted to Zhou Yun:

"Sister Yun, brush your teeth and wash your face before eating, you will be scolded by big brother!"

"No! Eat first and then swipe, it will be so convenient to change the money at that time!"

Zhou Yun chuckled, and stretched out her chopsticks to pick up the next piece of siu mai, but Zhou Yang's hand knife attacked her head again!

"Oh, it hurts so much, big brother, if you continue to fight like this, I will become stupid!"

Zhou Yun spoke with tears in her eyes, but Zhou Yang just glanced at her and said calmly:

"You see little Sakura is younger than you and wiser than you, go brush your teeth and wash your face before eating, or you will be hungry!"

"Okay, little Sakura, let's go wash our face and brush our teeth, big brother, you have to save some more for me!"

Zhou Yun put down her chopsticks resentfully, took little Sakura's hand and walked towards the bathroom to pull it out.

And Scathach suddenly got up and came to Zhou Yang's side, and said angrily:



Master, are you broken?

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