Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 406 The dragon is breathing

Jin Lao issued the order.

The Great Steel Wall that surrounded the entire Bohai Sea and was filled with thundering cannons suddenly fell silent.

The roaring artillery fire suddenly stopped in an instant, and the dazzling firelight suddenly disappeared.

It was as if the heaven and earth suddenly stopped roaring, and the world fell into silence.


The countless heavy artillery arrayed on the Great Steel Wall made a crisp and subtle sound of metal gears, and the dark muzzles slowly descended, aiming at the sea beasts that had rushed hundreds of kilometers away.


The missile launcher pointed directly at the sky also slowly rotated. The huge surface-to-ground missiles thirty or forty meters long were like sharp steel arrows, reflecting the cold luster. The arrows were on the strings, ready to go!

The subtle sound of gears turning is like the whisper of a giant dragon.

As if chanting the incantation of dragon breath.

Neat and loud replies came from the intercom.

"A heavy artillery regiment, each unit has completed the muzzle rotation and locked the target!"

"Second Heavy Artillery Regiment, all units have completed muzzle rotation and locked the target!"

"The Third Heavy Artillery Regiment..."

"The first missile team has readjusted the parameters and locked on the sea beast!"

"The second missile team has readjusted the parameters and locked on the sea beast!"

In the temporarily opened airports behind the Great Steel Wall, the engines of fighter planes were roaring, and the ammunition bays that had been reloaded were slowly closing.

"Falcon Team One, loading is complete and ready to take off at any time!"

"Falcon Team 2, reloading completed, ready to take off at any time!"

"Falcon Team 3, loading is complete and ready to take off at any time!"

The God-killing Army also took out their weapons one after another, super powers surged, and the disciples even lined up on the Great Steel Wall.

Chique was covered in flames, surging like flames floating in front of the Great Wall.

Beside her, two Daxia Sea Gods, who had just become first-order sea gods, stood on the sea water, surrounded by waves.

"All squads of the God-Slaying Army are ready for battle!" Chique looked at the huge waves and sea beasts rushing in from a hundred kilometers away, and reported with a walkie-talkie with no expression on his face.

"Taoist disciples are ready for battle!"

Talisman paper and magic sword array!

"Xingyi Sect disciples are ready for battle!"

The fierce man clenched his fists, his clothes fluttering in the sea breeze!

"Buddhist disciples, are ready for battle!"

The Buddha's light is strong, a group of warrior monks are leaning on their staffs and standing on their palms, and the phantoms of Bodhisattva are appearing on the heads of the old monks!

"Confucian disciples are ready for battle!"

Every Daxia sect stands on the Great Wall!

The fighting spirit is soaring!

Although everyone usually stays in seclusion, and each of them practices differently.

But now, Daxia is facing life and death.

On the Great Wall, Taoist priests carry swords, monks hold staffs, and literati wear green shirts!

Each beast roared and roared, and behind the Great Wall, there were huge dark shadows ready to move.

at the same time.

Hundreds of kilometers away on the sea.

The waves surged, and the sea beast roared towards the silent Great Steel Wall, roaring and rushing towards it under the influence of the huge waves.

"Their firepower has stopped!" A divine chosen member of the Swordfish Tribe looked at the suddenly silent Great Steel Wall and roared excitedly: "Charge over!"

"They're afraid of us!"

"These weak humans have no power anymore..."

But the next moment.


Pointing the muzzle at the charging sea beasts, Mr. Jin, who was clearly in his sixties, roared and pulled down the firing rod.


The heavy artillery made an ear-splitting roar, and the terrifying recoil swept away the surrounding dust like waves!

Almost at the same time.


"Beast, come on!"


The 1,800-kilometer Great Steel Wall surrounding the entire Bohai Sea fired heavy artillery!


The dark muzzle burst out with brilliant firelight, and the dazzling firelight formed a line!

Just like a giant dragon that was silent for a moment, it roared and breathed out its dragon breath!

Time seems to stand still.

Countless cannon eggs were densely packed, spinning and tearing up the air from all directions in the Bohai Sea, and smashed towards the sea beast roaring in the ocean!

It penetrated through huge waves and smashed into the sea beast.



The dragon is breathing.

Terrifying explosions exploded among the roaring sea beasts, and blood rain and waves rose!

In an instant, hundreds of miles away from the Great Steel Wall, sea water rose into the sky, and the exploding water columns were arranged like a wall of water!

Firelight bloomed on the sea surface, sweeping up blood and sea water.

A sea beast was roaring excitedly when a cannonball hit it directly in its mouth.


The terrifying explosion swept out and blew it to pieces!

After all, these are military weapons blessed by the fourth-level military god!

Although it is not as powerful as Situ Hong's personal use, even so, it is not comparable to that of believers!

This terrifying attack made these sea beasts suddenly know what human power is!

But that's not all!


Suddenly there was a sharp sound in the sky.

A giant octopus that had several tentacles blown off and was running away in panic looked at it in shock. The sight made it freeze!

I saw.

Countless steel falcon-like fighter planes roared and swooped in from behind the Great Steel Wall. Air-to-ground missiles swayed with bright tail flames and fell like raindrops!

From all directions, countless steel falcons swooped down into the Bohai Sea, launching bombardments at those sea beasts!


"Beast, taste this treasure!"

"This is Daxia's gift to you!"

One by one, pilots roared in the cabin and pressed buttons.

There is also a huge transport plane that is more than 200 meters tall, like huge dark clouds, spraying gasoline directly in the air towards the sea!

In addition, there were countless huge ground-to-ground missiles that soared above the Great Steel Wall, swept up into the sky, and swooped down like arrows!

The dragon is breathing!

That's not the Great Steel Wall, but the fangs of a giant dragon!

And this vast Bohai Sea is the mouth of the dragon!


An even more terrifying explosion, stretching across the sea!

On the sea outside the Great Steel Wall.

Countless water pillars rose into the sky. At this moment, the entire Bohai Sea was trembling. The terrifying explosions formed a circle on the surface of the Bohai Sea. The water pillars soared into the sky like a wall of water, surrounding the entire Bohai Sea!

Any sea beast that dares to come will be killed by the explosion!

The explosion even ignited the gasoline that spilled from the air. In an instant, a raging sea of ​​fire rose up on the sea and surrounded the entire Bohai Sea!

Water and fire are very inconsistent at this moment, but they blend together strangely.

The shattered flesh and broken limbs crackled in the fire.



"These humans... actually have such power!"

"They set fire to the sea!!"

Some sea beasts that were lucky enough not to be killed were writhing in pain in the sea of ​​​​fire, letting out pitiful wails, and their smooth and tough skin quickly cracked and became charred.

Sea beast, born in the ocean.

Then what they are afraid of is naturally the flames!

It’s just that sea beasts usually stay in the ocean, and it’s impossible to encounter flames. But I never expected that these people from Daxia would actually set fire in the sea...

Under this wave of bombings and the burning sea of ​​fire.

Three million sea beasts survived, and 200,000 sea beasts were directly killed!

In this panic, the Chosen One who was huddled behind and commanding shouted loudly: "Don't panic! Don't panic! Dive under the water!"

"Use the water as cover!"

The sea beasts roared, twisted their huge bodies, and dived into the seabed.

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