Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 407: On the battlefield, Daxia is selling goods live!

On the Great Steel Wall.

Smoke filled the air, heavy artillery roared, and the soldiers pulled down the firing rods again and again with red eyes.


"Don't you want to charge? Come on, charge us head-on!"

"Damn, it smells so good..." A soldier sighed as he looked at the raging sea with roaring fire and explosions.

It smells so good.

The remains of the sea beast that were burned by the fire and blown to pieces on the sea surface, as well as the blood gushing out, were indeed tragic for the sea beast.

But for Daxia people...this is simply the taste of seafood soup.

Vibrant seafood!

There are octopus legs that are several meters long and fish bellies that weigh several tons.

The several-meter-long swordfish crackling in the blazing fire, its scales cracked, revealing the roasted snow-white flesh, the shells were slightly burnt, and the aroma was fragrant.

The soldiers were all greedy for it.

For Daxia people, all species are only divided into two categories, edible and inedible.

At this moment, these sea beasts seemed to be less terrifying than before, and the eyes of some soldiers looking at those ferocious sea beasts became hot...

The DNA in the body moves.

"Let's talk to the cooking team later and ask if we can get some sea beast meat to eat after we're done with it..."

"Brothers, kill them and eat seafood!"

"Beast, come here quickly, your grandpa and I are hungry!"

"There was too little seafood last time. I haven't eaten it for more than a month. I will definitely enjoy it this time!"

A soldier from the cooking class even had his eyes shining: "Squad leader, squad leader, there is a new race this time, can we develop new recipes?"

For a time, the Daxia warriors were so energetic that their hungry eyes stunned the beasts on the city wall... Why were these humans suddenly more fearless than beasts like themselves?

Behind the city wall, the Daxia people who were watching the live broadcast of the battle swallowed their saliva when they saw the sea full of raw seafood rolling in the fire.

Countless barrages passed by.

"It smells so good even through the screen!"

"Thank you God for your gift!"

"No, I bought a plane ticket. After the fight is over, I will go to the battlefield over there to eat seafood. Do you brothers want to go with you to destroy the enemy?"

"I am coming too!"

"Although we cannot go to the battlefield to fight, it is our duty to destroy the enemy!"

"No, I have to open a company. After I finish fishing, I will go to the sea to salvage fresh seafood..."

"Haha, my family is a fisherman here. Once the fishing is over, just a few trips will be enough to last for several years!"

"I'm so rich, so much seafood!"

The coastal fishermen who were originally at the greatest risk were now grinning from ear to ear!

On weekdays, everyone works hard to catch seafood, but now, the seafood is rushing to the shore!

After the fight is over, just drive the fishing boat to pull it out.

It's weird to say it. Human beings all over the world are extremely nervous. When the battle is fierce, the people of Daxia are eager to swallow their saliva at the sea beasts in the live broadcast...

Suddenly, a barrage passed by.

"A merchant has already stocked the goods! The live broadcast is still going on... Oh my god, this merchant is actually Daxia official!"

On the Great Steel Wall, Shang Weitian, who should not have appeared and could not even fire a gun, was wearing a straight suit and smiled at his mobile phone: "Old fellows, you have seen it, fresh seafood, freshly baked! Quality and quantity guaranteed!" "

"Look, these are large goods weighing more than ten tons!"

"And it's also a gift from the gods. We have studied it before. These sea beasts can be absorbed by the human body, and they all have a trace of divine power, which can strengthen the body..."

"Place your order now and enjoy a 20% discount! For international cooperation, please contact Daxia's official commerce department privately. Free shipping worldwide."

"Look, they are still rushing forward under the gunfire, how fierce they are! Do you need me to say this quality? Ladies, hurry up and place your order! By the way, this is good stuff, even for patients with seafood allergies. It won’t cause allergic reactions, so you can show off with a big mouthful!”

He was actually delivering goods live on this battlefield!

On the battlefield behind Shang Weitian, the roaring sea beast is the best sign.

Vibrant seafood!

Absolutely fierce!

The blown-to-shattered limbs and the fish meat burned by the fire were even more charred and tempting.

Mr. Jin, who was immersed in the battle, turned to look at Shang Weitian, who was delivering goods live amid the roar of artillery fire, and said with a confused look on his face: "We are at war, what are you doing here?"

"It will generate revenue for the country." Shang Weitian smiled and said with some helplessness: "It is the Great Steel Wall and it is buying arms. Our funds are also a bit tight. Ahem... This is also the use of waste."

"After we finish the fight, we can't have so many sea beast carcasses floating on the sea rotting and smelly. They have to be cleaned up sooner or later. Besides, the soldiers ate well from the sea beast carcasses last time, and their strength also improved by leaps and bounds... There are so many this time, It’s hard for the soldiers to finish all the food, so selling some can also make some money for the country.”

After the battle, Mr. Zhang analyzed the 300,000 sea beasts from the last time and found that they were actually edible food for the human body and were also of great benefit to the body.

It was fished out and eaten by Daxia soldiers, and some coastal fishermen also ate the delicious seafood...

As soon as this move came out, not only the army rations were solved, but also because of the trace of divine power contained in the seafood, the soldiers' practice of killing gods and demons improved by leaps and bounds!

Moreover, Daxia’s processing of ingredients is simply the best. In addition to fish meat, there are also fish bone powder, fish brains, and cod liver oil. Even hard scales and skin have been added to armor equipment such as body armor. …

Make the most of everything!

Shang Weitian, the general manager of the Ministry of Commerce, always has unique ideas and thinks about getting more benefits for Daxia every second.

And it is this eclectic style that can provide strong logistical support for Daxia!

For a moment, Mr. Jin had a strange feeling. The attacking sea beast seemed to be coming to deliver seafood to Daxia...

But right now.

"They've dived!" the staff officer on the side suddenly said, "These sea beasts have dived!"

There is no more sea beast on the sea!

Mr. Jin smiled brightly: "Haha, just diving down will be useful?"

"The electronic reconnaissance force uses thermal imaging equipment and sonar equipment to explore the coordinates of sea animals under the water and report them in real time!"

"Other troops gave up visual guidance, accepted digital coordinates, and bombed the coordinate area directly!"

"'s time to show them the gifts we Daxia gave them at the bottom of the sea."

"Yes!" The electronic reconnaissance force immediately sent each coordinate area to the corresponding regiment headquarters.


One after another, the cannon eggs hit the silent sea surface, penetrated all the way to the bottom of the sea, and landed accurately among the diving sea beasts!

Missiles are raining down, and fighter planes continue to bomb!

It's as if the sea water blocking the view doesn't exist at all!


Explosions rippled across the seafloor, and each sea beast was crushed to pieces by the fierce currents.

"Damn it, these humans..." A giant whale tribe's God's Chosen gritted his teeth and said, "Do they have clairvoyance! We are all hiding under the sea!"

"How can they still see us and know exactly where we are!"

This is the power of Daxia!

The power of technology!

Human power!

Although the sea water blocks the line of sight, with today's technology, humans can clearly detect the movement of the seabed even at a depth of thousands of meters!

In this era, the eyes of Daxia people can already see thousands of miles and penetrate thousands of meters of sea water.

And as long as it can be seen, the Daxia people's arrows can travel thousands of miles and kill the enemy!

Although humans are weak, their abilities are beyond the understanding of these sea beasts!

"It doesn't matter so much!" A swordfish warrior shouted loudly: "Speed ​​up and rush over!"

"It's right in front of you!"


As he spoke, his slender body shook violently, and as the fins swung, the arrow-like silver body swept away like silver light in the sea water!

Extremely fast!

The sharp fish mouth pierces through layers of sea water, and the streamlined body has almost no resistance, speeding against the dark sea bottom!

But the next moment.

Its fin accidentally touched an iron ball fixed to the seabed by an iron chain.

The iron ball shook.


The sound of subtle metal collisions echoed in the cold, dark seabed.

Whatever it is.


Dazzling fire exploded in the dark seabed, and countless fragments and terrifying impact directly blew half of the swordfish warrior's tail off!

Almost at the same time.



Explosions sounded in the dark seabed.

Those dazzling light groups illuminate the dark and cold seabed!

Countless Swordfish warriors who rushed forward were blown to pieces, and some who were closer were blown to pieces!

For a moment, all the sea beasts were frightened.

They looked in shock and saw iron balls fixed by chains floating in the water in front of them, undulating with the waves in the pitch-black water.

It was like death beckoning.

Densely packed!

This is the minefield deployed by Daxia!

For a time, countless sea beasts were unable to advance or retreat!

"What it is!"

"It will explode! Humans actually put weapons on the bottom of the sea!"

"What to do, what to do, we are on the sea and will be bombed. Although the power of long-range bombing is not great under the sea, there are still these powerful things blocking the way..."

For a moment, the sea beasts who were still suffering from the bombing suddenly felt desperate.

The Great Wall at the end of the other side seems to be never reachable or conquerable!

That is the insurmountable Great Wall!

And just when these sea beasts were unable to advance or retreat.

On the Great Steel Wall where artillery fire roared, the Momen disciples looked at the water splashes caused by the mines on the seabed and smiled.

"The gifts I, Daxia, have prepared for you are not limited to these."

"Mechanism: Explosive Water Snake!"

The Momen disciples standing in the Great Steel Wall picked up a wooden whistle, put it in their mouths, and blew it hard.

The sound of the wooden whistle was not loud and could almost be ignored amid the roar of artillery fire, but the subtle, specific frequency sound penetrated the seabed and seemed to awaken something.

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