"Naruto Uzumaki, what are you going to do?!"

Little Wang Teacher Nan's roar resounded throughout the venue, shaking everyone.

To be honest, when Naruto dug out Nagato's eyeballs without paying attention to others, Xiaonan almost got scared.

In fact, not only Xiaonan, but also other people in the Akatsuki organization were scared...

Didn't Naruto say that after Nagato used the Outer Path Samsara Born Art, Naruto would help Nagato revive as soon as possible? !

But what do you mean by digging out your eyeballs now? !

Are you going back on your word? !

Do you want to usurp the throne directly? !

Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto, in everyone's mind, the position of Akatsuki leader will be yours sooner or later.

But you are doing this now, you...

Alas... why are you doing this? !

Now this is considered...

The prince plotted to kill the previous emperor and intended to seize power and usurp the throne? !


Swish! Swish! Swish...

Dozens of paper shurikens were mercilessly shot at Naruto, and they were covered with Armament Haki.

According to what Nagato said before his death, the paper shuriken covered with Armament Haki could easily cut 500 Narutos in one blow...

It can be seen that Konan was overwhelmed by anger at the moment and had completely lost her mind.

Indeed, someone would not be able to bear such a thing as having her eyes gouged out just after her husband died!

Naruto: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))! ! !

[There is murderous intent! ]

Hearing the sound of breaking wind behind him, Naruto did not hesitate, and swiftly picked up Nagato and blocked him in front of him with lightning speed.

Puff! Puff! Puff...

All the paper shurikens pierced into Nagato's body.

Well, it's pierced through and through...

Konan: ☄ฺ(◣д◢)☄!!!

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? !!!

Ah, this, this, this...

Killing people and destroying their hearts~ Killing people and destroying their hearts!!!

Everyone turned their heads cautiously to see the expression on Konan's face at the moment...

Then they were scared, and they looked up at the sky and the ground but didn't dare to look at Konan again.


[Uzumaki Naruto, Nagato and I trusted you so much, but you betrayed our trust in you!

Today, even if I risk my life... I must kill you! 】

The cold air and murderous intent mixed together, condensing the air several meters around Konan.

A thin layer of white frost even began to condense under Konan's feet, making people wonder if she had learned the unique bloodline limit of the Mizunotsuki clan - Ice Release in anger.

"Well, that... Sister Konan, listen to me first..."

"Uzumaki Naruto, I want you to be buried with Nagato!!!"

Before Naruto finished speaking, two pairs of paper wings suddenly unfolded behind Konan and took her into the air, and the armed color domineering quickly covered her whole body.


The chakra in her body burst out in an instant, and the corners of Konan's mouth gradually overflowed with blood.

[What the hell? ! If Nagato comes back to life and finds that Sister Konan is vomiting blood because of me... will she die?

I will definitely be killed by Nagato, right? ! ]

Naruto regretted it.

He shouldn't have dug out Nagato's eyeballs on a whim without any prior explanation.

Nagato and Konan are indeed a couple, their personalities are exactly the same;

They both don't want to talk nonsense when they are pushed into a corner, and just take action~

[First Nagato, then Konan... What a sin I have committed...]

Naruto couldn't help but think like this, but at this moment he could only think like this, because...

Konan's attack has come!

"Paper Dance!!!"

Countless pieces of paper peeled off from Konan's body and flew towards Naruto quickly.

Naruto looked closely and found that these were not pieces of paper at all, but clearly...

Detonating Talismans covered with Armament Haki!

Naruto: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))!!! ! !

Question: Can a Detonating Talisman with Armament Haki still explode?

emmm... Never mind, Naruto doesn't want to know the answer.

At the moment when these detonating tags appeared, the five hearts of an 83-year-old man in the field suddenly ached for no reason...

Kakuzu: [These are all money... my money o(╥﹏╥)o ! ! !]


"System, use the resurrection coin to revive Nagato!"

[Understood, the resurrection coin has been used. 】

A white light flashed, and everyone couldn't open their eyes.

Wrapped in the dazzling white light, Nagato was resurrected!

After the resurrection, all the injuries on Nagato's body disappeared, and even a pair of new eyes grew in his eye sockets.

However, the new eyes were notSamsara eyes are just a pair of ordinary eyes, which should be the pair that Nagato had at first.

[Tsk~ Sure enough, the system bug is not that easy to get stuck...]

The plan to get a pair of Samsara eyes for free failed. Although Naruto felt a little disappointed, it was okay overall~

Besides, the current priority is not the time to worry about this.

Although the appearance of the white light made Konan close her eyes involuntarily, she did not stop the attack she had launched before.

The army of explosive tags with the bonus of armed color domineering... is coming!

"Fuck?! My body... Naruto, thank you..."

"Look ahead!"

Naruto quickly interrupted Nagato and turned his head, which was just about to turn around, to the front of the two of them;

Then he raised his head slightly upwards, so that Nagato could see the explosive tags flying all over the sky and about to cover them more clearly and intuitively.

Nagato: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

Explosive Talisman... Shikigami no Mai... Konan? !

What does that mean? !

Is it possible that Yahiko is back... and Konan wants to change her husband? !


Nagato quickly called out the name of his wife.

Konan: Õ_Õ...


Although the white light has dissipated, its influence is still there;

Although she still couldn't open her eyes, Konan could clearly distinguish that the call came from Nagato.

Naruto didn't lie to her, Nagato... is really resurrected!

Konan was excited! Excited! She... was panicked!

Konan immediately stretched out her hands, trying to take back the explosive talisman that she had thrown before.

But as the old saying goes - spilled water can't be taken back.

How could it be so easy to take back the attack that Konan launched in anger? !

Seeing that the detonating tags were no longer obedient and were covering Nagato and Naruto on their own, Xiaonan regretted it in her heart.

[Alas... It's my wife's fault, and I, as a husband, have to clean up the mess in the end. ]

Nagato has figured out what happened, and can only sigh helplessly in his heart.

Then Nagato moved his feet and blocked Naruto behind him tightly, and then raised one hand and shouted in a very pretentious manner.

"Shinra Tensei!"


There was no response, and Xiaonan's detonating tag had already fallen.

[What's going on? ! ]

Nagato: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? ! !

"Pein Godo protects you!"

Pein Godo stood there motionless, as if dead.

Oh, they were dead anyway...

Nagato: (≖╻≖;) ...

【It's over. 】

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

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