"I'm sorry Naruto, Sister Konan shouldn't be so impulsive."

Konan apologized to Naruto with a trepidation, folding her hands on her belly and bowing at a 90-degree angle.

Naruto could feel that Konan's apology to him was sincere, but...

[Sister Konan, before you apologize to me... can you please wipe the blood off the corners of your mouth first? !

And you are a pregnant woman now~

There are thousands of ways to apologize... why did you have to choose to bow?

I, Uzumaki Naruto... can't stand it!

Didn't you see that your husband is looking at me now as if he is going to kill me in the next second...]

"Ahem~ It's human nature, I don't blame you...

Sister Konan, (please) please get up quickly."

Naruto quickly helped Konan up.

Well, before the ungrateful bastard Nagato couldn't help but draw his sword to chop him...


There was a large pit with a diameter of tens of meters and a depth of tens of meters in the center of the venue.

That was what Konan had just blown up, and the pit is still warm now...

And the reason why Naruto and Nagato were able to survive such a terrifying attack was all thanks to Kakashi.

I have to say that Kamui is indeed a good thing. With this thing, it is difficult to die.

But as the hero who saved the two, Kakashi's current situation is really not that good.

Because Tsuchi was angrily scolding Kakashi for using Kamui in the same way as Xiang, while...

"Lin~ You don't know how miserable I will be after you are gone.

Look, I'm blind now~

My eyes were dug out by Kakashi, the bastard, because he wanted to have a clearer vision so that he could better read the little *yellow* books in his bag..."

Tsuchi really didn't care about his face.

He pulled Lin's arm, constantly used words to win Lin's sympathy, and tried to throw dirty water on Kakashi.

If Kushina hadn't grabbed Kakashi's collar tightly...

Naruto suspected that one of these two guys would die today.


"Scorpion, you look..."

Although Scorpion had clearly told them that twenty-four years had passed, Scorpion's parents always felt that they had only been dead for a dozen years.

After all, the Scorpion standing in front of them... was too young.

Whose child at the age of twenty-seven can still look like a young man of fifteen or sixteen?

Seeing the doubts in his parents' hearts, Scorpion didn't explain much, and directly showed his puppet body in front of them.


The first thought of Scorpion’s father and mother:

[Hiss~ Our son is a ruthless man!]

The second thought:

[Hurry up and have another child. The incense of our old Scorpion family (I really can’t find out what Scorpion’s family name is) can’t be destroyed in the hands of us...]

“Since you have been resurrected, where are you going next?”

In fact, Scorpion wanted to ask his parents if they could stay with him, but he couldn’t say it when the words came to his lips.

The old couple looked at each other and said in unison.

"We want to go back to the Sand Village. Your grandmother probably doesn't know about our resurrection yet."


Scorpion lowered his head in disappointment, but soon...

"Then we can return here with peace of mind and stay with our precious son~"

Scorpion raised his head and met two gentle smiling faces, as warm as the sun in winter.

"Hmm! ∩_∩~"


"Teacher, you..."

Senju Nawaki looked at Orochimaru in surprise, Judging from his current attire...

Senju Nawaki judged that Orochimaru was probably no longer a ninja of Konoha, which meant...

Traitor? !

[Teacher Orochimaru... what have you been through in these years? ! ]

Strangely, Senju Nawaki, who used to shout about becoming Hokage every day, did not feel the anger that he should have because of Orochimaru's betrayal of Konoha at this moment, but only...

felt sorry for his teacher.

Perhaps Senju Nawaki, who had died once, had seen through the truth of his own death;

After all, he is Orochimaru's disciple, so he still has some brains...

"I'm glad you're back."

Orochimaru's voice seemed much hoarser than usual. It was hard to tell whether it was because he was trying to suppress his excitement.

"What are your plans next? Do you need me to accompany you to find Tsunade?"


Senju Nawaki smiled and shook his head.

"I just want to stay with my teacher and continue to listen to your teachings."


"By the way, Mr. Orochimaru, my sister is still in MuLeaf?"

"No, she left Konoha before me."

"Eh?! She is..."

"...She is giving money to people all over the world."


In fact, after hearing that Tsunade had left Konoha...Senju Nawaki had already guessed the answer.


"Look over there, clan leader, that's...Uchiha Obito.

He should be the masked man who slaughtered our Uchiha with Itachi...

Clan leader, what should we do? !"

Which family doesn't have one or two smart people?

Although Tsuchiko has been covering up, his identity was eventually guessed by the Uchiha clan members.

"He no longer has the eyes of the Uchiha, which is considered to have atonement for what he did...

Send someone to tell him later that from now on, he can no longer use the Uchiha surname like Itachi...

This is my order, so let it be. ”

In fact, Uchiha Fugaku was the first person in the Uchiha clan to discover this matter.

Logically speaking, he led the Uchiha clan members to rush forward and skinned the traitor Tsuchiko and crushed his bones to ashes...

No matter how they tortured him, it would not be too much.

But before Tsuchiko, they had dealt with another filial son of the Uchiha family.

Well, his son, not dead.


Tsuchiko was lucky enough to save his life.


It seems that everyone who should be resurrected has been resurrected, and everyone is very happy.

Naruto was also very happy to see this happy ending, until...

"Hahahaha~ Sorry sorry, I'm late.

Minato, Minato... Where are you, Minato?

Come out quickly so I can take a good look at you…”

Jiraiya, who was late, arrived before he even showed up, and instantly surprised Naruto who was immersed in the family atmosphere.

[Fuck… I said I always felt that someone was forgotten, it turned out to be my poor, wronged father…]


Namikaze Minato is still playing with half a fox in the belly of the god of death, and he can’t be summoned by the Impure World Reincarnation?

Oh, that’s okay…

“Kushina, this time… didn’t you revive Minato as well? ”

[That’s right~ Minato didn’t come back to life…]

Kushina: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))!!!

Kushina was panicking, but soon she was relieved.

“Forgot it~”

Kushina spread her hands and answered.

[I already have a precious son, what do I need that bastard for? ( ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧~]

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