On the day he left Konoha, Naruto did not get the title of Chunin as he wished.

The reason was that a future father-in-law who got angry at the sight of the little yellow-haired boy used his power as a Hokage to veto Naruto's Chunin selection test results.

He was a Genin when he came, and he was still a Genin when he left. It seems that Naruto finally failed to escape this fateful curse.

But as long as he looked back at the Rasa family following the team, and then looked down at Hinata Hanabi who was resting with her arms around her neck...

Naruto said that his future father-in-law might make a lot of money, but he would definitely not lose out!

Rasa had nowhere to go after giving up the position of Kazekage, so he had to follow Naruto with a gloomy face with his whole family;

He planned to take Temari and Kankuro to settle in the Hidden Rain Village, and at the same time tried to repair the relationship between himself and Gaara.

As for why little Hanabi was in Naruto's arms?

It all started with a bottle of "Forget Cub Milk".

The story is that a little yellow-haired man with bad intentions deliberately mixed a bottle of Wangzai milk into a bunch of things when he was improving the strength of his future father-in-law;

Unexpectedly, the effect of Wangzai milk was so good that not only did the future father-in-law forget his eldest daughter, but he also didn't recognize his youngest daughter!


"Whose child is this? How did she run to my house... Go away!"

The four-year-old little Hanabi was kicked out of the house by her own father with a confused look on her face, and was picked up by the servant of the Hyuga family who just came back from buying vegetables.


Why are you here again, kid?!

Who let you in?!

Go away!!!"

"Listen to me~ Whoever dares to let that little girl in again, be careful of my family's punishment!"

Score twice!

The confused little Hanabi sat on the cold street and forgot how to cry for a while...

Seeing how pitiful little Hanabi was, Naruto had to take on the responsibility of taking care of his sister-in-law reluctantly and took her back to the Hidden Rain Village to raise her~

At worst, he would send his sister-in-law back to Konoha after the expiration date of the Forgotten Milk.

It would only take about five years, and Naruto believed that his dear uncle Hiashi would understand him ⌓‿⌓~


As for Old Sand...

It was said that before he arrived at the Hidden Sand Village, the villagers of the Hidden Sand Village went out of the village thirty miles to greet him.

The banner of "Welcome the Fifth Kazekage Crocodile to the Throne" was stretched from thirty miles away from the Hidden Sand Village to the Kazekage Building in the center of the village.

As soon as the two sides met, Old Sand had a Kazekage hat on his head.

"Crocodile, it's cold, put on more clothes."

Before he knew it, he had another divine robe on his body.

Lao Sha: (ー_ー)!!

Flowers, applause, congratulations from the villagers...

The ceremony announcing the resignation of the Fourth Kazekage and the inauguration of the Fifth Kazekage was completed in just two hours, and Lao Sha officially became the Fifth Kazekage of the Sand Village.

After that, Chiyo packed her bags overnight and took her brother Ebizo on the road to the Land of Snow.


My lazy brother also wanted to go back to the Hidden Rain Village with Naruto to lie down, but the good big brother didn't allow it and asked Ino-Shika-Chou to carry him back to the Sheep Village.

In order to prevent this troublesome sheep from getting lost again, Naruto even prepared an anti-lost artifact for each of the three Ino-Shika-Chou;

One end was tied to the wrists of the three Ino-Shika-Chou, and the other end was tied to my lazy brother's legs, waist, and hands.

So the Ino-Shika-Chou trio took their village chief and embarked on a grand journey back to the village.

Oh, Xiao Huihui and Jerry also escorted my lazy brother together.

The “pornography, gambling and drug” trio stayed in Konoha temporarily, for different reasons.

Tsunade was forced to do so because Konoha had paid off too many debts for her over the years. Now that they finally met the real owner, they couldn’t let her run away so easily!

As the Hokage, Hyuga Hiashi issued the highest instruction - Konoha didn’t expect Tsunade to pay off all these debts... but she had to pay some back!

So Tsunade, who shouted “Why should I explain my actions to others in my life”, was detained by Hyuga Hiashi and his men;

Hyuga Hiashi said that he would let Tsunade leave Konoha only after Tsunade earned money to pay off part of her debts with her own ability or someone volunteered to pay off her debts...

Jiraiya stayed in Konoha to take care of the descendants of old man Sarutobi Hiruzen and provide them with some assistance as appropriate.

As a result, when he saw Asuma Sarutobi licking Kurenai happily;

He had successfully won Kurenai's heart with his excellent licking skills;

He was even about to lick out a future...

Jiraiya collapsed and cried alone in his bedOne night.

He really couldn't understand why Asuma, that bastard, could get the favor of Kurenai Yuhi, while he was greeted by Tsunade's iron fist from beginning to end...

So what is the difference between Jiraiya and Asuma? !

Jiraiya: Fuck! (╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!

As for Orochimaru...

Everyone only knows that he is still in Konoha, but they don't know where he is in Konoha at the moment and what he is doing.

Perhaps... Mr. Orochimaru, the greatest scientist in the ninja world, has taken a fancy to which ninja's ancestral tomb in Konoha Village?


Gaara doesn't understand why Rasa can just make a ball of sand to put under his butt and drag himself to fly, but he still has to sit in a wheelchair and be pushed.

He also doesn't understand why there are obviously With so many people around, why did Luo Sha insist on letting himself push his wheelchair?

Please~ He really doesn't know how to get along with Luo Sha!

Gaara pushed the wheelchair numbly, and his eyes for help frequently swept over Temari and Kankuro beside him.

Temari had obviously noticed Gaara's gaze, but she turned her head away silently, opened the fan behind her and slowly admired it.

"Ah~ This fan really... looks like a fan~"

Gaara: (ーー゛)...

As for Kankuro... In this case, don't pin your hopes on this idiot, okay~


You ask me why Gaara doesn't ask for help from others?

In addition to them, there are also...

Hashiko who is possessed by the flat-headed man, and Kimimaro who is only a reckless man.

With these two guys... who can Gaara ask for help? !

Of course, Gaara can also ask for help from their good brother Naruto.

But Naruto's current state is obviously abnormal.

The closer to the Hidden Rain Village, the more Naruto The lower the low pressure is.

Even Naruto's sister-in-law in his arms didn't dare to say anything at this moment, so how could Gaara dare to disturb her?

Throughout the entire team, the most comfortable person was Rasa, who was sitting in a wheelchair with his eyes closed and basking in the sun.

But every time Gaara opened his mouth and called out "Sir Rasa"...

Rosa's brows would always be twisted together in extreme pain, and it felt like someone was force-fed more than ten pounds of Olegay...

In short, everyone has their own troubles, but they all embarked on their own journey home, right?

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