"Are you the Uzumaki Boruto?"

"Yes, I'm Uzumaki Boruto, I've met Grandpa Fugaku..."

"No, I'm not worthy of your calling me grandpa... I heard that you're interested in my granddaughter?!"

Uzumaki Boruto: (ー_ー)!!... →_→... Master, does your father always speak so directly? !

Big Pillar: (ー ー゛)... Don't look at me, and if you dare to tell my father that I'm your master... you're dead, don't you understand? !

Asking for help to no avail, Uzumaki Boruto, standing under the shadow of Uchiha Fugaku, could only answer with a stiff upper lip.

"I have this idea, please help Master Fugaku... Sir."

"Haha, that depends on how much weight you have... Susanoo!"

Uzumaki Boruto: ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!! Isn't it a bit too much to beat a child like me to open Susanoo? !

"Hashidou Sack! My grandma Kushi..."

"Fugaku, hold back when you beat him, or you might hurt my grandson."

Kushina's voice came from a distance, completely shattering Uzumaki Boruto's only hope.

"I understand, big sister."

Uchiha Fugaku: (σ≧︎▽︎≦︎)σ. ~

[Hehehe~ The imperial power has granted this privilege, just wait and see how I deal with you! ]


Not to mention how Uchiha Fugaku launched an inhumane beating on Uzumaki Boruto, the big pillar here had already quietly slipped away.

Under the guidance of an Uchiha, the big pillar walked straight towards the Uchiha station in the Hidden Rain Village.

As he got closer and closer to the Uchiha station, the big pillar could already see Uchiha Mikoto waiting for him outside the station.

[Mother! 】

The speed of the big pillar suddenly increased.

As the vision changed, he seemed to see the iron rack next to Uchiha Mikoto's position... hanging his younger self? !

[Wait, why is my mother who came to greet me holding a frying pan in her hand? ! ]

Duang! ! !

The sound caused by the frying pan hitting the second pillar's forehead woke up the big pillar who was in a daze, and also made him understand the purpose of the frying pan in his mother's hand.

Big pillar: (ー_ー)!!

[Okay, it seems that my mother didn't come out to greet me on purpose...

So in this case... should I continue to move forward? ]

Emm... This is a good question, but no one can give the big pillar an accurate answer.

Duang! ! !

Hundreds of meters away, the frying pan hit the big pillar's head with great precision.

"Come over quickly, do you want me, your mother, to invite you?"

Dazhuzi: ꒰๑•⌓︎•๑꒱ᵎᵎᵎ

"Oh, I'll come right away."

"Wait, pick up the pan for me."

"...Okay, mother."

Dazhuzi didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately picked up the pan and ran towards Uchiha Mikoto.

"Compared to the memory in my mind, the mother in this world has changed a lot~

But it's nice to see mother again."

The closer he got to Uchiha Mikoto, the more Dazhuzi felt his nose sour.

Finally, the mother and son from different time and space finally met at this moment!


Dazhuzi's affectionate call moved Uchiha Mikoto.

How many years has it been since he heard his son call him like this?

Uchiha Mikoto couldn't remember.

But just based on the "Mother" called by the Big Pillar, Uchiha Mikoto immediately decided - she would accept this son!


Just when Uchiha Mikoto gently called out the name of her youngest son and opened her arms to embrace the dusty and tearful Big Pillar...

The Second Pillar, who was hanging on the iron frame, was unhappy.

"Fuck you, stay away from my mom!"

Uchiha Mikoto: 눈_눈...

Big Pillar: (ー_ー)!!

The great atmosphere was ruined by the howling of the second pillar~

"You are the grown-up me from another time and space, right?!

I advise you to open your eyes and recognize that the one in front of you is my mom!

Not! Yours!!"


"You'd better not think about putting your hands on my mom, otherwise...

Even if you are me, I can still twist your head off!"

Second Pillar: (▼ヘ▼#) Hum! ! !

Big Pillar: (||๐_๐)... Was I so naughty when I was a child? !

Uchiha Mikoto: (ー ー゛)... Anyway, one has comeNew little son, why don't we just give up the old one?


Uchiha Mikoto: (▼へ▼メ)!!!


"Shut up!"

The old mother, unable to bear it any longer, snatched the pan from the big pillar and slapped the second pillar on the forehead, then turned around and took the big pillar's hand and left without looking back.


In the middle of the night, in Naruto's bedroom.

Naruto, who was still sleeping a second ago, suddenly woke up.

His body's instinct told him that he was being watched!


A faint sound that was almost inaudible came from his ears.

[The bedroom window was pried open from the outside. ]

Naruto made a judgment in an instant, and the chakra flowing in his body was ready to go at this moment.

As soon as the shadow under the moonlight appeared on the window sill, Naruto jumped out of bed and rushed up like a tiger choosing its prey.

"You daring thief! You fucking eat my kidney, bastard!"

Dazhu, who had just jumped off the windowsill, looked confused, but when he heard the familiar words "take my kidney"...

Dazhu still subconsciously gathered a Chidori in his hand and hit the meatball in Naruto's hand head-on.

(Naruto: ☄ฺ(◣д◢) Sass!!!

Dazhu: (╬ ̄皿 ̄) That's a lot!!!)


Critical moment!

Namikaze Minato came through the air and held down the hands of the two people tightly a second before the lightning and the meatball collided.

"If there is a door, don't go through the window. This is not a good habit."

The big golden hair in the ninja world smiled at Dazhu, showing his amiable nature.

However, another elder in Naruto's family was not so polite to Dazhu.

"Vajra Lock!"

The golden chain instantly wrapped around the big pillar's whole body.

Kushina, who was wearing pajamas and had messy hair, kicked the door of Naruto's bedroom to pieces and walked in with a frying pan in her hand.

Kushina: (눈益눈) !!!

"Do you know that having a good sleep is more important than life for us girls, bastard?!"

Big Pillar: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))...

Naruto: (σ`・д・)σ~You're dead!


The frying pan fell hard on Naruto's head.

"I only said him, not you, right?!

Kneel down at the door!"

Naruto: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

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