[Hehe~ I was punished to kneel at the door, how can you, as the instigator, be any better? ]

Naruto, who was kneeling at the door, thought so in his heart, and pricked up his ears to listen to the movement in the house.

However, the development of the things in the house was far beyond his expectations.

"Thank you for taking care of Naruto in that world." ×2

Kushina and Namikaze Minato smiled at each other, and then bowed to the big pillar together.

This action scared the big pillar and immediately jumped aside, saying that he dared not accept their gift.

"No, no, uncle and aunt are serious. If we talk about taking care of me... it should be Naruto who takes care of me more."

As he said, thinking of the things he did when he was young... the big pillar wanted to slap himself twice on the spot.

Kushina: "Oh? So you have a good relationship with Naruto from that world?"

"Yes, although we are not brothers, we are better than brothers."

"So close that we break each other's hands?"

"Of course..."

Oshira: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ What the hell? ! !

As expected, speaking without thinking is a bad habit. Kushina's eyes turned dangerous when she looked at Oshira~

"Come to think... Did you want to break my Naruto's hand just now?!"

"How could that be? I was just joking with him."

Unconsciously, cold sweat was dripping down Oshira's forehead.

"Oh, it's a joke~

Then how about... Minato and I play with you?"

Big Pillar: (꒪⌓꒪) ...


Kushina suddenly laughed out loud, and all the crises that made Big Pillar feel creepy before seemed to be just his illusion at this moment.

"Just kidding, I hope you don't mind~

So... Uchiha Sasuke from another world, what is the reason for your visit late at night?"

"... I actually just want to meet Naruto in this world, thank him for re-creating my Uchiha clan, and by the way..."

Big Pillar's eyes showed gratitude, and his tone of voice became a little softer.

Kushina showed a hint of mischief on her face, and took over the conversation before Big Pillar finished speaking.

"By the way, break one of my Naruto's hands?"

Big Pillar: ꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱! ! !

Shit... We can't get past this topic of breaking a hand, right? ! !

Big Pillar: (╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!!

Kushina: (ー`´ー)?!!

Big Pillar: ┳━┳ノ(°_° ) Arrange it, arrange it...


Naruto couldn't hear the following words.


Because not only did his father Minato Namikaze come out to close the door, but his dear old mother also thoughtfully sealed the whole house.

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

[Damn, who are they protecting against?!]

At this moment, inside the house: Kushina, Minato Namikaze, Big Pillar, Hinata, Hanabi, Uzumaki Boruto...

Outside the house: Naruto.

Emmm... It's self-evident who the old couple is protecting against with this operation.

Naruto: o(╥﹏╥)o ...

After a while, the seal surrounding Naruto's house was lifted, and the old couple smiled and personally sent the big pillar out of the door.

Strangely, the big pillar, who Naruto expected to be beaten up by his old mother, was unharmed at this moment, and not even a hair was messed up.

However... the big pillar looked very ugly when he walked out of the house, and his steps were much faster than usual after he went out.

Just when Naruto was puzzled, he saw the old mother smiled and took out a piece of paper from her arms and waved it in the air, and said excitedly to Naruto who was kneeling on the ground.

"My son, mom found a daughter-in-law for you~"

Naruto: ꒰๑•⌓︎•๑꒱ᵎᵎᵎ

Naruto suddenly understood what the old mother was holding in her hand, and roughly knew that the big pillar walked out of the house. Why did he have that expression as if his parents had died when he came out...

Naruto turned his head and saw the big pillar who had already walked away stumble, then quickly used the instant body technique and disappeared in the night in the blink of an eye...



[Damn, I was careless...]

The big pillar running wildly in the night wailed in pain in his heart.

At this moment, he finally understood why Uchiha Mikoto repeatedly told him not to disturb Kushina before he went to Naruto's house.

He also understood the value of Uchiha Fugaku's words "If Kushina appears... run! Run now! Don't look back!".

Although he understood it, it was a pity that he didn't listen when he met Kushina, so Sarada wasSo he sold her to the Uzumaki family.

As long as the big pillar thinks of the paper he signed his name on, it says:

[My beloved daughter Sarana, 13 years old at the time, and Uzumaki Naruto's eldest son Boruto Uzumaki are in love with each other...

I now voluntarily sign a marriage certificate to tie the two families together...

This marriage certificate will take effect immediately from the date of signing, and the marriage can be completed on a chosen date after the children of both parties reach adulthood...]

Big pillar: (ʘ̥∧ʘ̥)...

I regret it, I regret it very much... I regret not listening to my parents' advice~

Now, not only did I sell my precious daughter with my own hands, but I also dared not even go home.

Although the big pillar himself did not have much objection to Uzumaki Boruto being his son-in-law, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto who were waiting for him to return home...

If the old couple knew about this, they would probably skin him alive!

Dazhuzi: =(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)...

[I can't go back to this house. For now, I can only find a place to hide. After my father and mother calm down, I will...]

Go back to apologize, or... go back to die?

Dazhuzi didn't know, but he knew that he had to find a relatively safe hiding place before Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto learned about this from Kushina.

And now in the Hidden Cloud Village, there is only such a place...


"Humph! The little bastard is quite smart. He knows that he will be beaten as soon as he comes back after selling my granddaughter, so he ran away without stopping..."

Uchiha Fugaku retracted his gaze, and his old face was full of the word "resentment".

"Madam, you say... this bastard really sold my granddaughter like that... without even struggling?!"

"Is this the first day you met Kushina... when has she ever failed?"

Uchiha Mikoto rolled her eyes at her husband.

"Besides, if that kid didn't sell Sarada to the Uzumaki family, why would he not even dare to come back?"

"... Madam, where are you going so late?"

"Go and wake up our Sas to vent his anger, do you want to come with us?"

Uchiha Fugaku: (ー`´ー)! !

"... Madam, go ahead, I'll go find Edward Newgate to borrow his Kusugawakiri first."

Uchiha Mikoto: 눈_눈...

"By the way, madam... aren't you curious about where that little bastard who sold his daughter is going?"

"This is the Hidden Rain Village, where else can that kid go?

It's nothing more than going to Itachi, let the two brothers have a good chat..."

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