Time goes back to the night when all members of Akatsuki returned to the Hidden Rain Village after killing Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.


Naruto, who was lying on the bed, suddenly woke up, and the alarm from the depths of his soul reminded him that someone was staring at him!

Naruto followed his feeling and looked at the window of his room, and found that there was indeed... a crow crawling on the windowsill.

"Oh, it's just a crow, I was scared to death...

Wait, how come this crow has a Mangekyō Sharingan?!"

Naruto: (°ー°〃)? ! !

As we all know, there is only one crow that can possess a Mangekyō in the Naruto world, and his owner is...

Naruto, who was completely awake, immediately walked to the window sill.

"Did Itachi ask you to come to me?"

The crow nodded and motioned Naruto to follow, then flapped its wings and flew away.

Naruto casually put on a coat and hurried out of the house to chase the crow.

Following the crow's shadow in the moonlight, Naruto finally met Itachi in a quiet forest outside the Hidden Cloud Village.

That night, Itachi sat on the ground leaning against a tree trunk, hiding his entire body in the tree trunk, with empty bottles lying around his feet.

This was the first and only time Naruto saw Itachi drink so much.

Even from a distance, Naruto could smell the strong and disgusting smell of alcohol in the air.

"Ha~ You're here, Naruto."

Itachi tilted his head back and drank another bottle of sake, threw the bottle away and patted the empty space beside him.

"Come and sit down."

Looking at the tree roots and soil soaked by the spilled wine or some other unknown liquid...

Naruto: 눈_눈...

"I'd better stand."

Itachi glanced at Naruto, and then picked up a bottle of sake and opened it.

"Whatever you want."

Naruto stood there stupidly watching Itachi continue to pour himself wine, one bottle after another...

Naruto finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"I say Itachi, you bastard called me here in the middle of the night... Is it just to let me stand here and watch you drink?!"

"Oh, yes, yes, I almost forgot the business... I called you here because I want to ask you something.

Sorry, I don't know why, tonight I always want to be unrestrained..."

Itachi said sorry, but the speed of throwing out empty bottles did not slow down at all.

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

"If you have something to say, please say it. If not, I'm going home to sleep~"

Naruto turned around and was about to leave, but the next second, Itachi flashed behind him and held his shoulder tightly.

"Sorry, please wait a moment..."

Chakra quickly flowed throughout the body, and the steam from Itachi's body instantly enveloped the two of them.

That taste... Naruto almost vomited out today's dinner on the spot.

"Fuck... How much did you drink?!"

"... To be honest, I don't remember."

Itachi, who had sobered up, returned to his usual serious (face) (paralysis) appearance and answered word by word.

Naruto stared at Itachi's eyes full of the word "sincerity" without saying a word, sincerely...

Itachi had the urge to press this bastard to the ground and beat him!


The two found a clean place again, and Naruto, who had been running around the village chasing crows late at night, finally sat down.

"Tell me, why did you come to me so late at night?!"

Naruto rolled his eyes at Itachi unhappily.

God has mercy on him, he is just a child~

Does Itachi not know how important it is for a child to get enough sleep? !

What on earth prompted Itachi to lead himself here late at night...

"I'm going to die, Naruto."


Itachi would have been fine if he didn't say anything, but once he did, it was earth-shattering.

Itachi's simple words "I'm going to die" almost scared Naruto's soul out.

"... Explain yourself, what happened to you that you are going to die?!"

"I have planned to give my eyes to Sasuke after he opens the Mangekyō, and then... I want to leave this painful world."

Itachi paused for a moment, and his slender and powerful hand quietly fell on Naruto's shoulder.

"I believe that with your help, Sasuke should be able to open the Mangekyō soon, and then..."

Feeling the weight on his shoulders, Naruto's mood instantly became extremely heavy.

Obviously, the entire Uchiha clan had been saved by him,

Obviously, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo were already dead,

Obviously, he had tried his best to rewrite everything!But why... Itachi, this bastard, still made the same choice as in the original plot? !

Is it really so difficult for him to live well? !

And to be honest...

Even with the amazing talent of the Uchiha Pillar who opened a magatama after the death of the whole clan, Naruto is really not sure that he can open the Mangekyō!

Moreover, Itachi has said directly that when the Uchiha Pillar opens the Mangekyō, he, the Uchiha Daixiaozi, will die...

This is fucking... Even if Naruto really has a way to speed up the process of the Uchiha Pillar opening the Mangekyō, he dare not take action after hearing this.


[Uchiha Pillar: The Fourth Ninja World War will be started by me, the Uchiha Pillar... Die, the last one! ]

Naruto shuddered and quickly erased this demonic picture from his mind.

"... I'll leave Sasuke's future in your care, Naruto."

Naruto came back to his senses just in time to hear Itachi say this.

So Naruto slapped down Itachi's hand on his shoulder and refused bluntly.

"I refuse!"


Itachi's face flashed with surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect Naruto to refuse his request, and refused so straightforwardly.

"Unless you tell me honestly... what exactly prompted you to make such a choice."

Now it was Naruto who grabbed Itachi's arm tightly.

It seemed that Naruto would not let Itachi leave unless Itachi made this matter clear today.

"... I killed my clansmen. I am a sinner of Uchiha and should not live in this world anymore."

"But I have saved them all. I have made up for your sins!"

Naruto looked at Itachi stubbornly.

"Yes, you saved them..."

Itachi looked up at the crescent moon in the sky and sighed.

"It is precisely because all the clan members have been resurrected that I... have to die..."

Naruto: (꒪⌓꒪)? ! !

...What do you mean? He doesn't understand!

Could it be that this is the weird conclusion that can only be drawn after thinking about the problem with the Uchiha clan's unusual brain circuit? !

It's like...

(Tsuchi: What?! Rin is dead... Damn, I want to create a world with Rin!

Nijushi: My brother's last wish is for me to protect the village... Damn, I will destroy Konoha right now!

Madara: Because Hasilama is my best friend... So even if I die, I will tattoo his face on my heart!)

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