"It is undeniable that Naruto, you do have some enviable abilities.

These magical abilities can even allow you to easily and unconditionally resurrect anyone.

But although you can resurrect them, you can't change the hatred in each of their hearts..."

"Many of them died at the hands of me and Obito.

The bond between Obito and Uchiha has long been gone, so he can ignore this hatred, but I am different."

"As long as I am alive, there will always be an invisible gap between my father and the people of the clan...

And For Sasuke, the title given to him by the tribe members when they talked about him was no longer "the son of the tribe leader", but "the younger brother that the traitor would rather sacrifice the whole tribe to save"...

You don't have to rush to deny it, this is what I heard with my own ears. "

"The hatred between people will never be eliminated. I only hope to use my death in exchange for the tribe members' forgiveness of our family."

At this moment, in the woods, even the birds and insects that could be vaguely heard before disappeared completely, leaving only the words spoken by Itachi still echoing in the woods.

Naruto began to gradually wake up. It was not that Itachi's brain circuit was too different from ordinary people, but that he thought some things were too simple.

Perhaps Itachi...he was the one who saw through people's hearts and human nature.

Finally, under Naruto's gaze, Itachi opened his arms to the moonlight and said this to the night sky:

"My brother should have been a star shining over the Uchiha, how could he fall from the sky and into the dirty mud because of my existence?"

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

Emm... To be honest, Itachi really loves his Odoudou.

"So you really chose to slaughter the entire Uchiha in order to save the life of the second pillar?"

This scene is just right!

Naruto finally couldn't help but ask Itachi this question.

"There is indeed a reason in this regard..."

Itachi admitted it openly, but then he continued.

"But that's not all."

"When I realized that the conflict between the forces under the jurisdiction of the Third Hokage and the family was irreconcilable, and I had to make a choice...

I had struggled before, because I knew that no matter what I chose, it would be wrong.

If I chose the Third Hokage, I would be the sinner of the family to the Uchiha;

If I chose the Uchiha, even if the family won in the end, as the captain of the Anbu, I would be regarded as a mortal enemy by the remnants left by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

No matter who wins or loses, I will eventually bear the name of "traitor" "Maybe dying like Shisui was the most correct choice I could make at that time. But I couldn't, because I promised Shisui that I would protect the future of the village for him, and even the reason why I joined the Anbu was influenced by Shisui. Who will win or lose between the family and the Third Hokage group, or who will be the Hokage... In fact, I don't care about this kind of thing, because I only care about one thing-whether Konoha can continue to develop after experiencing this turmoil. "So my initial idea was not to help either side, When the two sides were about to fight, I found an excuse to leave the village and hide for a while, but... Uchiha Madara, or Obito, appeared.

By the way, do you know when I first saw Obito pretending to be Uchiha Madara?

Eight years old, when I was eight years old.

That time, ten Genin including me went to perform an escort mission, and we met him in the middle of the mission... The final result was that I was the only one who survived among the ten people.

It was also on that day that I opened the Sharingan...

I thought I would never meet him again after that day, but I didn't expect that six years later... he would meet me again He stood in front of me again.

I recognized him at a glance, and through the eyes under the mask, I sensed the crazy idea hidden in his heart... to destroy the village and even the whole world. "

"At that time, I had only one thing in my mind - I must stop him and stop everything he wanted to do!

However, I was not his opponent at all at that time, so I had no choice but to join.

Join his plan, gain his trust, find out everything and then find a way to destroy his plan.

And the token of joining in is... Uchiha! "


Thunderbolt from the ground.

The truth of what Itachi said really shocked Naruto.

How come this is all over... In the end, it's still Tsuchiko's fault.? !

"So the reason why you pretended to join the Akatsuki organization but kept in touch with Sarutobi Hiruzen secretly was actually..."

"Yes, I want to borrow the power he holds to protect the village."

"...Did Shisui really not use Kotoamatsukami on you before he died?"

Naruto now really believed the joke that Itachi had said before.

"...Is it important?"

Itachi raised his eyebrows and said to Naruto.

"In short, only my death can prevent the seeds of hatred in the hearts of the tribe members from sprouting, and let my father, mother, and Sasuke regain the trust of the tribe members.

So don't try to stop me, Naruto.

And now...you should let go!"

Itachi broke free from Naruto's hand with a little effort.

"You don't have to tell others what I said tonight, especially the Uchiha clan members.

... They won't believe it.

People are always willing to believe what they see and experience, right?"

"After I die in the future, I'll ask you to take care of Sasuke...

Finally, thank you for coming here so late to listen to my nagging... "

The voice in his ears became more and more vague, and Itachi's figure in the moonlight was getting farther and farther away.

Naruto knew that Itachi had already made up his mind.

And as a paranoid who had made up his mind...

Naruto asked himself if he had the ability to persuade Itachi to change his mind.

Now, perhaps all he can do is...

Naruto bit his back teeth fiercely, calmed down and ordered the system.

"System, take out the method of 'forging a weapon with one's body' that I drew before, quickly!"

In the blink of an eye, a purple ball of light appeared in Naruto's hand.

"By the way, can the description of this thing be changed?! Damn system, answer me!"

[...Host, what do you want to change? ]

"It can be changed, right? Then change it to..."


To be honest, after working on the system for so many years, this is the first time he has seen a host request to rewrite the item description.

System: 눈_눈...

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