The shadow of the shadow was revealed, and the shadow was revealed.

"What, you invented the Shadow Clone Technique?"

Naruto was shocked.

Tobirama's face darkened, and he said, "You learned the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, but you didn't know that I invented it?"

"Who taught you this technique? I want to ask him how he taught his disciples."

"Don't you even respect other people's intellectual property rights?"

Naruto was still confused and asked, "Did you really invent it?"

He didn't believe it.

"Humph!" Tobirama couldn't help but snorted.

He spent a lot of effort to research something, but was questioned as not the author.

Who can stand this?

"Not only the Shadow Clone Technique, but also the Flying Thunder God Technique was invented by me." The second generation has a strong sense of copyright.

He wanted to argue with reason.

But Naruto said loudly: "You are talking nonsense!"

"The Flying Thunder God Technique was obviously invented by my father, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze."

"My father worked hard to invent the ninjutsu, and you actually want to take it for yourself. You are so shameless!"

The second generation exploded when he heard this!


" actually said I am shameless..."

The second generation only felt that there was an unknown fire burning up, and his head was smoking.


He yelled, "Little brat, I have tolerated you for a long time!"

"Before Konoha was established, I had already invented the Flying Thunder God Technique!"

"With the Flying Thunder God Technique, I killed the trash of the Uchiha clan like killing chickens."

"You actually said that the Flying Thunder God Technique was invented by the Fourth Hokage. You are challenging my bottom line. I must kill you today, and no one can stop me!"

"And the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze dared to plagiarize my achievements openly. When I return to the Pure Land, I will not forgive him."

The second generation was very angry, and Naruto took advantage of this time to quickly slip towards the edge of the barrier.

He said this deliberately.

In fact, as early as when Mizuki taught him the Flying Thunder God Technique, he told him that the Flying Thunder God Technique was invented by the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju.

The purpose of his saying this was to make the second generation angry.

Once angry, people will lose their reason.

Although Naruto is usually stupid, his IQ doubles when he fights.

As expected, the second Hokage got angry, and Naruto seized the opportunity and was temporarily not troubled by the water wave.

When Tobirama reacted and suppressed his anger, Naruto's body was close to the edge of the barrier.

"Senjutsu. Super Big Rasengan!"

As he got closer, Naruto directly used his ultimate move to break the barrier.

As long as the barrier was broken, Flying Thunder God would not be restricted, and Naruto could completely let go and show his skills.

And it was not only Naruto's body that attacked together, but also his shadow clones, which attacked the barrier.

Even if Tobirama tried to stop him, he could only stop one.

The next moment, Hashirama's voice sounded from the air.

"Wood Release. Cutting Technique!"

The God of Ninja jumped into the air, with his smooth black hair fluttering in the wind.

He looked down from above and stretched out his hands.

Countless wooden thorns fell like raindrops, densely packed, covering the entire range of the barrier.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

In just one round, 99% of Naruto's tens of thousands of shadow clones were dispersed.

The remaining 1% all reacted quickly and used Tianyuan Yu in time to liquefy their bodies and thus escaped.

Naruto's main body also used liquefaction to successfully avoid the attack of the cutting technique.

"Tobirama, maintain the contract seal barrier and don't let him use Flying Thunder God."

"Leave the rest to me!"

Tobirama nodded and said, "Okay, you go ahead. By the way, his weakness is his heart."

Hashirama nodded, and the next moment, he clapped his hands and shouted, "Sage Method!"

In just a moment, he successfully entered the Sage Mode, faster than Naruto.

Black stripes appeared around his eyes, there was a black bull's eye on his forehead, and the pupils were yellow outside and black inside.

Naruto came out of the liquefied state and returned to human form. Seeing the change on Hashirama's face, he was surprised and said, "You can also use Sage Mode!"

Hashirama didn't say much.

He landed on the ground, put his palms together, and shouted loudly: "Sage Method. Myojinmon!"

After he finished speaking, a red torii gate like a gatehouse suddenly fell from the sky and landed above Naruto.

Two pillars were embedded in the ground, and the beam above was suspended above Naruto.

Although the beam did not directly press on Naruto, it had a strong suppressing force that trapped Naruto below.

Naruto single

He knelt on the ground, gritted his teeth, and used his hands to support the ground to prevent himself from falling.

But the force of suppression was too strong. He could not hold on for three seconds and fell directly to the ground.

"A mere piece of wood can't trap me."

Naruto shouted loudly, and at the same time used Tianyuan Yu to try to liquefy again.

But at this moment, he found that his chakra was out of control.

Tianyuan Yu could no longer be used.

"What's going on?" Naruto was shocked.

Hashirama explained calmly: "The Myojinmon has its own sealing technique, which can seal the chakra of the person who is under the technique. Not to mention ninjas, even if they are as strong as the tailed beasts, their chakra will be sealed after being suppressed by the Myojinmon."

The power of the Myojinmon is beyond doubt.

Even the Ten-Tails could not move after being suppressed by the Myojinmon.

In the anime, during the Fourth Ninja World War, Hashirama used this trick to nail the Ten-Tails to the ground, unable to move.

If Obito had not chosen to become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, the Ten-Tails would have had no chance of escaping.

"Damn it!"

Naruto struggled, but it was useless.

The pillars of the Myojin Gate above his head could press him down so hard that he couldn't move.

He was very upset, but there was no way out now.

"What can I do?" He was a little panicked.

I thought that after learning Flying Thunder God and mastering the Heavenly Grudge, he could almost walk sideways in the Ninja World.

Upon learning that Sakura was dead, he came to Konoha in a rage, wanting to kill Orochimaru and Danzo to avenge Sakura.

But he didn't expect that he would be suppressed before he even entered the gate of Konoha.

"Brother, this is a disaster, just kill him!"

Tobirama's voice was cold and ruthless.


In Phoenix Village, Mizuki was about to leave after getting the answer he wanted from Kushina.

"It's time to go see Rock Lee!"

Rocky Lee's injury must be healed so that it can't affect the finals.

There are still three grants to be returned this month, so as not to miss the time.

The number of returns will be refreshed next month, so it is useless to keep it.

"By the way, what should I give Xiao Li?"

First of all, I have to save one chance, and after obtaining the method to break the space barrier from the Whirlpool Country, I will give it to Xiao Li and return a stronger one, so as not to be unable to break the space barrier of Toad Maru.

In addition to this, there are two chances left.

"How about giving the Eight Gates?"

Shui Mu has been coveting the Eight Gates for a long time. After the Eight Gates are opened, the strength is enhanced by dozens of times.

Might Guy, who is at the elite jonin level, directly beat the Six Paths level after opening the Eight Gates, and almost kicked out the finale.

In addition, for Shui Mu, if he learns the Eight Gates, he will not worry about dying even if all the eight gates are opened.

Tian Yuan Yu provides a lot of vitality, enough to be immune to death.

But that's what he said, but if he really asked him to practice, he couldn't do it.

To practice the Eight Gates, one must have a strong enough physique, which requires persistent physical training.

He doesn't have that much time to exercise.

"Maybe the system will give you a quick one."

"So, it's decided happily. One chance to grant the Eight Gates."

The problem now is that Xiao Li has learned the Eight Gates.

It seems a bit strange to Xiao Li if he gives him the Eight Gates again.

"Forget it, no matter what Xiao Li thinks, I will give him the Eight Gates."

"At most, I will put it on his bedside while he is asleep."

Three chances to grant the return, one for the Eight Gates, and one for the method to break the space barrier.

There is one more chance left, Shuimu is a little embarrassed, thinking about it, he doesn't know what to give.

"How about giving him the Star from the Sky?"

"No, no, absolutely not!"

As soon as this idea came up, he was immediately rejected by him.

The outer star is too dangerous.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the Ultra Instinct.

"Yes, why don't I give him a kung fu concept. Just give him something that is simple and easy to understand."

Forget about the profound principles of Tai Chi, Xiao Li's brain is not very good and he can't understand it.

It would be best if it is simple and clear without any difficulty.

"Iron Sand Palm?"

"Iron Shirt?"

"Jeet Kune Do?"

Shui Mu's thoughts immediately broadened a lot.

"Xiao Li opened the fifth gate of the Eight Gates this time, Dumen, and the muscles and bones of his arm were damaged."

"This shows that his physical strength is still not enough."

"In that case, give him the Iron Shirt concept."

Things were happily decided.

Shui Mu was about to leave Phoenix Village and go to Rock Village to fool Xiao Li. At this moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Fengying Tower.

He felt the breath of the barrier, but the barrier was invisible and could not be seen by ordinary vision.

But this did not bother Shui Mu


Sharingan and Samsara eye, opened at the same time.

With Fengying Building as the center, a hemispherical barrier quickly expanded outward.

The expansion speed was extremely fast, and the entire Phoenix Village was covered in a blink of an eye.

It didn't stop yet, the barrier continued to expand, and soon it enveloped the entire Bird Country.

A barrier covers a country, no one would believe it if it was told out.

In Fengying Building, inside the barrier room, Kushina sat on the ground.

In front of her, a one-meter-long and one-meter-wide, slightly transparent map model floated.

Looking at this thing, it's like looking at a contour map.

This is the core of the barrier, and it is also the control center.

There are small dots of various colors on it, some are still, and some are moving.

"Green represents plants, white represents people, and blue represents animals..."

"The white dots representing young people are brighter than the white dots representing old people."

"The green dots representing big trees are brighter than the green dots representing grass."

"I see. The brighter the dots, the more life energy is contained in the corresponding organism."

She looked at the location of Phoenix Village on the map.

There is a very, very bright white dot here.

If the white dots of other people are fireflies, then this white dot is the sun at noon, so bright that it is blinding.

Kushina knew that this white dot represented water and wood.

Naruto practiced Tianyuan Yu, so Kushina naturally knew the effect of Tianyuan Yu.

"Such a strong vitality is really inhuman."

Kushina wiped the sweat from her forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

She continued to explore, wanting to learn more about the purpose of the barrier.

"The perception barrier that Shuimu gave me has a very large coverage area."

"If my chakra had not reached its limit, the barrier would have continued to expand."

She took back some of her chakra, and the barrier immediately shrank, eventually covering only Phoenix Village.

She left some chakra in the barrier, which was enough to support the barrier to continue working for three days and three nights.

During this period, no one was needed to watch over it.

Through this barrier, she could sense all living creatures in Phoenix Village.

She could also mark every life through the barrier.

As long as the marking was done well, once a strange breath from the outside world entered Phoenix Village, the barrier would immediately sense it and issue a warning.

With this perception barrier, Phoenix Village no longer had to worry about someone sneaking in.

Shuimu, who was planning to go to Iwagakure Village, put his trip on hold and came to the barrier room as soon as possible.

"Is the super-large perception barrier finally set up?"

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