The old man was buried in the river.

The super-large perception barrier, the system I got from Xiao Li last month, is returned.

Compared with the perception warning barrier of the five major villages that can only cover one village, Shuimu's super-large perception barrier has a much wider range.

The range of the barrier can cover the entire planet at most, and can sense all life energy within the barrier. There is no dead angle on land, sea, air, and underground. As long as it is a living thing, it cannot escape the perception of the barrier.

Li Yue has basically no research on the techniques of barriers and seals.

Other people in the village also have very little knowledge in this area.

Only Kushina, who inherited the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, is naturally familiar with the barrier.

Most of the knowledge of the fourth generation about seals and barriers came from Kushina.

"I'm glad to have fulfilled my mission!" Kushina said with a smile.

Mizuki had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He urgently needed this barrier to find Sasuke.

Now, the barrier is finally completed.

It can cover the entire planet at most, so it is very easy to find Sasuke.

After all, it is impossible to find every corner with shadow clones.

But the barrier covers all directions, and no corner within the coverage area can escape detection.

"Kushina, try the barrier's function of finding people first. I don't know if it works well."

Kushina nodded and said, "Then let's see if we can use the barrier to sense Naruto's location."

It is also very easy to find people with this barrier, just use hair or nails.

There is residual life breath in hair and nails.

The barrier can use this weak life breath to find people of the same origin.

Kushina took out a yellow hair, which was found on Naruto's bedroom bed.

She threw her hair into the core of the barrier in front of her.

Kushina turned to Mizuki and said, "Naruto is in the Rock Village, which is far away, so we need to expand the coverage of the barrier."

"My chakra is only enough for the barrier to cover the Bird Country, and it can't extend further."

"So, it's up to you!"

Mizuki nodded and input chakra into the core of the barrier.

As more and more chakra was input, the coverage of the barrier began to expand rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it extended to the territory of the Land of Earth, and continued to extend.

The coverage area is getting larger and larger, but the core "map" has not become larger, but the scale is changing.

The same one-meter-long and one-meter-wide range can accommodate more and more real areas.

It's similar to the zoom in and out function of mobile phone maps.

There are more and more light spots on the "map".

It's so dense that people have intensive phobia.

Kushina hurriedly controlled the barrier, leaving only white light spots, and all other color light spots disappeared.

Soon, the edge of the barrier had spread to the Iwagakure Village, and the entire village was covered by the barrier.

But strangely, the "map" did not respond at all.

"What's going on? Naruto is not in the Iwagakure Village?"

"Or is this barrier a bluff and cannot be used to find people?"

Kushina also frowned slightly.

"I have studied this barrier for so many days and have studied it thoroughly. It can definitely be used for positioning and searching."

"There is only one reason why Naruto has not been found now."

She said in a deep voice: "Naruto is not in the Iwagakure Village."

"Could it be that, like before, Naruto was taken to Myoboku Mountain?" Kushina's eyes flashed with anxiety.

A cold light flashed in Mizuki's eyes, and he also thought of Myoboku Mountain and Gamamaru at the first time.

"Don't worry, it may not be Myoboku Mountain."

"I will continue to inject chakra, expand the range of the barrier and see."

He injected more chakra, and the range of the barrier continued to expand, and soon spread to the location of Konoha Village.

Suddenly, a very bright white dot appeared in the "map" and kept flashing.

"Found it, in Konoha!" Kushina showed a happy expression.

As long as it's not in Myoboku Mountain!

Mizuki was puzzled.

Why did Naruto go to Konoha instead of staying in Iwagakure?

Mizuki asked: "Can you sense what happened over there?"

Kushina shook her head: "No, this barrier can only sense the breath of life, and can't do a more detailed investigation."

Mizuki: "Then I'll go over and take a look!"

As soon as Mizuki finished speaking, he performed the Flying Thunder God Technique to fly directly to the outside of Konoha Village, where Naruto was.

But the Flying Thunder God was activated, but his body was still in the same place.

Didn't move!

It was a bit embarrassing!

"What's going on? Why did the Flying Thunder God fail?"

He was shocked and rushed out the door and flew high into the sky.

Turning his head and looking around.

He thought that Gamamaru had left Myoboku Mountain and landed in Phoenix Village!

But when he looked around, there was no sign of Gamamaru at all, so he realized that it was a false alarm.

If Gamamaru really came, he might not die, but the Phoenix Village he built would be destroyed.

This village is his hard work, and it can't be destroyed casually.

"What's going on?"

Since Gamamaru didn't come and there was no space blocking barrier around, Shuimu was curious.

Why can't I use Flying Thunder God to fly to Naruto's side?

"Could it be that the space on Naruto's side is blocked?"

He hurriedly used Shapeshift to an eagle flying in the sky, and the next moment, he and the eagle swapped positions.

Shapeshift works!

Then, he used Flying Thunder God at close range and instantly moved to the roof of the Phoenix Shadow Building.

Flying Thunder God can also be used!

"Sure enough, it's not my problem, but the space where Naruto is in Konoha is blocked."

He didn't know there was such a thing as a contract seal barrier, he just thought that the space over there was blocked, so Flying Thunder God couldn't fly over directly.

"Gamamaru is in Konoha?"

Shuimu frowned, he was full of fear of Gamamaru.

But now Naruto's space is blocked, it seems that he is trapped. If he doesn't go, Naruto will be taken away again.

The only one who can block the space is Gamamaru.

He was very hesitant, whether to go and save Naruto.

If he went, it might be a trap. If Naruto is not rescued, he will also be trapped.

After all, who knows what new means Gamamaru has prepared for him.

But if he doesn't save him, Naruto will be taken to Myoboku Mountain again.


"Naruto can't be taken to Myoboku Mountain again. Gamamaru must not get the secret technique of Tianyuan Yu."

The reason why Gamamaru looks like a Buddhist and sits there without moving is because he is old and has a short life.

When he is old, his bones are brittle. The more he moves, the faster he dies!

But if he learns Tianyuan Yu and gains a lot of vitality and regains his youth, he will have no scruples and go wherever he wants.

By then, what's the point of Shuimu?

If he is found by Gamamaru, he will die anyway!

And the Phoenix Village that he worked so hard to build will be completely disbanded.

At this moment, he heard Kushina's cry.

"Shuimu, Naruto's vitality is draining away. He must be in danger. Please, go and save him!" Kushina's face was full of anxiety.

As a mother, she was really panicking at this moment.

Shuimu frowned.

Subconsciously, he thought Naruto was using the secret technique of Tengu Yu to inject vitality into other people's bodies to achieve a healing effect.

But combined with the failure of Flying Thunder God, this is not right.

"Naruto is really in danger!"

Could it be that Gamamaru has obtained Tengu Yu from Naruto and killed him to silence him?

"No, Naruto can't die!"

"I'll risk it. No matter what, I have to save Naruto!"

"I have fairy chakra now. Although Gamamaru is strong, I am not completely without a chance."

Naruto's soul cannot be allowed to enter the Pure Land, otherwise he will lose another apprentice, and a disciple with excellent qualifications, and he will have no chance to deal with Gamamaru.

Before leaving, he asked one last question: "Kushina, do you sense other powerful vitality near Naruto?"

Kushina shook her head and said, "No!"

There are only the first and second generations near Naruto, but both of them are bodies of the Impure World Reincarnation, which is equivalent to dead people.

Dead people have no vitality.

Shuimu nodded, but did not relax.

Gamamaru's realm is too high, and the perception barrier may not be able to sense its existence.

He activated Flying Thunder God again, and his body disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was dozens of miles away from Konoha.

Then he directly entered the virtual state and quickly approached Konoha.

Flying in the air, the vision is naturally good.

From a distance, he saw the pale yellow barrier and the huge red Myojin Gate in the barrier.

Under the Myojin Gate, Naruto lay on his back, pressed to death by an invisible force, unable to move at all.

There was a kunai inserted in his heart, and a large amount of green vitality overflowed from the wound.

At this rate, Naruto can only hold on for half an hour at most, and then he will lose all his vitality and die.

The second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama was beside Naruto, with his hand on Naruto's abdomen.

The red Nine-Tails Chakra was continuously drawn out of Naruto's body.

Not far away, the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, faced Konoha Village with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

Although he was reluctant, he did not stop the second generation.

When they were still far away, Mizuki turned around.

He looked around and found that only the first and second generations were there, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Gamamaru is not here."

"That makes me feel relieved!"

Mizuki was most worried about Gamamaru. That old toad was cruel and vicious, and had many tricks.

To be honest, Mizuki was really a little worried.

Although he had escaped from Gamamaru several times, he now had the life-saving skill of the Divine Power.

Logically, he was not afraid of anything!

But who knows if the old toad would come up with new tricks to restrain the Divine Power.

There is a saying that there is no invincible ninjutsu, and any ninjutsu has flaws.

We have to be on guard!

Now that he found that Gamamaru was not there, he breathed a sigh of relief and flew over immediately.

As for Naruto, he was not worried.

Anyway, he would not die for a while.

Even if he died, as long as his soul did not enter the Pure Land, Mizuki could use the Reincarnation Technique to revive him.

"It turns out that this barrier blocked the space. I thought it was really Gamamaru."

"By the way, this barrier is powerful. It can make the Flying Thunder God Technique ineffective. It should be the masterpiece of the second generation Hokage."

He raised his right hand, and the Wind Style. Rasenshuriken quickly took shape.

The first and second generations both have perception-type ninjutsu. Before Mizuki got close, the two had already discovered it.

It was really that there was too much chakra in Mizuki's body, which was too conspicuous.

They turned their heads and saw Mizuki's movements.

"Brother, it will take another 10 seconds to remove the seal of the Nine-Tails. You can't be interrupted during this period. You stop Mizuki and hold him for 10 seconds."

Hashirama nodded and said, "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

The next moment, the Rasenshuriken in Mizuki's hand was thrown out and flew towards the barrier at high speed.

Hashirama clapped his hands.

"Wood Style. Woodman Technique!"

In front of the barrier, a wooden man stood up, stretched out his big hand, and slapped the oncoming spiral shuriken from top to bottom, knocking it to the ground.

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