The truth is impossible to tell Naruto, Shuimu can only explain:

"With Sasuke's physique, he can open at most five gates of the Eight Gates, and there will be no danger."

"But you are different. The physique of the Uzumaki clan, coupled with Tianyuan Yu, is enough for you to open eight gates."

"Once the eighth gate is opened, you will die, and Tianyuan Yu can't save you."

The most troublesome thing about the eighth gate of death is that once it is opened, it cannot be closed.

It will continue to consume vitality until the end of life.

No matter how much vitality Tianyuan Yu stores, it will always be exhausted.

So once the death gate is opened, there is only one death in the end.

Therefore, Shuimu will never let Naruto practice the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu.

After putting away the scroll, Shuimu took out a new scroll and handed it to Naruto.

"Nine Gates of Dunjia?" Naruto scratched his head. There is one more gate than the Eight Gates of Dunjia. Isn't it more dangerous?

Shuimu said: "This is the Nine Gates of Dunjia that I improved based on the Eight Gates of Dunjia. It is not only more powerful, but also much less dangerous."

The system doesn't care about intellectual property rights.

"Take it back and practice. With the help of Tianyuan Yu, it won't take half a day for your physique to be strengthened to open the eighth gate without injury."

Maybe you can even open the ninth gate directly.

After all, the physique of the Uzumaki clan is too abnormal!

Naruto took the scroll and prepared to leave.

At this time, Shuimu suddenly remembered something and asked: "How are the ninjas from the five major villages outside? Have they launched an attack on the village?"

Naruto replied: "The ninjas from the five major villages are very strange. They did not attack Phoenix Village, did not continue to destroy Chibaku Tensei, and did not attack each other."

"Very quiet, I don't know what they are doing."

Shuimu frowned, puzzled!

What are the people from the five major villages doing?

They came all the way here and did nothing. Are they playing?

"Don't worry about them for now. When you go out, practice the Nine Gates of Dunjia immediately."

"As long as you can open the eighth gate without injury, even if the five major villages join forces to attack the village, you will be able to repel them by yourself."

Shuimu was not kidding.

As long as Naruto can open the eight gates, the five major villages are scum.

At the same time, outside Phoenix Village, the Iwagakure Village position.

The first generation Hokage, Senju Hashirama, stood outside the position. He was seen wearing red Warring States armor and his black hair fluttering in the wind.

The ninjas of the Iwagakure Village were facing a formidable enemy. They all took out their weapons and raised their hands ready to seal at any time.

Very panicked!

Ohnoki floated in the air, looking down, his face full of doubt.

Kurotsuchi asked on the side: "Grandpa, is he really the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju?"

Ohnoki nodded and said: "It must be him. I saw him when I was a child. He is exactly the same as I remember."

"Look at his eyes, they are all black. This is the characteristic of a person who has been reincarnated by the Impure World Reincarnation."

"The information sent back from Konoha before said that the first Hokage was reincarnated by Orochimaru. I insisted that the information was false."

"After all, the first Hokage is the ancestor of Konoha. As the fifth Hokage, how dare Orochimaru blaspheme the soul of the ancestor!"

"But now I see the real person..."

Seeing the real person standing in front of him, Ohnoki had to believe it.

"Tsk tsk, Orochimaru is really wicked!" Kurotsuchi sighed.

Ohnoki's face was solemn.

What did the first Hokage want to do when he came here?

To drive him and others away, and then let Konoha monopolize the tailed beasts?

Ohnoki knew that the first generation was not aggressive and liked peace. He still remembered the feat of the first generation dividing the tailed beasts.

But the will and actions of the people who were resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation were controlled by the caster.

If it was really Orochimaru who controlled the first generation and took away all the tailed beasts, this matter would be difficult to deal with.

What's more serious is that if Orochimaru controlled the first generation to slaughter people outside Konoha, who could stop him?

At this time, the first generation looked up and shouted: "Third generation Tsuchikage, come down and talk, there are some things I want to discuss with you."

Ohnoki's face looked a little better.

Senju Hashirama did not take action directly, which means that he was not here to kill people.

"Grandpa, what does he want to discuss?"

Onoki said: "It's nothing more than asking us to leave, and then Konoha will monopolize all the tailed beasts."

Kurotsuchi: "Then what should we do, do you agree?"

"We came all the way here, we can't just quit without doing anything!"

Onoki sighed and said: "The first generation of Hokage is called the God of Ninja. His strength is too strong. Even if he faces a country alone, he can easily destroy it."

"The horror of Wood Release is beyond your imagination."

"If he really asks us to retreat, we can only agree."

Although Ohnoki is arrogant, he also depends on who his opponent is.

When Ohnoki sees a young man like Sasuke, he is arrogant.

But when Ohnoki sees strong men like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, he is timid without hesitation.

"Let's go, let's go down and take a look!"

Onoki's figure descended, and when he approached the ground, he stopped.

His body floated, and his head was level with the head of the first generation Hokage. He neither looked inferior nor arrogant.

Although he was a little timid, he must not show it.

After all, he was the shadow of a village, he had to have momentum, and thousands of subordinates were watching. It would be embarrassing if he didn't perform well.

"First generation Hokage, what are you doing?" Ohnoki asked neither humbly nor arrogantly.

Looking at the first generation again, he had a kind face and restrained momentum, which also made Ohnoki feel relieved.

It seems that Orochimaru has not changed his will, and he is still the first generation in memory!

Hashirama said: "I came to the third generation Tsuchikage to discuss the arrangements for the tailed beasts."

"This is just one of my Wood Release clones. The other three villages also have my clones to discuss with them."

Ohnoki frowned.

Really want to drive away the four major villages, and then Konoha will monopolize the tailed beasts?

"What is the plan of the first generation Hokage, please tell me directly?"

Hashirama said: "My original intention was to be the same as before, the one-tail belongs to the Sand Village, the two-tail belongs to the Cloud Village, the three-tail belongs to the Mist Village, the four-tail belongs to the Rock Village, and the seven-tail belongs to the Taki Village."

"But after discussing in the village, they feel that they can't distribute it as before."

Ohnoki sighed, it really needs to be changed.

It's really unbeatable, otherwise my Rock Village will never compromise.

Hashirama continued, "Because there is an Akatsuki organization in secret, they are very powerful. If the tailed beasts are distributed according to the original plan, Akatsuki can defeat them one by one and capture them."

"Except for the first tail, the other four of these five tailed beasts were captured by Akatsuki and sent to Phoenix Village."

"Akatsuki has that strength."

Onoki remained silent. He had no worries about Akatsuki.

Although the members of Akatsuki were strong, they might not be able to gain an advantage against his own Iwagakure.

After all, there were only so many of them.

Onoki looked at Hashirama and felt that he said so much just to find an excuse to let Konoha monopolize the tailed beasts.

He couldn't help but sneer, "Haha, if all the tailed beasts are concentrated in Konoha, with the first Hokage guarding them, the Akatsuki organization really can't take them away."

Hashirama shook his head and said, "I think you misunderstood. Konoha will not monopolize the tailed beasts."

"When the five major ninja villages were first established, I proposed that the major villages seal the tailed beasts together. Now my idea remains unchanged."

Onoki was surprised and said, "Konoha won't monopolize it?"

Hashirama nodded.


"Then how should the tailed beasts be arranged?" Ohnoki was a little confused.

Konoha will not monopolize it, nor will it redistribute it to the major ninja villages. Will the tailed beasts be released?

Hashirama replied, "The tailed beasts will continue to stay in Phoenix Village."

Ohnoki immediately said, "No, absolutely not!"

"With Mizuki dead, it's also not safe for the tailed beasts to stay in Phoenix Village. If Akatsuki attacks, the people of Phoenix Village will definitely not be able to stop them."

"Instead of that, it's better to distribute them according to the original model and have each village seal them. Although Akatsuki is strong, it's not so easy for them to succeed in facing the major ninja villages."

"It's better than staying in Phoenix Village!"

Hashirama shook his head.

He pointed to a certain direction in the east and said, "The base of Akatsuki is in the Land of Rain, and they're already here, right there, ready to attack at any time."

"The tailed beasts may not reach your respective villages, and will be intercepted by Akatsuki on the way."

"The leader of Akatsuki has the Samsara Eye, and his strength is unfathomable."

When Ohnoki heard about the Samsara Eye, his brows immediately frowned.

He, who didn't care much about Akatsuki, immediately felt it was difficult.

Hashirama said: "So, the best way is that the tailed beasts continue to stay in Phoenix Village. And our five major villages will each send some experts to help Phoenix Village protect the tailed beasts."

"In this way, it will be foolproof."

This is the method that this clone just thought of.

He thinks that this method is the best choice at the moment.

He even notified the original body and other clones of this method.

But at this moment, Kurotsuchi suddenly said:

"Well, since you are all worried about Akatsuki, why do you eliminate Akatsuki first?"

"If the power of one village is not enough, then the five major villages will join forces, and Akatsuki will not be able to stop it!"

"Once Akatsuki is eliminated, there is no need to worry about them snatching the tailed beasts!"

Hashirama was stunned

, and then his eyes lit up.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this method?"

"Little girl, you are so smart!"

Kurotsuchi blushed and scratched his head, saying, "Well, it's... not too smart, just so-so!"

Hashirama said, "This method is good, what do you think, Third Tsuchikage?"

Ohnoki certainly wouldn't object, isn't it just sending some experts to wipe out the Akatsuki organization, what a simple thing!

"Agree, the Rock Village will send experts, but I don't know what the other villages think."

Hashirama said, "Don't worry, they will agree."


In Phoenix Village, after Naruto came out of the Kamui space, he began to practice the Nine Gates of Dunjia.

He quickly read the contents of the scroll and had a detailed understanding of this technique.

In addition to some key points told by Mizuki, he now knows how to practice.

"Let's get started!"

"First gate, open!"

"Second gate, open!"

"Third gate, open!"

He began to emit green energy, and his aura became stronger.

He opened three gates in a row without any pressure.

"Master Shuimu said that starting from the fourth gate, the gate of injury, each gate opened will cause damage to the body, and the later the gate, the greater the damage to the body."

"So, we must do it one by one."

"Fourth gate of injury, open!"

Sure enough, there was a slight tingling in his body, but he didn't need Tianyuan Yu at all, his Uzumaki clan physique allowed his injuries to recover quickly.

Soon his body adapted, and then the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth gates.

"I feel that I am so strong now!"

Naruto felt his own strength and felt that he could fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

"By the way, the whole process wasn't as painful as Master said. How come I didn't feel any severe pain all over my body?"

"It was a little painful, but not serious. It will pass if you bear with it. I won't feel sleepy like Master."

In the Shenwei space, Shuimu turned over while sleeping, cursing.

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