The two sides of the battle were in chaos.

In Konoha, Hashirama's real body smiled immediately after receiving the message from his clone.

He told Shikaku and others about the plan.

"Oh, what should we do?" Shikaku did not show a happy expression.

That's right, the five major villages joined forces to destroy the Akatsuki organization, and then the tailed beasts were distributed according to the original model. This is indeed the most peaceful method.

Once the Akatsuki organization is gone, the five major countries can be at ease as before, without worrying about the sudden attack of the Jinchūriki and the tailed beasts being taken away again.

But peace has never been the main theme of the ninja world.

With the brains of the Nara clan, Shikaku and Shikamaru had already thought of this method.

Not only the two of them, but many other people have also thought of this method.

It's just that no one said it out loud.

Can't say it!

The purpose of their trip is to capture the tailed beasts, not to destroy the Akatsuki organization, and certainly not to make peace with the tailed beasts.

Unfortunately, they didn't say it, but others did.

"Damn Iwagakure, damn the granddaughter of the Third Tsuchikage, she's so talkative!"

"And the First Hokage, why do you always think about others!"

The people of Konoha are very angry!

If it drags on, the other four villages may be afraid of the strength of the First Hokage and retreat on their own initiative.

After the four villages retreat, the First Hokage's summoning will be lifted and he will return to the village.

Then the people of Konoha can destroy the meteorite with peace of mind, and bring it back to Konoha after sealing it.

As for the Akatsuki organization, they are not afraid at all.

If the Akatsuki organization dares to come, even if the thousands of people in Konoha can't beat it, they can summon Hashirama again.

Unfortunately, plans can't keep up with changes.

The four major ninja villages haven't retreated yet, but Hashirama's wooden clone has already gone out to discuss the distribution of the tailed beasts with the people of the four villages.

This first generation Hokage is really hard to lead!

Shikaku didn't want to give up and said, "Lord Hashirama, it's really not possible to divide the tailed beasts equally!"

"Since the establishment of Konoha, it has experienced three ninja world wars."

"This shows that if the tailed beasts are divided, it will not create peace in the ninja world at all. The war will still come."

"Concentrate the tailed beasts in one place and use the power of the nine tailed beasts as a deterrent, so that the major ninja villages dare not rashly start a war. This is the most correct way."

Hashirama shook his head and said seriously, "Absolutely not!"

"I will never agree to let the tailed beasts be concentrated in Konoha."

Shikaku said, "I know that Lord Hashirama is worried that the Tailed Beast Rebellion will occur again and cause serious damage to Konoha."

"But as long as Lord Hashirama is in the village, the nine tailed beasts can't make any waves!"

There are only nine tailed beasts. The Thousand-armed Buddha summons one in each hand, and the remaining 993 hands can take turns to touch the head.

There is no need to worry about the Tailed Beast Rebellion breaking out again!

Hashirama said speechlessly: "Hey, I've been dead for a long time. Do you really expect me, a dead man, to protect Konoha for hundreds or thousands of years?"

"Although the body doesn't feel tired, the heart is tired!"

Shikaku was immediately embarrassed and speechless.

The people around him were also annoyed and blushed.

Indeed, it is really not fair to rely on the dead to protect the village.

"It's settled. First, deal with the Akatsuki organization, and then distribute the tailed beasts according to the original model."

No one dared to object now.

Jiraiya sighed and said to Shima and Fukasaku:

"You two, you've made a hard trip. Now the five major villages have decided to unite to deal with the Akatsuki organization. You two can go back to Myoboku Mountain to rest."

The two toads did not respond.

"Hmm?" Jiraiya looked at the two toads in confusion.

The two toads looked at the Phoenix Village, their eyes full of confusion and solemnity.

"You two, what are you looking at?" Jiraiya asked again.

Fukasaku came back to his senses and glanced at Shima, who happened to turn his head and look at him.

The two toads exchanged glances and nodded.

Then Fukasaku asked Jiraiya: "Little Jiraiya, didn't you feel the abnormality of Phoenix Village?"

Jiraiya frowned and said: "The abnormality of Phoenix Village? Isn't this just an ordinary small village? What's abnormal?"

He didn't react for a while.

Shima said: "You didn't feel it when I entered the Sage Mode just now?"

"Felt what?" Jiraiya was puzzled, but suddenly he thought of something and smiled: "Oh, I understand what you are talking about."

"Natural energy, I knew it a long time ago."

"It's strange to say, this Phoenix Village is indeed strange, the concentration of natural energy is so

It's so high, and I don't know why!"

Fukasaku said in a deep voice: "You knew it a long time ago, why didn't you tell us?"

Jiraiya asked: "This, I didn't pay much attention to it, so I forgot it. But is it important?"

Fukasaku said seriously: "It's very important, very important!"

"If the natural energy of this village is correct, the periphery is comparable to Myoboku Mountain, and the concentration in the center of the village must be higher."

"We must figure out how these natural energies are gathered."

"If we can figure out the principle, then the life span of the Great Toad Sage can be extended. "

Gamamaru can gather natural energy with the help of the temple, but that will consume its life source.

Every time it gathers natural energy, it will become older.

Several times of fighting against Mizuki caused Gamamaru's health to get worse and worse.

And now, Phoenix Village can automatically gather natural energy, which gives Fukasaku hope.

As long as this method is mastered and implemented in the temple, the natural energy of Myoboku Mountain will be gathered towards the temple in large quantities.

In that way, the great toad sage can prolong his body life under the continuous high concentration of natural energy.

So, Fukasaku was very excited!

At this time, Shima Sage said: "Old man, it is not important to understand the method of gathering natural energy."

She looked at Phoenix Village and said with a smile: "Under such a high concentration of natural energy, the master can come directly."

"If the master personally takes action and captures Uzumaki Naruto, he will get that secret technique, and everything will be fine. "

Fukasaku's eyes lit up, and he said, "Yes, catching Naruto and obtaining the secret technique is the best way to solve the problem once and for all."

Jiraiya was full of confusion.

What are you talking about? Why don't I understand?

The Toad Clan didn't tell Jiraiya about Tianyuan Yu.

So Jiraiya was also confused.

At this time, Fukasaku said, "There is no time to lose, Jiraiya, you must find a way to enter Phoenix Village immediately, and then summon the master in the village."

Shima said, "If you want to summon the master, Jiraiya's chakra is far from enough!"

"You must first enter the Sage Mode, and then the two of us will assist. The chakras of the three of us will be gathered together to summon the master."

Jiraiya couldn't help it and asked:

"No, what do you mean, what do you mean by capturing Uzumaki Naruto, what secret technique."

"What are you talking about? "

Fukasaku said seriously: "You don't need to know too much about this matter. Now prepare to enter the Sage Mode and then find a chance to enter Phoenix Village."

"We two will go back and inform the master now. After you successfully enter the Sage Mode, summon us two, and then the three of us will join forces to summon the master."

"As for the rest, just leave it to the master."

After that, the two toads disappeared with a "bang" and went back to Myoboku Mountain to find Gamamaru.

Jiraiya was completely confused, but he didn't dare to take the instructions of the two toad sages lightly.

Putting his palms together again, he began to communicate with the natural energy around him.

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