Island in the sky.

Chen Xuanyu was sitting on a hillside high up.

Looking at the lively camp below.

This is exactly the theme of the barbecue tonight.

Although dinner has already been eaten below.

However, the meal time was relatively early at that time, and now we also need an opportunity and platform for the girls to communicate.

So this camping barbecue party is a very good opportunity!

At this moment, the forest elf Niya came over with some trepidation.

"What's wrong with you, my king?

Won't you go down and join them?"

Niya looked at Chen Xuanyu who was drinking alone on the hillside and said with a trace of doubt on her face.

"oh? Do I need to debrief you?"

Chen Xuanyu narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of joking in his eyes.

", I'm just worried about my king."

Niya waved her hands quickly, as Chen Xuanyu's absolutely loyal dependent now.

From her soul to her body, 13 she revealed the mark of loyal service to Chen Xuanyu!

"Um! Just do your part!"

Chen Xuanyu nodded and looked at Niya in front of him.

The pointed ears unique to the elves seemed a bit exotic.

The long golden hair reached the waist and was draped on the shoulders.

The fair skin and delicate face are indeed stunning. Beautiful women!

"Sit over here!"

Chen Xuanyu patted the seat next to Ke and motioned for Niya to sit next to him.

"Well! OK!"

Niya naturally did not doubt his presence. After all, she came to see Chen Xuanyu for something.

"Say it! What do you want to see me for?"

Chen Xuanyu looked at Niya, and as she slowly sat down, the mountain peaks in front of her swayed slightly.


My king, can we, the elves , also participate in the development of the new world ?"

Niya had a look of expectation and hope on her face. The world of Game Life Zero has been beaten to pieces in thousands of years of war! The living environment is naturally extremely harsh! And the new world (Spirit Cage World, Pirate World) The development! Compared with the game life zero world, the environment is much better! Although there are many pole-devouring beasts raging in the spirit cage world, it is a bit troublesome to clean up. Moreover, the population of the spirit cage world is relatively small. However, it is also relatively small. Game Life Zero World is much stronger. Besides, with the power of the forest elves, it will only take some time to clean up the group of pole-devouring beasts! Another pirate world. Although there is no big land, the environment is still the same. Quite good! Either of these two worlds is much better than the Zero World of Game Life! It's a pity that in these two worlds, the God King is either handed over to the Ex-Machina or the Flügel! And they Forest Elves The species has nothing! I really don’t know what those bio-machines of the Ex-Machina are. I don’t know what’s good about them! They’re just a bunch of bio-machines with no emotions! And there’s that bitch Jibril from the Flügel! She knows the temptation. My king, atone for their race! Now they have obtained the right to develop a new world! Thinking of this, she mustered up the courage to come to Chen Xuanyu. I hope Chen Xuanyu can give some charity to the territory of the new world! After all, Niya is not only a Human beings are the queen of the entire forest elf species! Hearing this, Chen Xuanyu smiled slightly. He first looked at the sky, and then opened the energy barrier of the entire Sky Island. Chen Xuanyu smiled slightly and said nothing. He first looked at the sky and opened the energy barrier of the entire Sky Island. The energy barrier opened. It turned this place into a private domain, blocking out the live broadcast in the Blue Star live broadcast room. Then he looked in front of Niya. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Chen Xuanyu was also very satisfied with this! As the island in the sky opened, the protective energy shield opened. In the live broadcast room of the Kyushu Kingdom where Blue Star had been reorganized, the screen also began to go black. Seeing such a scene, many netizens and viewers exploded.

"Damn it, I could see so many beauties just now, why is the screen black now!"

"It's like an island in the sky, after turning on the energy barrier.

It has become Brother Chen’s private territory!

Private territory has privacy and live broadcast cannot be started!"

"Damn, this is so confusing. I have all the tissues ready. Why don’t you just show me this?"

"Let me tell you, this forest elf is also pretty! Woohoo! I’m so envious of Brother Chen!"

"After all, it’s a special race. I’m so envious of my Brother Chen! Woohoo!"

"It’s Brother Chen’s fun! This is just great! Nothing can be seen!"

"Damn it! Do I lack that traffic?

The foreigners next door saw it and thought we looked down on it!"

"Damn it, people are envious of it!"


As the protective energy shield of Sky Island opens.

Niya looked at Chen Xuanyu in front of her, and a trace of nervousness flashed deep in her heart.

But thinking about the future of his tribe and the fact that he will have to rely on Chen Xuanyu in the future.

She slowly came to Chen Xuanyu's side, her long blond hair hanging casually on her fair shoulders.

A few strands of blond hair hung slightly from her earlobes and fell in front of her face.

She is indeed the queen of the elves!

On this scale, looking at Chen Xuanyu's entire wife group, 850 is the only one!

And as far as Chen Xuanyu knows, the creator god of the entire forest elf species is still a woman!

I really don’t know what her fetish is!

He actually kneaded the forest elves into a size of their own!

Isn't this difficult to handle?

"If it is the Lord God King! Of course it’s possible!"

Niya slowly came over.

Chen Xuanyu looked at this posture, and then looked at the bush hillside below.

The girls who were camping!

How can this be done?

It can't be done! It can't be done!


On the other side, below the hillside, stars fall beside the lake.

All the girls are busy preparing for the evening barbecue.

Because there are more women this time.

And there are quite a few big eaters among them!

So the food preparation this time also requires a lot of preparation, and it also takes some time.


Chen Xuanyu, who felt refreshed, took a long breath.

He then looked at the girls camping and barbecuing at the foot of the hillside.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuanyu slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it didn't disturb the lively ladies.

Just when Chen Xuanyu finished his training and was preparing to clean up the tragic battlefield.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance



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