On the hillside, Chen Xuanyu and Niya were slightly startled when they heard the sound.

Turning around and looking around, I found that it was the collaboration between Foxsai Palace and Gogochiyo.

"What are you... doing here?"

Hu Zhai Palace looked at the unusual appearance of the two people.

There was a strange look in his eyes.

"Ahem! We are hiking here!

What are you two doing here?"

Chen Xuanyu coughed tactically to cover up his embarrassment.

Then, he immediately asked Xianghu Zhai Palace and Yu Yuqianyo

"The camping bonfire has started and we are here to ask you to join us!"

Hu Zhai Palace and Yu Yu Qianyo said with a smile on their faces.

They are now sure. There must be some kind of unusual behavior between Chen Xuanyu and this elf woman just now! Emm... Fortunately, it was not thunder and lightning. Really! Otherwise, I don’t know how it will end! Looking at the smiles of the two women, Chen Xuanyu also understood that they knew what happened just now. But he did not hide it. After all, to Chen Xuanyu, he is the only one here Wang. These are considered his wife group! As a member of the wife group, Chen Xuanyu decided to let Huzhai Palace and Yuyu Qiandai understand what they need to do! With Chen Xuanyu's current strength and the training just now, It's just a warm-up. Now two more people are joining, the training opportunity! Chen Xuanyu feels that it should not be wasted. Chen Xuanyu raised his hand and a space restraint locked the two of them in place.

"Now that both of you have met, let’s happily climb the mountain together!"

"This... you are Lord Thunder God's marriage partner!"

The smiles on the faces of Fox Sai Palace and Yu Yuqianyo changed from the smiles just now to a bit at a loss.

"As real best friends, don’t you want to help her share the firepower?

After all, a real person cannot withstand the fierce firepower!"

As Chen Xuanyu held two big grapefruits as fulcrums, he started to climb the mountain smoothly.


Nina is more talented in the sport of mountain climbing. After all, she couldn't hold the big grapefruits she brought!

Foxsai Palace and Yugo Chiyo did not bring grapefruits.

Instead, they brought apples!

The fruits that everyone likes seem to be different.

But Chen Xuanyu is not picky about food, after all, apples are not small.

After eating a few, it is almost the same..After all, there are four apples in front of him now, which is enough for Chen Xuanyu to eat!

While eating apples, Chen Xuanyu also has to climb the mountain.

Look at other scenery around the mountain.

Especially those deep canyons.

They are all unique.

Inside is generally There are streams flowing and some grass growing.

If you encounter a place without grass, it is an excellent canyon.

You can do better mountain climbing exercise.

Because such canyons are generally relatively rare.

Fortunately, Chen Xuanyu He encountered two such canyons directly in front of him.

This made Chen Xuanyu extremely happy.

The chance of encountering two at once was very rare.

And at first glance, this canyon was born.

Although there was no grass growing, it was also very Narrow.

But it is indeed the best canyon.

As Chen Xuanyu continued to climb, the water flow in the canyon suddenly increased a lot.

Niya, who had just finished exercising next to her, looked at Chen Xuanyu, taking Hu Zhai Palace with him. I was exercising with Chiyo Migo.

I also wanted to join again and exercise together.

Chen Xuanyu looked at Niya, the blush on her face caused by mountain climbing. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He couldn't help but pull her over, and the four of them went hiking together.

An hour later, the three girls were all very tired.

The exhausted Huzhai Palace wiped the corners of his mouth.

What he had just drank replenished his physical strength. The white milk consumed.

There is also a blush on the face.

"`Okay, let’s clean it up quickly! It’s already a little late!"

Chen Xuanyu, who had just finished exercising, felt refreshed.

He still had enough energy to help the three girls clean up the place after the exercise.

After everything was tidied up, Chen Xuanyu came belatedly with the three girls.

Xingluo At the camping fire next to the lake, the girls are busy making various delicious foods.

As the chef, it is still the all-powerful maid Rem.

Several other girls with excellent cooking skills are also helping beside them.

And like Tohka, Artoria, Kori, Gomora and other exclusive foodies were watching eagerly from the side, burning many ingredients on the grill.

Tears of dissatisfaction flowed from their mouths..

And in the crystal clear lake, there were other girls playing in it.

Even the mermaid clan also joined in.

The girls were in the lake, playing water volleyball, bursting with joy.

Chen Xuanyu's eyes moved when he saw it. Not open!

But at this moment,

Jasmine, the princess of the mermaid clan, raised her hand to say hello to Chen Xuanyu.

By the way, she invited Chen Xuanyu to join in the fun.

"This...how is this so embarrassing?"

As Chen Xuanyu said, he put on his swimming trunks.

With a pop, he jumped into Xingluo Lake!

"All beauties, I’m here to play too!"


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