National Tide 1980

Chapter 251 Opening

Today is the first day of opening.

Ning Weimin was actually a little nervous in his heart.

To put it bluntly, caring leads to chaos.

After all, this is different from making money for others, but benefiting yourself.

If Pierre Carton's clothes really failed to sell, he would definitely be able to remain calm and calm.

But if the sales of tourism products cannot be opened, it means that all his previous arrangements have been in vain.

No matter how good you are at other jobs, it's just a wedding dress for the company in vain.

For him personally, it was of course a major setback.

As for specific matters, what makes Ning Weimin most uneasy is whether the price he set can be accepted by customers.

You know, after all, he is speculating on foreigners' values, preferences and spending power.

Before being tested by the actual market, all this is just a theoretical existence.

And from a practical point of view, it is obvious that at the beginning of the opening, the signs and signs were not good.

If nothing else, the first few domestic tourists who came to visit the Zhai Palace today all felt that the prices of these things were ridiculously high, and they had a lot of opinions.

In fact, many people, almost at first glance, were attracted by the girls in Zhai Palace and the things on display.

But after people gathered around, almost everyone was frightened by the price, and no one wanted to buy it.

You can hear everyone's dissatisfaction just from the many people talking.

Like someone said it.

"Oh, the ashtray in the city gate building is nice and interesting, but the price tag is over sixteen yuan, which can buy three thermos bottles. It's too expensive..."

Others followed suit.

"This Sun Wukong is not bad. It's so exquisite and beautiful. It's almost the same as the one on the Peking Opera stage. But these dozens of dollars are equivalent to one month's salary. Who can afford it? Such an expensive thing, how can I give it to you? Children's play? You're not joking..."

Naturally, some people are better than Zhen'er.

"Comrade, why are your things so expensive? How can our people have such a high consumption level? Does the Price Bureau know that you sell them so expensively?"

For a while, the complaints from these customers made the girls feel a little embarrassed that was difficult to explain.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin was watching from the side. He quickly stepped forward and provided the girls with an example to follow.

"Everyone, please be patient. These are not ordinary children's toys or handicrafts. In fact, they are all products exported to earn foreign exchange for our country. Each of these items is made by famous artists, and the quantity is limited. Of course, the price is high. It’s expensive. To be honest, even if you want to buy it, you have to use foreign exchange coupons to buy it.”

What does it mean to be rich and powerful? This is.

In this way, the opinions were smoothly settled.

But this soft nail of politeness made everyone speechless, but it also really left everyone speechless.

After watching for a while, people gradually dispersed with depression and little interest.

Soon, there was not even a single person left in front of several tables.

This inevitably made the three girls in charge of sales feel a little discouraged.

Nothing happened to them.

Naturally, I began to worry about business, feeling that it would be difficult to sell these things.

However, the setbacks had just begun, and more demoralizing events were yet to come.

When the first foreign couple to arrive at the east gate of Zhai Palace appeared, the girls who had originally raised their expectations were disappointed again.

The couple are both middle-aged and appear to be quite respectable.

The man is wearing a suit and leather shoes, carrying a camera, and the woman is also wearing a coat.

After they were attracted by these handicrafts, they were indeed very happy to play with the large and small products one by one and chattered.

But when it came time to actually ask about the price, he shook his head repeatedly.

In the end, just like those domestic tourists, they reluctantly let go and left with great regret.

As a result, this time, even Huo Xin's mood was affected.

She couldn't help but pull Ning Weimin aside to persuade him.

"Oh, isn't it a little too shameful for you to set this price? You said you specialize in foreigners' business, but foreigners won't accept your trick."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, our cafe actually receives more customers from the Chinese. Our clothes are also sold to our compatriots. I have never seen many foreigners spend money here. .”

"Even though I shouldn't have said this when things come to a close, I still can't help but want to advise you, don't be too stubborn..."

Ning Weimin could feel Huo Xin's kindness.

But we've come this far, how can we do it if we don't fully see the truth?

When walking animals, you have to slide them all the way to the end before you can tell whether they are a mule or a horse.

He really didn't want to listen anymore, so he waved his hand.

"Okay, don't worry about it blindly. I can accept any result."

"Besides, isn't this just the beginning? What's a temporary failure? It doesn't mean anything."

"I can only tell you that there are also poor foreigners. Don't look at the two people just dressed like five to six, but they can chat in Russian."

"Calm down, let's take another look. After all, the big noses of truly developed countries haven't been here yet..."

Huo Xin saw Ning Weimin's impatience, so he couldn't persuade him anymore.

After getting along for a long time, Huo Xin came to understand Ning Weimin's characteristics of being soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

She also gradually understood the trick on how to avoid Ning Weimin's resentment - just enough.

However, this is easier said than done.

Although the truth is clear, it is often difficult for people to control their emotions, and it is inevitable to be anxious.

After a while, Huo Xin got angry because she was worried about Ning Weimin and felt a sore throat.

Even Ning Weimin himself had blisters on his lips.

Fortunately, facts soon proved that their worries and self-doubts were unnecessary.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, the clouds finally opened and the moon shone brightly.

When a dozen British tourists passed by the Zhai Palace after visiting the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, the Echo Wall, and the Circular Mound, the situation completely changed.

At that time, three foreign children who were running wildly in front had just entered the courtyard of Wuliang Hall and saw the Peking Opera silk figures placed on the table in front of the hall from a distance.

These children were chirping loudly, turned around and pointed at the adults, and ran over together.

To be honest, it was the first time for the three girls who were responsible for selling tourism products to try to communicate directly with foreigners, so it was very normal for them to be nervous.

All of a sudden, their usual confidence and naturalness were gone, and most of their English words were forgotten.

All he could do at this moment was smile awkwardly and point at the goods on display.

I asked shakily, "Which one?", "Do you like this style?".

With their ability, it is really difficult to explain clearly the specific discounts and other details.

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