But even so, being hit by two 102mm caliber shells, I am afraid that the 500 points of armor value of the patrol boat has been knocked out by more than half, leaving only less than 100 points, and even the 75mm gun installed on the foredeck has been blown away, even the last means of counterattack has been lost, and sinking can only be the only end.


This time, the Yanhuang no longer used a salvo, but only fired a 102mm shell, accurately hit the patrol boat, and finally sank into the sea in a violent explosion.

Ye Bai nodded with satisfaction, the first salvo was fatal to the final blow, and the Yanhuang fired a total of 7 shells, and the accuracy was so high, it was naturally the credit of the first gunner.

It was also lucky enough, when recruiting gunners before, he actually recruited 1 master-level gunner and 2 expert-level gunners, which instantly raised the overall strength of the artillery crew members by several notches, which was able to accurately hit the patrol boat of the alien player in the third round of shelling.

Put down the binoculars in your hand, signal the pilot to lean over the Yanhuang, and salvage the box that the alien player dropped after sinking, this is a trophy, although it is also a wooden box, but the materials in it are much more than the drifting box.

Even Ye Bai has a bold guess that as the level of the player's ship increases, perhaps the materials in the boxes dropped after sinking the enemy ship will also be improved, and the system is completely encouraging the killing between players in disguise.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully sinking the alien player battleship, opening the wooden box dropped by the enemy ship, and obtaining 5KG of rice, 5KG of fresh vegetables, 50L of purified water, 50L of diesel, and 2000 yuan of money, congratulations to the player].

There is no accident, are commonly used materials, 50L diesel can be used to meet the consumption of 2 diesel generators, anyway, when the Yanhuang was upgraded to a gunboat, the diesel fuel in the fuel tank was replenished, enough to be 22 tons, which can meet the consumption of the Yanhuang for a long time.

Then Ye Bai called the engineer up, handed him the 10 phones and a large number of telephone lines that he had just purchased from the system mall, and asked him to install these phones in several main cabins.

Although these calls cost nearly 200 yuan, in Ye Bai's opinion, it was completely worth it, at least Yanhuang had a certain internal communication ability, no longer the same as before, communication basically relied on roaring.

Early in the morning, a good start came, allowing Ye Bai to fully see the true combat effectiveness of the Yanhuang, which had been upgraded to a gunboat, and easily sank a patrol boat unscathed, which undoubtedly made him quite satisfied.

I thought that in the next time, I would encounter one or two patrol boats again, anyway, with the sea search radar, Ye Bai was able to find the other party's traces at the first time, and even distinguish the other party's camp according to the signal display on the radar, so as to choose whether to fight or go.

After the upgrade of the Yanhuang, Ye Bai was no longer satisfied with the harvest of materials in the drifting wooden box, unless it was a high-level box such as an iron box and a copper box, it was better to sink an enemy patrol boat.

But throughout the day, the Yanhuang changed directions several times during the voyage, but on the sea search radar, no signal was found from any other player patrol boat, whether it was an alien player or a blue star player, all disappeared.

If it weren't for the two radar soldiers who said unusually firmly that everything was normal with the radar, Ye Bai really had to wonder if this radar was broken and what malfunction had occurred.

However, although at the end of the day, there was no encounter with any player's patrol boat, but the harvest of the drifting wooden boxes on the sea was still good, enough to be salvaged 10 drifting boxes, including an iron box.

Salvaged the iron box again, originally Ye Bai was still looking forward to it, hoping to get some good things again, but the result?

It's still those basic materials, but the quantity is much more than the drifting wooden box, in short, it is better than nothing.

There was nothing to gain much, Ye Bai's mood was not very beautiful, and after eating dinner in the restaurant, he let Yanhuang stop advancing, stay in place, and enter his bedroom to sleep.

Who knew that in the confusion, Ye Bai was woken up by a piercing scream, and when he got up from the bed, he saw that it was early in the morning, and the piercing scream was not an encounter with hostility, but a warning sound of the system.

It has been 3 days since he entered the Great Navigation World, and this is the first time that Ye Bai has received a warning sound from the system, could it be that something has changed in the system?

Ye Bai opened the system panel with some apprehension, only to find that there was a system information that had just appeared on it, and in order to be eye-catching, even the color of the font turned red, for fear that the players would not see it.

Such a striking red big character, Ye Bai naturally will not ignore it, but this red like blood is obviously telling everyone that this time the system prompt is quite not simple.

[System tips: Players please note that the 3-day novice period of the Great Voyage World has passed, and the next will be to start the newbie trial, from now, in the next 24 hours, all players' surrounding waters will randomly refresh different numbers and levels of pirate warships, successfully sink pirate warships, will get rich system rewards, good luck to all players! ] 】

After reading the prompt information written by the system in big red letters, Ye Bai's heart is falling, what is the situation, the previous 3 days are dangerous enough, if not for Ye Bai's luck, there are materials in every drifting box opened, and he does not dare to guarantee that he can spend these three days safely.

Even Ye Bai is not sure, let alone those other players, I am afraid that many players have spent these three days by bumping, at least when he upgraded the Yanhuang to a gunboat, no other player was able to do this.

But in such a dangerous situation, it is still only a novice period in the system, dare to believe it here?

In the eyes of the system, these three days are just an adaptation period for all players, allowing them to adapt to the rules and dangers of the great navigation world, so when the novice period is over, how dangerous will the world become?

What will happen in the future, Ye Bai has no mind to think about it for the time being, and what he is most concerned about now is the newbie trial that is about to be or has begun.

In the next 24 hours, different numbers and different levels of pirate warships will be randomly refreshed in the waters around the player, which makes this novice trial full of unknowns, lucky, may only refresh out a patrol boat, if you are unlucky, let alone patrol boats, even gunboats and even destroyers may appear.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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