In the morning, Locke walked down the stairs in a black suit, with his hair gelled, looking extremely handsome. Because he had to go to court today, he went to the law firm yesterday afternoon to sign the documents, and then went directly back to Beverly Hills with Marian.

Marian, Li Bo, Jet, Hannah and others were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

Only Marian and Li Bo would go to court today, while Jet and Hannah would go to school as usual.

With the lesson learned last time, they also agreed with Locke’s caution, and the family would try not to appear in public together.

When Marian saw Locke’s outfit, her eyes lit up first, and then she said unhappily: “I told you to wear formal clothes, not Zegna!” Locke was stunned: “Didn’t you tell me to respect the court?” Marian stood up and walked towards him, “You only think about respecting the court, what about the victim’s family? You are dressed so brightly, people will think you are going to a party? This will provoke the emotions of the victim’s family…” Li Bo also said: “Listen to your mother, she is a professional!” Locke was speechless. He had just been dressing up for a long time and had to follow Marian upstairs, but this time he came down quickly. Marian found the formal uniform that Locke used to wear in the CSU (California State University) football team, which also had the logo of the CSU football team. This dark gray suit was customized by Brooks Brother, a local American clothing brand. It is both low-key and can show regional characteristics. Marian folded her hands and looked at Locke, nodding her head: “Now he looks much better, low-key and introverted, but also energetic. The CSU logo should also increase the jury’s favorability. Although it is not a famous school, it is also a positive thing for him to join the LAPD as a CSU graduate. Most people will be tolerant of a righteous young man with a bright future and will be willing to give him another chance…” Locke shrugged, “I am a little nervous because of what you said!” Li Bo urged: “Come and have breakfast first!” … Court lounge. Locke met his defense lawyer, Weissen Smith again. This was the second meeting. The main reason was that the case was relatively simple and there was no need to do too much homework. Weissen Smith is a litigation lawyer at Ham Law Firm. Although Ham Law Firm’s main business is commercial disputes, it also has litigation business. After a brief greeting, Marian said with a smile: “Visen, I’ll leave it to you today!”

Visen Smith looked at Locke’s clothes and saw that there was nothing missing, so he smiled and said: “Marian, I’ll charge you!”

Marian also realized that her words were a bit redundant, and nodded: “OK, then I’ll leave it to you!”

Visen Smith said to Locke: “Marian should tell you that you must remain serious when you go to court. Although you have done a just thing, you must respect life, so you must not laugh. Yes, that’s it, stay cool, don’t have any extra expressions, and don’t need to act…”

“When facing the cross-examination of the other lawyer, you just need to tell the truth. If you don’t want to If you don’t want to answer the question, just say you don’t want to answer it, and leave everything else to me…”

“The judge’s impression is also very important, so you must let the judge see that you respect him very much. What’s wrong?”

Locke turned his head to look at Marian, and Marian turned her head to Weissen Smith and whispered: “Judge Jeff Davis is the husband of the female police inspector who was saved by Locke…”

Wessen Smith was stunned for a moment and smiled: “Marian, if you told me this news in advance, I would give you a discount!”

Locke had always been very relaxed, but after sitting in the defendant’s seat in the court, he felt inexplicably nervous. It was not because he was afraid that the case would be overturned, but because he hated the feeling of being judged.

This kind of thing must be prevented from happening in the future, and no one can judge him.

Uh, it seems that the case in Gaviotas State Forest Park also needs to go to court, as a witness and defendant.

Listening to the court’s statement of the case, Locke’s eyes moved from Jeff Davis to the jury on the side.

There were not 12 people, but 8 people, male and female, old and young, with politically correct skin colors, white, black, brown, and yellow. He found that this group of people listened very seriously.

In fact, he had always sneered at the so-called jury system, thinking that this system was fucked up because the jury members were completely based on their own subjective judgment.

Marian said that some powerful lawyers can infer the jury’s tendency by observing and analyzing the background, personality, logic, and facial expressions of the jury members, so as to know the voting results in advance.

Locke always kept in mind the advice of Marian and Weisen Smith, not to make too many small movements, and not to have too manyThere were many expressions, so he could only observe the people in the courtroom through the corner of his eyes.

Because of his identity, the case was not heard in public, and there were not many people in the audience, all of whom were family members.

Marian and Li Bo looked very serious. Obviously, although the case should not be repeated, they were still worried.

There were more than a dozen family members of the four deceased, including the elderly and children, and they could not help but feel sympathy when they saw it.

Most of these people stared at him with complicated eyes, and many of them were mixed with hatred.

Suddenly, Locke’s peripheral vision swept over a woman with a temperament very different from other family members. This woman was dressed very brightly, wearing a white Chanel slim dress, with a hot body, a Hermes leather bag on her thighs, and a pair of sunglasses on her face, covering her delicate and beautiful face.

But even so, it can still be seen that this woman is definitely a beauty, with thin and sexy red lips, a white swan-like neck, and a tall and winding ravine…

As the court officially opened, the woman took off her sunglasses. Locke was stunned for a moment and immediately thought of who this woman was!

Randy was not bragging. This woman was really beautiful, not inferior to Hollywood movie stars.

This woman should be the fuse of the demise of the Copernicus Organization. It was because Nathan tore off the straps of her suspender skirt when enforcing the law that everything happened.

Isn’t this woman also wanted?

How dare she appear in court openly? Uh, she should have been released on bail.

I followed the woman Yuan Keng last time, but I didn’t expect to see her today. She is really beautiful. She appeared in court as a widow. Is she wearing white to mourn for Sam Brown?

Locke’s eyes condensed. This woman is not just a vase. Just because she felt that Nathan offended her, she sent gunmen to teach Nathan a lesson.

Although the Copernicus Organization was the factor that fueled this incident, this woman is definitely not a fuel-saving lamp. She is a black widow!

Locke originally thought that with the death of Sam Brown and the destruction of the Copernicus Organization, this woman would disappear, but she was still so high-profile!

The white Hermès crocodile bag on her thigh seemed to have just been released. He had seen it in the “VOGUE” that he subscribed to at home. It seemed to cost tens of thousands of US dollars. It seems that this woman is not a gold digger who depends on Sam Brown!

Locke immediately made up his mind that this woman must not be kept.

Because this woman not only looked at him with hatred, but she also glanced at Marian and Li Bo several times!

Damn, I thought I could be stable for a while, but the wind does not stop when the tree wants to be quiet!

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